Saturday, February 17, 2024


Just the proper amount of time




Duration is all that plants and animals experience. They last as long as either possible or necessary. When the phylogenic target of bringing in the next generation of life is fulfilled, the plant or the animal can die or wither away. Homo Sapiens, and probably most Hominins developed from experience the need to measure this duration, at first in days and nights, and then in clusters of days and nights. Then they can coordinate their observations and notice some cosmic items go through regular existential cycles, first of all, the sun rising or lowering in the sky with shortening or lengthening days and nights. Second, the moon and its phases are numbered as two, four, or three, but systematically waxing and waning. You can easily measure all that in solar days and that is the beginning of time: a human invention quantifying the duration of anything in observable regular elements.


From what we know the Mayas were among the most advanced people for such time-quantification and they developed all sorts of calendars to do this. But they were neither the first one nor the last one. They were not the best either, though they were very good. I will even say that all the lines of dots or check marks or squares or other geometric forms we can find in all the caves in the world in which Hominins and Homo Sapiens lived and that they decorated in many ways are the quantification of various phenomena, though we don’t always know which ones.


This book by Hunbatz Men concentrates on Mayan calendars but in modern language and modern terms, not necessarily in the real Mayan terms at the time, up to 3,000 years ago. It assumes the Mayas were aware of the leap years, though we do not seem to have any real reason to believe so. The author does not work on any serious lunar hypothesis, maybe a calendar. It vaguely mentions but does not explore the Venus cycles as Morning Star and as Evening Star. To work on the Pleiades, why not, yet one question does not concern such a long cycle but the simple working of the ritualistic 260-day Tzolk’in Calendar that is out of sync with the solar calendar, the 365-day Haab Calendar, and even more so if we consider the 360-day Haab Calendar, and how the ritual activities dictated by the Tzolk’in Calendar can be prescribed and predicted and performed when their Tzolk’in dates can fall at any time, in any season in the Haab Calendar. It is hard enough to coordinate the 12-and-a-half moon cycles over a solar calendar, but many civilizations are dealing with it and managing it with cyclical corrections.


That’s why it would have been good to give us some elements on this very same problem with the Tzolk’in calendar when we can compare with the difficult adaptation of the Muslim Lunar ritualistic calendar to the Gregorian calendar. The floating Ramadan is the result of this necessary adaptation. In other words, the present book is slightly short. Comment

Jacques Coulardeau uploaded a paper

To explore the Maya capture of time is interesting but we have to go back to what it was at least one thousand years ago. It is too easy to use a completely corrected set of data that fit in the modern apprehension of time. But it is one flexible door to historical truth.


Jacques Coulardeau

2024 • Éditions La Dondaine,

 Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

Maya Art,  *  Time Perception,  *  Cosmic Rays,  *  Calendars,  *  Pleiades

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


The kings of the road when there were no roads left




To bring together South Africa in the days of apartheid and from the point of view of the white Afrikaners with the tremendous career of Queen with Freddie Mercury and after his death without him shows how ahead of their times this band was when they started as a boys’ band and then when they matured into a full-fledged career.


Apartheid and racism bring segregation and discrimination which systematically reject differences. No future for those who do not have the skin color, the religion, the language, the sexuality, the musical affiliation, even as a simple audience, as the dominant, selected, elected, chosen entity that only has god and science over their heads. And their God has chosen these people to be his chosen people, and these people chosen by God believe what God has explained to them that science justifies their elected-ness, selected-ness or chosen-ness. They are the acme of the creation, and all others are just plain rejects that no one has the heart to destroy.


But be sure God will do it some day. Which god since there are many if not even plenty? Who cares. Each God will recognize his own supporters when they are all dead.


But then you may have no supporters at all, dear God or Gods. It does not really matter. We don’t need these supporters to eat, drink and survive. We have all we need in heaven and the sky. In fact, it was a mistake of ours to have created humanity. The planet would be so much better with none of the human parasites.


Meet the Madman Prophet, who is most the time mixed up with the other God Profit who is universal and derails every so many years, not so many as you may think every ten years or so. But with this God there is always a small population that manages to store away what they need to take over when the crisis has come to an end and the dead victims have been buried or cremated. Comment

Jacques Coulardeau uploaded a paper

To bring together these two cultural works, one from the recent cinema about the past of South African, the other one the whole career of the mythic group Queen with the just as mythical Freddie Mercury


Jacques Coulardeau

2024 • Éditions La Dondaine,

 Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

Segregation,  *  Race and Racism,  *  Apartheid,  *  Freedom of movement,  *  Ostracism

Monday, February 12, 2024


From Ambert to Comoro and back


Poetry Prison Comoro, Railings All Around


An interesting experiment to bring a poetry workshop in a prison For us who have lived in the mythology of Johnny Cash and San Quentin, and all his songs and work about and in prisons there is nothing strange about that But what happens afterward? The inmates get some satisfaction in their work, writing poetry and singing, slamming, or whatever it may be, but what’s next after their prison term? No reason to reject the experiment but a follow-up action is necessary to know what these men – and it is only men – have become or will become when they get out of the railings, out of the cage. We are not all Johnny Cash, are we?


