Sunday, October 30, 2022


70 years later, the Cold War is still very hot


Conspirational Cold War


I just published Conspirational Cold War. Such conspiracy theory, scientifically proved as the only solution for the future by some mathematics, is the most enslaving dystopia. Good morning Ukraine. And the idea that a few dozen people are controlling the whole world that follows a route that was determined - by whom? - a long long time ago and can't be derailed is nothing but absolute fascism. What is surprising is that a Jewish author can so easily defend all sorts of genocides, not to mention ecocides and culturocides. rue enough, one year later, in the light of the defeat in Korea such a fable became absurd. Strangely enough, this utter propaganda was never filmed in Hollywood. There must be a reason for this rejection.


Éditions La Dondaine, 2022

Globalization,  *  Dystopian Literature,  *  Conspiracy Theories,  *  Science Fiction,  *  Imperialism

Tuesday, October 18, 2022


The guide is blind and guided by the kids


Guided Self-Learning Literacy

Who guides who? The teacher or the high school kids?


I just published Guided Self-Learning Literacy, the future of globalized communication in a multilingual world. We have to learn, each of us, at least 3 languages. Altogether 12 languages, at least, must become the most common communicational tools. And only blind people can imagine that Russian and Chinese could not be among these 12 languages. But it is true quite a few people, in their own countries, or internationally would like to ban some languages, though then English seems to be the dragon that has to be killed according to the left-leaning Gremlins who want to block history in the name of a working class that is disappearing, or in the name of a return (meaning going back) to some organic, natural, limited consumption of commodities like electricity. But try to suggest they should cut on airconditioning or heating beyond 20°C, on driving their cars, even electric cars, using their telephone working on electricity in the batteries, or getting rid of their electric bicycles, and you would have a revolution of the middle and upper middle classes.


Éditions La Dondaine, 




Friday, October 14, 2022


Let us reject a one-language homogenized world


Plurilingualism in A Globalized world (3 videos at the end, 95 minutes)


I won't be able to go. Too bad. It is not a video conference. Too sad. The world of tomorrow is being born and yet delivery is difficult. The world is in the smartphones we use all the time. In the Virtual Reality we enjoy from time to time and will enjoy all the time soon. In the Artificial Intelligence that will make us so much smarter and more brilliant like stars in the Milky Way. Sirius will be our dog star, and this dog does not need to be taken out twice a day. The African Dogons will be our neighbors and partners in the search for the most secret ambitions Homo Sapiens has always carried in his bag in the sunshine or in the rain when it was never raining but pouring cats and dogs, rhinos and hippos. We all have the right to be educated in our first language (or first languages) and in our first culture (or first cultures) in the only decent human civilized world that is multilingual and pluricultural or the reverse if you prefer.


Éditions La Dondaine,, 2022

Friday, October 07, 2022


Mental Pali for Spiritual Buddhism


Pali and Buddhism


Buddhism is a religion of the mind. It does not believe in any creation or creator, divine or not, but it believes each one of us can change the world and our lives by using our minds to improve our lot. The Dhammapada is just the way you can follow to reach that wisdom which is first of all the control of your mind by your mind, and thus the control of your body, your speech, and your own thinking by this very mind. The most important values for Buddhism are the belief you can improve and you can be empathetic to other people, and hence help them improve by liberating their own minds. All evil comes from inside the minds of people who cannot control their emotions and their impulses, not to mention their thoughts. And it is always those who try to teach you you are evil who are the evilest people of all. Keep away from those who are trying to show you how wrong you are and how good you could be, especially by preaching to you the total freedom of the liberated individual for whom all others are pawns on their chessboards. And for these freethinkers, there is only one chessboard worth mentioning, the one each one of them has in front of himself or herself. A real freethinker is empathetic to all the minorities that exist around him or her or them.


Éditions La Dondaine, 2022

Tuesday, October 04, 2022


Kangurus were brought into Australia by Extraterrestrials from Sirius, the Dog Star.


Archaeoastronomy Cherche Désespérément Extraterrestrials


By blocking the emergence of humanity around 20,000 years ago, Carole Nervig has to call extraterrestrials to save the case. But it saves nothing. Human civilization was not born, did not emerge in a mythical sunken continent that may never have existed out of the mind of some evanescent terrestrials that no one has met or remember meeting. Human civilization started 300,000 years ago in Black Africa, and since that beginning, the road has been long and arduous. And the first and essential invention and development was language, articulated language based on the rotation of vowels and consonants. Carole Nervig is dealing with people who have the full command of language though she does not really mention that Uyghur people speak a Turkic agglutinative language and people in Southeast Asia speak isolating Tibeto-Burman languages. A word in Uyghur has no direct connection with a word in Vietnamese and they cannot be just compared and be declared connected because they sound alike. And what about the Denisovans? Maybe they were the Extraterrestrials Carole Nervig is always coming back to?  


Éditions La Dondaine, 2022

Sunday, October 02, 2022


Rich conference in Cadiz (Nov. 9-12) but no holograms accepted




I just published COVID vs. REAL FLU — CADIX C’EST FINI. I won't be able to go. Surgery on October 20, endemic pandemy, traveling is unsafe, the real flu is coming, and our monkey-ascendants are poxing us. Stay put! That will not be enough. The world has to get up to this new situation. COVID-19 revealed that social contact and collaboration should not be hampered by distance in space and even in time. We need to enable all those who want to take part in the post-COVID globalization to be able to do so even if they are down under or on the moon. Let's deploy our Holographic Digital Avatars all over the real world. This post-COVID globalized world is difficult to deliver and yet it's only a technical problem that does not even need a new invention. Mélenchon did it. So why not us? Is it really because some' elite in this world does not want us to speak? I don't believe it. We are afraid of speaking and we limit our opportunities to do so. thus we will not say something that would be classified as stupid, BUT STUPID IS THE NEW SMART.


Éditions La Dondaine, 2022

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