Friday, December 20, 2019


Mortifère Mourlevat

Dance Macabre Mourlevat

Jean-Claude Mourlevat est un auteur gâté par les publics de lycée, d'enfants qui cherchent un dépaysement sans frayeur et acceptable pour les  parents qui restent toujours derrière, ou parfois devant.
Ce roman est autobiographique dans son style mais déguisé par quelques changements de noms ou de lieux, y compris un lieu fictif.
C'est le souvenir extrêmement à sens et culture uniques d'un personnage sur son enfance, sa jeunesse et quatre amis qu'il s'est faits au collège et lycée. Comment vont-ils se retrouver quarante ans plus tard qu'en il ont atteint l'âge canonique de la retraite sans qu'on en parle du tout.
Silvère est si étroitement ombilical et égocentrique qu'une fois devenu écrivain à succès il n'a même pas eu la délilcatesse de payer une soirée à l'opéra à sa mère fotalement folle d'opéra. Demandez-vous comment il a pu oublier de faire cela. Parce que sa mère n'est pas sa mère? Parce que sa mère biologique est morte en lui donnant naissance? Parce que son père n'est peut-être pas son père mais en fait son oncle? Et il n'a pas le courage d'ouvrir les tests ADN faits à Montréal et qui donne la réponse.
Silvère est un être tordu et parfaitrement pervers avec ses propres amis. La fin du roman est d'un égoïsme qui n'a pas d'égal, un égoîsme mortifère.

Publication Date: 2019
Publication Name:

Thursday, December 19, 2019


Romania is so close at times


SUMMARY. Phylogeny Commands Psychogenesis. To learn a foreign language necessarily remaps the learning of the first languages in children. I will first study the necessary stages in the learning of the first language. The mind's development contributes to the mastering of the first language, which, in turn, is also beneficial to the mind. To teach a second language to a monolingual child challenges the mental construction of his first language and forces the child to restructure his mind, constructed, to this point, by and for the first language. Some pedagogical shortcuts can produce mistakes. To learn a second language is to reactivate the phylogeny of language, particularly of the first and second languages concerned, and this reactivated phylogeny must be invested into the psychogenesis of language, particularly of the first and second languages concerned.

Doi: 10.24193/subbphilo.2019.4
Publication Date: 2019
Publication Name: Studia UBB Philologia

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


Fantastic science fiction dircetly from heavy metal Romania

Serban VC Enache, Barbaric God from Xibalba

Romania is in Europe but not in the Eurozone. Serban VC Enache represents the new generation of the Eurosceptics in Romania who tries to express his vision of the world of tomorrow both with political ideas and positions, but also with his science fiction or techno-heavy-metal fantasy to depict the dangers we are running into and these dangers are a very thick wall.
His science-fiction or fantasy is sure worth a trip to Bucharest, and you will be able to discover the music of God, The Barbarian Horde, and that of George Enescu if you like things slightly lighter.
Don't believe those who will tell you food is bad in Romania. That's a lie and in the Northern Train Station, you will have all kinds of very tasty Romanian fast food. Be adventurous.

Publication Date: 2019
Publication Name:

Sunday, December 15, 2019


Marginalism is the lot of 10% of our societies


A British shameless series at first, it turned into a US shameless series too. But there is something strange in these series. They look at a group of people who are social marginals, rejected by society and more or less permitted or tolerated to steal or racket a surviving living in a society where working is the rule, except for these hobos, homeless or whatever claimants you can call them.
Alcohol, drugs, and sex are the three tits of the udder they live from and this udder is called black market, thievery, and racketeering.  On the American side of the Dream, they try to become businesspeople, but they cannot make anything straight and they are fooled or tricked all the time, every single time. They turn pathetic and they make empathy impossible. And be sure if things don't go the way they want then they become vicious, vociferous and voracious. They can eat a whole army of people they dislike just for fun.
On one hand the ancestors of the strictest Brexiteers and on the other hand the loudest MAGA supporters. They are the ambassadors of the apocalypse coming to get us all to Hell.

Saturday, December 14, 2019


The Handmaids are rebelling

Dystopic Women’s Slavery

The Handmaid's Tale is now a couple of volumes of very good quality and a TV series. The first season was good. the second season was less good. the third season is very good.
What's bothering is that it has become a strongly anti-religion manifesto against an Old Testament fundamentalistic theocratic republic in the USA. That is dystopic for sure, but it is so extreme that it becomes unbelievable and quite many details are not correct, are not possible.
In the same way it is bothering to reduce the slavery imposed onto women to a unique specific anti-women attitude that can only be rejected by women. There is little hope if this women's movement does not have the support of at least some men.
This centering of sexual discrimination only on women is wrong. How many boys, as well as girls, could say #METOO as for being taken advantage of or raped, and not only by Catholic priests?

Editions La Dondaine, 2019
Publication Name:

Friday, December 13, 2019


Transperverse Tales

Chez La Merlusse à Mourlevat

Dans le Massif Central, à près de 700 mètres d'altitude vous trouvez un petit village appelé Job, un nom privilégié à la fois biblique et Pôle Emploi. Dans ces hauteurs moyennes vivent des êtres interlopes qui sont prêts à tout pour survivre loin de tout et surtout loin du monde administratif.
Fernandel avait rendu célèbrer uine auberge du crime. Alain Mourlevat veut rendre célèbre La Merlusse, une hostellerie du sexe, du trafic de tout ce que vous voulez et d'une réceptioon musclée des agents des impôts.
Ses personnages sont tous plus ou moins, plutôt plus d'ailleurs, pervers, transmutant et glauque comme autant de matins d'hiver sans soleil mais pleins de brouillard épais. C'est distrayant, amusant, cocasse même, mais ce monde-là, ma chère, ce monde-là a heureusement disparu, sauf bien sûr dans la mémoire des réfugiés en fuite des enfers urbains, comme si la montagne n'était pas un enfer.
Bonne lecture, mes petits lecteurs, et gardez vos mains sur la table.