Since this operation was sponsored by Alliance Française, it would be nice to know what kind of follow-up work this Alliance Française is going to perform. The responsibility cannot be the poet’s. But it is interesting to be confirmed one more time that there are many ways for prison inmates to reform. One element is not taken into account. 98% of the population is Sunni Muslims. What is the impact of it on such an experiment? What does Islam bring to the experiment that would otherwise not be there? Étienne Russias should try to show us this dimension, since, as far as I know, he is a standard young man educated in the Christian traditions, maybe not the religion, but the traditions definitely like being christened, being buried religiously, being married religiously. How did he deal with a 98 percent Muslim group? How many Muslims were taking part, among the inmates and the workshop workers?


But that’s the beginning of the intelligent globalization we need, a globalization that is founded on differences and not some Westernized homogenization. However, the text produced by the various poetry animators and by the various inmates are not identified as such, so we do not know who is who and what is what. Only two names on the cover and hence two beneficiaries of royalties. Comment

Jacques Coulardeau uploaded a paper

The question of prison reform is fascinating. This experiment of a French team supported by Alliance Française to help prisoners in Comoro, inmates reforming themselves with poetry and music, is surprising for a country that is 98% Sunni Muslim. What is the impact of it on the workshop, on the poetry produced by the inmates, is there any guidance to make them remain off religious questions (French laïcité), etc? It is all the same interesting to follow the experiment if there is any follow-up work with the inmates that took part.

 Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

Music,  *  Poetry,  *  Prisons,  *  Prison and Corrections Reforms, Restorative Justice

Monday, February 05, 2024


The Incas have been pushed aside for centuries, even by Tintin




(No French Translation) The Incas partly inherited and partly developed phenomenal agriculture in the very hard conditions of the Andes: desertic areas, difficult water resources, high altitude, no real draft animal, no wheel, and yet the Andes before and under the Incas produced miraculous results that the Spaniards destroyed in a few years with epidemics and mass killing.


It is easy to say the Incas were barbarians and that covers the genocide, the culturicide, the systematic uprooting and exposing of anything they could have believed or done, based on NO direct contact with them before the “conquest” that must have killed 50% of the population in two or three years with smallpox and other infantile and childhood diseases, plus a few sword killings when there was some resistance.


Unluckily, Gordon McEwan does not really come to a clear vision in his book because he only bases his work on what has been collected by others essentially on the only source of some Spanish colonizers trying to justify the massacre and apocalyptic colonization. The real barbarians were the colonizers, and it is their testimony that is nearly only taken into account. Archaeology is about one century behind what it is in other regions of the world.


Things have slightly changed over the last ten years, but we are still a long way behind what we should have done. That leaves the door open to some like Hunbatz Men pretending the Mayas, Incas and many other Indigenous Native Americans are the descendants of the humanoid people who were established in two continents that have disappeared without leaving any trace of their existence behind them, Mu and Atlantis. And then it is easy to bring in that the inhabitants of these two disappeared continents were extra-humans from some distant civilization who landed on earth and prospered and then found some humanoid animals there and civilized them. We are their descendants, I mean of these extra-humanly civilized humanoid animals from long ago.


Maybe we could simply ask some questions about the origins of the Incas, the Mayas, and many other native American peoples of South and Meso-America. We know the Native Americans of North America and Canada up to Greenland came from Siberia. But that solution is not, feasible for the Native Americans of South and Meso-America. But we are so mentally colonized by North American Protestant Puritans who believe they are the center of the world that research about South America and Mesoamerica has scandalously been neglected. Some mental colonization of this type is also a genocide since it excludes millions of people from what these North American WASPs call the “human race” which is of course white, etc.

Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

11 Pages

Archaeology,  *  Genocide Studies,  *  Human sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion),  *  Andes,  *  Incas

Friday, February 02, 2024


Cheating in the Olympic Games, Shame on you, Shameless Cheater




L’Olimpiade is an opera on a libretto that was extremely popular in the 18th century in Italy and Europe. The plot is in many ways repulsive: cheating in the Olympic Games. Stealing the woman your friend loves and who loves your friend. Getting rid of the first lover you had for a woman you desire but who will never love you since she loves your friend. She knows you are a cheater, a monster in many ways.

But her father, the king of Sicione is even worse. He had had in the past his son exposed to the sea, in other words, thrown into the sea when a newborn for him to drown. Then he turned his daughter into the prize of a sports event, a fight of some type between several champions: the winner can marry the daughter. Obnoxious.

And he discovers the cheater he has just condemned to be sacrificed on the main altar of the city is his son. He does not even beg for pity and forgiveness. He just accepts the situation and decides – like the king he pretends to be – the son will marry the woman he abandoned in Crete and his friend will marry his daughter, I mean the king’s daughter of course.

How can you save such a pathetic plot? In the 18th century, it was already difficult. Think of The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart or Le Marriage de Figaro by Beaumarchais. The main nobleman, a count if I remember well these useless but meaningful details, sees his authority, his privileges rejected and contained by his wife and the servants of the house, Figaro of course first of all. How can we today find it funny to celebrate a cheater, a liar, a vindicative violent person, and it all has to, ought to, and must be excused because of his drastic fate dictated by his own father and a disobedient servant who is the only humane and modern character: A servant does not have to obey an order if it goes against his own ethics.

Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

Cheating and Plagiarism,  *  Baroque Music,  *  Olympic Games,  *  Obnoxious,  *  ópera

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