Monday, April 18, 2022


Never too late



For me, it will always be LA CHAISE-DIEU

where I have watched and enjoyed

all J.S. Bach’s PASSIONEN and so much more.

Founded in 1043, rebuilt by Pope Clement VI in 1342,

and most of it is still standing with music, tapestries

and a Danse Macabre (XVth century)



Dear Friends and colleagues,


Let's think of Easter 2022 as if it were less violent and more serene, but we do have to meditate on the Pope's idea that the West is racist by not treating all refugees with the same care and support. If there can be any hope for Easter, it has to come from the heart and it is the hope elections in the west could be won with the promise of peace and not the clamor and clangor of war. Nearly two thousand years have gone since this Passion and yet humanity has not found its own way to its own resurrection. Do we deserve the world we have, and are, unluckily, messing up?


It is never too late to start believing like Thomas that humanity is not doomed to some obscure perdition.





8 rue de la Chaussée
mob: 07 88 84 22 57

bur: 09 64 04 91 66 


Tuesday, April 12, 2022


Can Wincest become so appealing that it has to be banned?


They HANGED the Winchester Brothers to DRY


It is high time we start considering it is essential to discuss, even with Satan h himself, in order to protect our bottom from the spanking from history, and that spanking is always harsh. Hell is next door and we have the key in our pocket, so let's use it and enjoy eternal heat, which will be perfect in our troubled times when natural gas and oil products are becoming rare and expensive. Let us a-Biden our fate. And that fate will be chaotic and dangerous, though the trouble-makers will find themselves alone in front of the big bears of life which is not a Koala Bear or a Giant Panda. More like a plain grizzly arriving directly from Siberia with a few Siberian tigers. But what happens next is unknown, maybe unplanned, and be sure since more than 80% of US public opinion is for no American GIs in any war, and there elections in November, Ukraine will live its own fate, Taiwan will enjoy its own destiny, and even the Middle East is getting off-limits. They say the Chinese have delivered an anti-aircraft defense system to Serbia. Who is this THEY?, Éditions La Dondaine, 2022


Sunday, April 10, 2022


Try to be realistically symbolic


IFIASA — Symbol or Reality

I just published IFIASA — Call for Papers Symbol and Reality. We are living among symbols and we are drowning in symbols at every step of this life. Pandemic and the symbol of the Black Death is there in our eyes. We speak of vaccination and Pasteur pushes away the charlatans from the Middle Ages, but today the anti-vax come up with new predictions of another end of the world. And a war starts somewhere, and of course, the images are those of the One Hundred Years War of old, or the crusades, or the war against Indians in the Americas, or Count Dracula against the Ottomans. And the nasty Kobold that lives under the sink whispers in the middle of the night, "What about Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and so many others?" These real events become symbols of history and symbols of human vanity in front of life. We have to color it up in any color from black to white and the whole rainbow. And a black woman is confirmed into the Supreme Court in Washington DC. Is it a reality or is it a symbol? Will it change anything, or nothing, or just a few commas and parentheses in the generally conservative tone of the Supreme Court that is supposed to make sure the two-and-a-half-century old constitution is always respected in its very letter? Conservative indeed. They can't and they won't change a single letter in it. Imagine the panic in the USA if tomorrow morning Biden decided to transcribe the Constitution in Cyrillic alphabet as a symbol of their real solidarity with Ukraine?


Saturday, April 09, 2022


Supreme Court, A bipolar chessboard





The Supreme Court Cannot Replace the Political Debate


Justice Breyer is Dangling in a Social Margin

The Supreme Court is a virtual intellectual ghetto in which the justices are locked up from society and are thus protected against all sorts of social movements, pandemics, and other illnesses and sicknesses like ideological campaigns, advertising bombardments, and simple human and humane considerations. They are only dealing with the constitution, mind you, if you have a mind of course. They are only dangling non-modifiers in the margin of real-life and the comfort of the upper class.


Retirement in March. Hurry up! If all goes well, his successor, they say a black woman, will be elected and confirmed by the Vice-President herself. Provided all fifty Democrat Senators accept to vote as one unified body. I doubt many Republican Senators, if any, would dare to vote for a black woman appointed by Biden seen by the Republicans as a communist traitor for their mid-term elections. And during that time the ex-First Lady is failing to sell some of her "things" for a fortune. She is going to starve this month, I guess.


