Tuesday, October 31, 2023


Small-vs-Big Segregation


Bury Little Ones Alive



If you are small, white or black, especially black, you stand not one chance in  front of entrepreneurial capitalism, American or Canadian, just alike. If you want to win, to have maybe one chance to win, sue the entrepreneur in a black majority county, where you may have a black judge and a black majority jury. But you better have one or two good arguments and witnesses to show the big monstrous entrepreneur is discriminating against any small little persons and especially Blacks. By the way a good black lawyer would be a good thing too.






 Éditions La Dondaine, Medium.com, 2023

Criminal Justice,  *  Segregation,  *  Race and Racism,  *  Death and Burial (Archaeology),  *  Anthropology of Death

Monday, October 30, 2023



The Human Life



It is in four weeks, hardly, and it is fascinating. How can we bring together science and spirituality, religious or philosophical? The only way is to have discussions among those who actually would define themselves as scientists or spiritual thinkers, religious or philosophical. It might be more difficult to make a philosopher admit he is a spiritual thinker than to make a religious mind admit that he, she, or they are mesmerized and fascinated by science.

And yet that’s the bet, the challenge, the enterprise. Do what Descartes wrote one day in one of this books: I use science to observe the world and thus prove it is animated by God’s intelligence.

Quotations : Descartes and his spiritual walking frame.

« Si l'homme est libre, c'est Dieu qui ne l'est pas. »

« J'ai conclu à l'existence évidente de Dieu, et que mon existence dépend entièrement de Dieu dans tous les moments de ma vie, que je ne pense pas que l'esprit humain puisse rien savoir avec plus d'évidence et de certitude. »

« Je suis comme un milieu entre Dieu et le néant. »

Enjoy the trip to the other end of reason and wisdom, where culture is both wise and reasonable.

Éditions La Dondaine, IFIASA, Medium.com 2023

Religion,  *  Social Sciences,  *  Spirituality,  *  Visual Arts,  *  Human and Life Sciences

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


A Black Raisin in the Burning White Sun


Racial Reality Showdown in the West



The Raisin in the Sun was a dream in 1959 when it was created on the stage. It became a sort of nightmarish dream in 1961 with Sidney Pottier on the big silver screen, but the nightmarish part of the dream was and still is self-inflicted by an uneducated Black man onto himself with his trust for the first Black man that caresses his dream while he is picking his pockets.

Then in 2008 it becomes with Kenny Leon an agit-prop play and maybe a Brechtian epic drama still on the big silver screen. It is a call for action immediately and at once, without any waste of time, without any delay. Moving to a white neighborhood was impossible in 1959 and in 1961. In 2008 it was more possible, though certainly not easy and not for everyone, but the tale from 1959-61 became a denunciation of the hypocrisy of the whites who could not solve a problem like housing discrimination in TWO GENERATIONS.

The whites have not yet reached deep learning, certainly not 5G speed and their intelligence has been normalized and homogenized by some Artificial Intelligence, vastly biased and fundamentally segregational.

God bless the child!

And if you believe there is no god, don’t panic, Trump Save the Child after he has pardoned himself for his crimes, which does not make these crimes less criminal, nor the perpetrator less cynical, but it enables him to save his face. Can the Department of Justice prosecute against a presidential pardon, and have it nullified?

Sure enough, This Raisin in the Sun is a demand for fairness, but in a world where fairness has been banned once and for all, and all unfair people in power, any sort of power, from doorkeeper to President of the Cosmos, are able to pardon themselves, not for their mistakes, but for their crimes.

Amen! De Profundis! Hallelujah!

Éditions La Dondaine, Medium.com, 2023

Saturday, October 14, 2023


The PhD Mind of a Serial Killer





Holly Gibney is on the cover by name but not by face. Since she is in the continuation of Bill Hodges and Finders Keepers, she should be white. But she comes after the Holly Gibney of The Outsider adapted for television, and here she is a Black woman with a very expansive hairdo, with dozens of long braids. But don‘t worry. In this book, Holly Gibney encounters none of the problems a Black woman would encounter as an investigator having to deal with white people without a gun, a uniform, and a badge. The way she gets the confidence of white people, including in this case the serial killers, at least one, does not show any racial bias on their side. And from the second serial killer, she only gets reluctance to speak and even cold hostility and distance keeping. Concerning Barbara Robinson who is a Black woman, this second serial killer, Emily Harris serves her a cup of tea of the worst possible type she can devise.