Medium. Com 2019

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Nothing is sweeter than strong music

Music is life and life is music

Christmas is the most pagan festival you can imagine. It is dedicated to a simple pine tree or a fir tree if you are lucky. It is centering all our attention on presents to give to others and to receive from others. It is cultivating our gluttony and appetite, thirst and food-greed, I mean greed for food, with no real hunger. We choose on that occasion the heaviest and fattest and greasiest food we can find, and all our desserts are concocted with fresh cream, chocolate, butter, and all possible unhealthy stuff, like sugar, even when eaten in moderation. And consider the drinks: as high in alcohol as we can imagine, nothing but alcoholic beverages of any kind, and for some people laced with cannabis.

In all our traditions, Christmas, in spite of its name, is nothing but a distraction from all possible good motivations we could nurture. Christ is mostly forgotten. Hanukah is vastly secondary. And those are only two examples. The old Celtic or Germanic traditions are not even thought of or hinted at. We have become a herd of unconscious consuming machines who will sell on eBay or on some black market all the presents we got on that occasion.

So, I may think it is high time to retire into our mind, spirit and soul, and to start to think of the real beauty of this world, the real beauty of this humanity, the creative inventions and works of art they have produced over several hundred centuries, at least three or four hundred centuries. It is high time we start meditating on the beauty of our very own artistic production, and first of all our music. So, get to the 94 pages I offer you for this Christmas and start getting the CDs, the DVDs and the books and dive or delve into them. You will find a few golden nuggets in the ground nutmeg you sprinkle in your coffee


Editions La Dondaine 2019

Sunday, December 08, 2019


There is no end in plotting theories!

Who in Hell is this Nazi John Smith?

Some say populism leads directly to fascism, maybe even fascism. Are they right? And what would fascism or Nazism be in the USA? If, for instance, the allies had lost in 1945? That was highly improbable due to the Soviet Union, but with the anti-Soviet hostility of the Anglo-Saxon allies, everything could have been possible, especially if Truman had been president slightly earlier, and if this Truman had had the Atom Bomb in early 1944. But Stalingrad just made the dystopic tale improbable and teh Atom bomb being ready only in 1945, it could not be dropped on Soviet Troops in Poland, for example, or in Moscow. Everything would have been ^possible with Truman. But let's imagine it could have happened. What would it mean in the USA? Unluckily the Stephen King-ian method of having two worlds, one on top of the other with one passage from one to the other (Think of The Dark Tower or The Talisman) is weak at the end because none of the fundamental questions are solved: how will the two worlds reunite?

Publication Date: 2019
Publication Name:

Tuesday, December 03, 2019


We all need a little Faust in our mental cupboard

Philip Humm’s Very Last Faust

Dr. Faustus plunges his deepest roots in our Middle Ages and the first great artistic recuperation seems to be Marlowe's play, "Dr. Faustus." Then there are a few great dates and moments for that Faust. Goethe is, of course, essential with his "Faust 1 & 2." Then Berlioz's "Damnation de Faust." Then Gounod's "Faust." Mephisto(pheles) was also the subject of many musical compositions. The Latest Faust I know in this field is Pascal Dusapin's "Faustus, The Last Night," 2006.

Philip Humm's "The Last Faust" is interesting by the desire to transfer Faust from the Middle Ages or bourgeois puritan Germany to the modern world and Artificial Intelligence. You may think the work is more about the dangers of AI than about Faust, but you can read it as if Faust had always represented the dangers of knowledge and science in the human world, which is the oldest fundamentalistic belief and imposed credo of the Catholic church, and in many ways of the Lutheran and Puritan churches and chapels, if not sects, starting after the more than 50% death toll of the Black Death starting its tour de force in 1449 in Europe. Faust is in a way a salvaging Danse Macabre (check the one in La Chaise-Dieu, France.

Faust is one of the oldest myths in Europe that does not have to do with Christianity directly but only indirectly, via the mythical Mepshitopheles and the fundamentalism of the Catholic, Lutheran, and Puritan ethical/unethical dictatorships. Can we think Faust in a modern technical and scientific world? Can Artificial Intelligence be the perverting invention that could disrupt humanity into extinction faster than Climate Change, or in association with Climate Change? These questions are central for us and our students. Research is just starting to envisage this question.

Publication Date: 2019
Publication Name:

Sunday, December 01, 2019


Ils sont enfin sortis du placard

 Contreténors: La plénitude vocale masculine

La résurgence des contreténors dans notre culture vocale occidentale est une véritable révolution pour plusieurs raisons.
1- C'est la fin d'une longue hostilité pour des raisons d'ordre idéologique, moral et religieux, bref par conservatisme éthique nourrissant une cécité artistique absurde.
2- C'est le retour du troisième niveau de voix masculine qui permet aujourd'hui de retrouver la plénitude qui existait du temps de Henry Purcell avec les contreténors anglais de l'époque et ensuite avec Haendel, un grand compositeurs pour les castrats de la même époque.
3- C'est le retour de la possibilité de mettre sopranos et contreténors face à face  et donc de démultiplierr les possibilités vocales dans le haut du registre vocal.
4- C'est le retour d'une justice artistique, car les contreténors aujourd'hui sont enfin reconnus dans la beauté de leur chant et de leur voix et non rejetés pour des préjugés d'un autre temps, d'un autre siècle dont l'Occident devrait avoir honte et faire amende.

Publication Date: 1979
Publication Name:
Music  *  Justice  *  Vocal Pedagogy  *  Beauty  *  Singing

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