And it all went well and in April 2022 the successor was confirmed. She will be black as expected but she was confirmed on the razor’s edge, or nearly so, with only three Republican Senators voting for her, 53 to 47. And do not believe them when they say it was because she is known to be too lenient with this or that case or type of cases. They were reluctant to get a black woman into the Supreme Court. With her in the court, the ideological balance will not change, but she will be heard a lot more than anyone else, including the Justice she replaces, because she will write dissents that will be extremely strong on basic arguments about the dignity of people mistreated and manhandled by the police, by violent citizens, if citizens at all, and by all the bureaucratic institutions, even schools where school boards are today manipulated by some parents who force the boards into some consensus meaning narrow-minded bigotry on sex, gender, slavery, black history, and even antisemitic decisions they impose by blackmailing the boards with the menace of public opinion if they were “obliged” to go to the press if their positions were not approved, or at least tolerated, which amounts to the same blind alley or cul-de-sac. 2022

Thursday, April 07, 2022


Possessed by Beauty being soiled




12-Century-Old Graffiti


After Sri Lanka's King Kasyapa’s fall in 495 CE, Sigiriya goes back to being religious probably with pilgrimages. Many visitors are proved and documented. Inside the Mirror Wall covered with a special lustrous plaster, all along with the gallery under the frescoes, between the 9th and the 13th centuries, essentially between the 9th and 11th centuries, visitors inscribed small poems in traditional form composed of two or four lines in full agreement with contemporary poetics. Note this confirms a high educational level among the visitors. These small poems known as the Sigiri Graffiti are most of the time signed and we thus can know the names and social positions of their authors. There are about 1,200 poems of which about 900 have been published: 685 by Dr S. Paranavitana in 1956 and 150 in 1990 and 1994 by Benille Priyanka who is working on the remaining 300 or so. In the following selection, I used the year of publication, 56, 90, and 94, and the number in these publications to identify them.

This is a translation in English and in French of a selection of Sigiri Graffiti.


Sigiri Graffiti (Excerpts English)


90 – 15

Many people the lion greet

Beg him t’ see the attractive girls

Who stay so close to water lilies

Their skin so blue next to Sihi (Sinha)


90 – 17

Heaven’s lady the blowing wind    

Grieves with you your departed King

The jungle birds only presence

Your sorrow hear listen witness


90 – 21

Climb’d and climb’d up that Si-gi-ri

Sight delightful south West north East

This nature thrills mind and senses

The words she spoke tuned my ‘ttention


Sigiri Graffiti (Extraits Français)


90 – 15

De nombreux visiteurs

Saluent le Lion

Le supplient de montrer

Ses filles d’attrait

Tout proches de lui

Nénuphars de la nuit

Douce peau si bleue

Aux côtés de Sihi


90 – 17

Nymphes de paradis

Le vent gémissant

Lui aussi gémit triste

A la mort du Roi

De votre douleur

Les oiseaux de la jungle

Seuls tristes témoins

Écoutent avec soins


90 – 21

Monté escaladé

Ce roc Sigiri

Une vue imprenable

Sur les quatre vents

De l’esprit, des sens

Nature paroxysme

Les mots qu’elle dit

Mon attention ravie


Print Length: 95 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.

Language: English and French

ASIN: B00EZ412A4

Text-to-Speech: Enabled 

Price: US$ 9.80; Euro 7.41; GB£ 6.13; INR 350

Tuesday, April 05, 2022


Slavery is bad, Racist Slavery is a lot worse


Slavery in the USA


I just published Slavery in the USA. Slavery was not invented in the USA. It has been a scourge of humanity and developed when agriculture emerged after the ice age in the Magdalenian around 12,000 years BCE. Anglo-Saxons in America were plain fools. They made it a real industry by systematically strengthening what the Spaniards and Portuguese were already doing, turning what was a crime into something like a holocaust. We have to consider tens of millions of people were imported as slaves to the English colonies in North America and probably fifty percent of the Africans captured or bought in Africa never reached America, and were thrown overboard during the voyage, mostly dead or plainly sick. and yet it was one of the most profitable commercial enterprises in the whole history of humanity. But the Anglo-Saxons based their reasoning on a fully racist opinion that became so deeply engraved in the American consciousness that it is the core of the US constitution and all possible corrections introduced since 1789 cannot erase the racism so deeply imprinted in the minds of the whites in these USA. White supremacy is the very starting point of America, and there is probably no cure for this sin, some will say, crime, I do say.


Éditions La Dondaine,, 2022

Sunday, April 03, 2022


Will we have to learn Ukrainian or Russian?