That’s what I think is the main shortcoming of this book: the lack of graphic descriptions of what these serial killers do to their victims, how they cut them up, probably alive for a while, and concerning the consciousness of the racial bias Black people are the victims of, it is only rather generic and more a social trait of the US society than frustration and resentment on the side, I mean the inner and mental side, of the Black characters, Jerome and Barbara, and a few others like Ellen Craslow, and since we are in the George Floyd period, I am surprised that there is no allusion to him, and only an allusion to a fictitious local and unknown Black victim in a similar situation and yet not very graphic about it.


No one could imagine two celebrated - locally and (inter)nationally - academics could be serial killers, and not for the pleasure of killing, but to provide them with the necessary human molecule and flesh to expand their old age, hence to survive more than the laws of nature would entitle them to. Old (dot)age is like Jane Calamity coming down from the mountain on a fiery horse, one of the four you know.


Éditions La Dondaine, Medium.com, 2023

Wednesday, October 11, 2023


Salome's Bloody Baptism


Salomé, Psychotic, Neurotic, Perverse



Salome is a real case in literature, and in the Jewish and Christian traditions. She is the most neurotic obsessive-compulsive sex-addicted female individual. Oscar wilde made her a monstrous genius able to challenge a whole society or even world with just seven veils and a saber. She is a psychotic terrorist and she attracts people who love feeling sick in front of excessive horror, like vomitting in the gutter when voraciously watching.a road accident with "a few" victims.

This here (October 11, 2023) file contains first the article published in the Cahiers Victoriens et Edwardiens, eight pages, and then the original article that is about twenty pages long. I prefer the original because the formating of articles in university journals is absurd and they do not seem to change with e-publications or e-journals, or they stick so hard to paper printing that they get marginalized, even in University libraries, at least by quite a few students.

Salome, an Obsessive Compulsive Myth, from Oscar Wilde to Richard Strauss


2010, Cahiers Victoriens & Edouardiens

2 Files https://journals.openedition.org/cve/2730


Mythology,  *  Literature,  *  German,  *  Monster,  *  Historical Studies

Publisher:  Presses Universitaires de la Méditerranée

Publication Date:  Dec 4, 2010

Publication Name:  Cahiers Victoriens & Edouardiens


ORIGINAL ABSTRACT No female character, more than Salome, carries in herself so much power to debunk and rebut any establishment. Salome is deranged by an obsessive compulsive disorder that leads her to touch everything she desires, repeat things over and over again and count things around her. Oscar Wilde uses these elements to create in French, and then in English in his own translation of the play, a style conveying and expressing these traits. Salome is the archetypical monster in Christianity. She provokes Herod, John himself and everyone else around her and pushes them to the extreme limits of decency. And yet she is killed like a plain outlaw by some soldier on Herod’s order. This exploration of the relation between Salome and John the Baptist leads to a deep reflection on the value of life when it is entirely dominated by obsessive carnal desires. That also leads to an end that looks like some form of expiatory justice. Richard Strauss amplifies the text and the subject with his music and his German libretto.


Pick up your phone and call your Member of Parliament or Senator


Immediate Emergency


Do not waste any time. Speak up!

Only one perspective. Do not waste any time. Speak up against terrorism and war.

 Éditions La Dondaine, Medium.com 2023   

Sunday, October 08, 2023


Misfit in his family



1970, The Beginning of the End



1970, is the date of a great turning point in American history, a great roundabout in the manifest destiny of the USA.


Music and cinema are the most active tools and means at the disposal of those who oppose the war in Vietnam, especially after the Tet Offensive (Jan 20, 1968 – Sep 23, 1968). Senator Barry Goldwater was defeated in 1964, after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, but his extreme nuclear-minded war policy survived his defeat, and subsequently Martin Luther King and then Robert Kennedy were assassinated in the good old American style on April 4, 1968, and June 6, 1968. Nixon required all school classes and their teachers in all American schools to take part in a November 11 remembrance day in 1969. As a teacher in Dunn High School at the time I invoked my French consulate and their advice not to meddle with American politics not to take part. It was badly received.