I just published OBJECTIVE 2024 In our modern globalized world, multilingualism has to become the norm for everyone, not only for an elite, both educated elite and migrating "anti-elite." Teaching foreign languages and translating machines are crucial. But such translating machines have problems. Can they be held accountable for the incidents or accidents that may occur because of their unfaithfulness or even inaccuracy? If machines cannot be taken to court, who can? The owner of the machine, the worker on the machine, or the inventor and designer of the machine? Can the Artificial Intelligence in the machine be considered criminal if at least one person dies in an accident caused by a translation of this AI that is not clear, or is even defective? And what about cultural misunderstanding, if not mistranslating? Can a cultural group consider they have been betrayed by a translator and his or her translation? Can the concerned people go to court to request some reparations? And once again who is accountable, considering the machine cannot be? If we widen the scope of such translating machines to literary or poetic documents, then these machines are highly incompetent because they have no poetic or fictional intelligence,; and what's more, like all translations  , they cannot cope with highly creative uses of language because they are no poets and no fiction writers.


Amazon Discussion

Translation will become crucial in our globalized world, which means it will have to be taught along with foreign languages, and machines will have to be devised to enable daily, constant, and both feasible and trustworthy translating. How can this be done?


 Éditions La Dondaine,, 2022

Artificial Intelligence,  *  Translation Studies,  *  Accountability,  *  Translation  *  ttps://

Friday, April 01, 2022


Many languages to learn in a multilinguistic world






Pour étudiants ou enseignants d’anglais francophones


Elle fut inventée et élaborée sur de nombreuses années de pratique et mise en ligne pour la première fois à l’Université de Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, centre de Tolbiac en face de Chinatown.

J’ai mis les cinq parties en ligne sur il y a déjà quelques années. Je propose ici les cinq liens des cinq parties sur ce site pour faciliter la navigation.

1ère partie : Le syntagme nominal ais_Partie_1

2ème partie : Le syntagme verbal ais_Partie_2

3ème partie : L’énoncé ais_Partie_3

4ème partie : Les utilitaires ais_Partie_4

5ème partie : Introduction aux exercices (tous corrigés) ais_Partie_5


Je vous prie instamment d’utiliser sans modération ces 301 pages. Si vous remarquez des erreurs – et je suis sûr qu’il y en a – veuillez avoir la gentillesse de me les signaler. Je mettrai à jour régulièrement.



ADDENDUM : RÉFÉRENCES de tous les exemples utilisés dans la grammaire

Africa, Frank, in Mumia, Abu-Jamal, 1995

Alex, T.S., Mind Mine, recueil de poésies autoédité, San Antonio, Texas, 1999

Bellow, Saul, Ravelstein, Viking, New York, 2000®, Online Research Panel, Official Sweepstakes Rules, The Internet, Los Angeles, 2000

Borland, Hal, When the Legends Die, Bantam, New York, 1984

Bunyan, John, The Pilgrim’s Progress, Whitaker House, New York, 1981

Burghardt DuBois, W.E., The Souls of Black Folks, Fawcette Publications, Greenwich, Connecticut, 1961

Chapman, Robert L., PhD, American Slang, Harper and Row, New York, 1987

Conrad, Earl, The Premier, Lancer Books, New York, 1963

Dickens, Charles, The Mystery of Edwin Drood, OUP, Oxford, 1956

Drapeau, Louis L., The Future of Risk Management : Are You Reading the Signs of the Times ?, The Internet, 2000

Ellis, Bret Easton, American Psycho, Picador, Londres, 1991

Ellison, Ralph, Juneteenth, Vintage International, New York, 1999

Garland, Alex, The Beach, Penguin Books, Londres, 1996

Goddard, Robert, Set in Stone, Bantam, Londres, 1999

Harris, Robert, Archangel, Jove Books, New York, 1999

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, The Scarlet Letter, Washington Square Press, New York, 1970

Hodge, John, The Beach A Screenplay, Faber & Faber, London, 2000

Huebner, Andrew, American by Blood, Anchor, Londres, 2000

Hull, Raymond, “Introduction,” in Peter, Dr Laurence J., 1970

Joyce, James, Ulysses, Penguin, Londres, 1975

Marlowe, Christopher, Doctor Faustus, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1993

Mumia, Abu-Jamal, Live from Death Row, Avon Books, New York, 1995

Murdoch, Iris, Bruno’s Dream, Dell Publishing Company, New York, 1970

Murdoch, Iris, The Green Knight, Chatto, and Windus, Londres, 1993

Peter, Dr Laurence J., The Peter Principle, Bantam, New York, 1970

Reed, Ishmael, The Free-Lance Pallbearers, Bantam, New York, 1967

Rice, Anne, The Queen of the Damned, Futura, Londres, 1990

Seeger, Pete, American Favorite Ballads, Oak Publications, New York, 1961

Shakespeare, William, Antony and Cleopatra, Spring Books, Londres, 1965

Skeat, Walter W., Concise Etymological Dictionary of the English Language, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1965

Taylor, Richard J., “The Art of Digital Techniques in the Broadcast Studio,” SMPTE, Scarsdale, New York, 1982

Townsend, Sue, The Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13¾, Methuen, Londres, 1982

Tropper, Jonathan, Plan B, St Martin’s Press, New York, 2000

Walker, Margaret, Jubilee, Bantam, New York, 1967



Dans la montagne un Génie féminin est une Génisse.


 Grisoiseries de Montagne

La Montagne Lascive du Père Fouettard


Quand on essaie en 2021 de capturer le visage de l’avenir sur la base de tout ce que l’on a vécu ou souffert dans le passé, on est pris d’un doute sans fin et sans texture, d’un doute qui vous échappe tout en vous envahissant. La vie est-elle quelque chose qui suit une logique au moins existentielle, et peut-être objective et scientifique ? Mais comment en serait-il ainsi puisque la science est une invention de l’homme dans sa longue vie sur cette terre depuis qu’il a gravi les premiers échelons qui l’ont fait passer d’Erectus à Sapiens il y a 300 000 ans, oui trois cent mille ans, ce qui n’est pas une paille, mais n’est pas non plus une botte de foin bottelée dans le pré derrière ma maison par la botteleuse mécanique ? Ou devons-nous poser que la science existait dans le cosmos, dans la nature avant que nous ne l’inventions, l’élaborions, la construisions, et donc voilà que nous n’aurions fait que la découvrir, mais nous avons perdu le livre car chaque étape est un recommencement incessant et insensé, incessamment insensé dans la durée ?

Pris de ce vertige existentiel nous nous tournons, nous nous contorsionnons du côté du centre de l’alphabet grec et Omicron se rue sur nos âmes et nous colonise comme si nous n’étions que des esclaves prêts à nous mettre au service de ce cosmos qui nous déglutira quand il en décidera son propre besoin, car nous ne sommes que de la vulgaire chair à cosmos. […]

 Jacques COULARDEAU, Olliergues le 9 décembre 2021.


Ni Ange, Ni Diable : Narquoiseries Grivoises du Livradois


Depuis au moins vingt ans les travaux picturaux, parfois d’écriture, souvent de musique d’Annunzio Coulardeau comme accompagnent les travaux d’écriture en poésie, contes, fiction et recherche de Jacques Coulardeau. Le présent recueil regroupe de nombreux textes de l’un et de l’autre et pour l’essentiel une riche iconographie d’Annunzio Coulardeau la plupart du temps sous le pseudonyme de Hallal.

Les nouvelles, contes et poèmes de ce recueil sont dans le style plutôt rugueux et caustique de la montagne du Livradois, pour sûr, et un peu du Forez. La culture de cette région montagneuse et volcanique de France est très richement illustrée par l’œuvre d’Henri Pourrat et surtout de son Gaspard des Montagnes. Cet imaginaire a à faire avec des êtres nocturnes inquiétants comme les Dracs (c’est bien la même racine linguistique que le Conte Roumain célèbre), ou les sorcières Galipotes. Un très riche héritage ancien de contes et mythes sont conservés et aujourd’hui deviennent aussi la matière première et l’inspiration d’une création nouvelle. Les esprits un peu fragiles devraient s’abstenir car certaines situations sont un peu scabreuses parfois.

Dans ce recueil, un conte de Noël a été intégré qui regroupe des traditions européennes diverses dans une histoire de l’ordre de l’expérience surréaliste que l’on peut effectivement mettre entre toutes les mains ou lire aux enfants avant le coucher le 24 décembre.

Les illustrations révèlent chez l’artiste Hallal une propension à dépasser la surface de la réalité pour trouver au-delà des formes qui surprennent souvent par simple travail plastique de couleurs et de formes, mais aussi de traitement informatique d’images. L’idée générale qui ressort c’est que la réalité n’est qu’une surface largement trompeuse, même si cette surface semble lisse et non-dérangeante. L’âme des choses et des êtres de cette œuvre picturale est torturée de désirs, passions et instincts qui relèvent souvent de la plus horrible nature. Nous avons tous un être difforme qui niche en nous comme une hirondelle dans son nid, du moins entre deux migrations.

Entrez donc dans l’aventure, mais laissez toutes vos illusions humaines derrière vous si vous voulez les retrouver quand vous sortirez de cet univers fantasques.



8 rue de la Chaussée, 63880 OLLIERGUES, France

(33+)7 88 84 22 57


Kindle ASIN : B09NDPKK66

Éditions La Dondaine; 1ère édition (9 décembre 2021)

Langue : Français

Nombre de pages imprimée : 242 pages

€9,00   $9,99

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