A musical on Broadway, in 1968, Hair was one of the first manifesto against the war and the draft that had been instated. But from the musical in 1968 to the film in 1979, the list of antiwar films against or around the Vietnam War was very long, and the film numerous numerous, and the musicians were great activists. Think of Jimi Hendrix and his version of the Star Spangled Banner at Woodstock.


The greatest victim in this period was the American family, and I am afraid it never was able to pick itself up back on its feet. This film is precisely about such a family that exploded at the end of the 1960s. It was interesting at the time but it has aged tremendously and authoritarian parents, fathers or mothers alike, who try to impose onto their kids their vision of what they are supposed to do, died little by little under the phenomenal pressure of family planning that brought the number of children down tremendously fast with abortion added to it. Having a child was no longer the gift of God it used to be called, but the decision of the parents, particularly the mother, to have a child or not. No surprise that the newer generations of Americans consider themselves as not attached to any religion anymore, and that is even a lot wider among White Anglo-Saxon Protestant people.


In 1970 no one was able to see the end of the tunnel. I came back from this fiasco in June 1970, sad and in a way slightly sour. That’s the most frightening part of this film: the chap leaves his family, girlfriend, and everything behind and thumbs a lift to anywhere from a truck driver. There is no perspective, no hope, and no vision in this film, not even real violence, and that makes it tremendously old, and aging has not been easy on the film, and the main artists. Nicholson appears as blocked in a permanent, congenital hatred of himself and the whole world, and yet he escapes into it without having any love for it.


Édition La Dondaine, edium.com, 2023


Thursday, October 05, 2023


Take the train and visit the surviving past


Mayas Surviving the Colonial Genocide



Starting in the 15th century, after the failure of the Crusades to take control of the Middle Eats and the Muslim world, the whole world was colonized first by the Portuguese and the Spaniards, then by the French and the English – mainly but not only, don’t forget the Dutch. In Mesoamerica, the Spanish Crown, the Spanish Catholic Church, and the Spanish Inquisition organized and performed the worst-ever genocide, both human (diseases, war, and extermination of the male population) and cultural: autodafé of books and anything that could be burned and that had anything written in the Maya glyphs, with the menace of extermination of those who would resist.


The resistance was fierce. Against European diseases, none was possible. These diseases and the death of a still not yet really numbered proportion of the population enabled the Spaniards and other Europeans to have a serious advantage. They used it fully, even sending some groups of rangers to spread the diseases. The Mayas though resisted culturally and they adopted the Spanish alphabet to transcribe, from memory since the books had been burned, what they could remember and it took them about three centuries to do it. But these transcriptions were at once translated into Spanish, thus imposing a second cultural genocide: the loss of all glyphic diacritic elements that were not actually put in words, or syllables, and then the loss of the language itself and its artistic forms in the stories, myths, poetry, rituals and rites,  and other plays and epics told in these transcriptions.


The recuperation of the glyphic language only came in the 20th century, after the Second World War when the reading of the glyphs as a writing system enabled the Mayas and humanity to finally understand the many thousand inscriptions on the monuments that were slowly excavated from the jungle. And it was a battle against “Sir” Eric Thompson who refused to consider these inscriptions as any sort of written language pretending they were nothing but cultural symbols, at best mnemonic for storytellers and priests. We had to wait for Yury Valentinovich Knorozov, a Soviet scholar and university professor in Leningrad, today Saint Petersburg, in the 1950-1960s when he finally was heard by other scholars like Micheal D. Coe or Dennis Tedlock.


The new developments of Maya Country in Yucatan, Mexico, are centered on the Maya Train and its interconnection with the Tehuantepec isthmus rail corridor that will connect the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, enabling easy access to this Maya train from the East or the West.


Deciphering Maya writing was a battle against “Sir” Eric Thompson who refused to consider these inscriptions as any sort of written language pretending they were nothing but cultural symbols, at best mnemonic for storytellers and priests. We had to wait for Yury Valentinovich Knorozov, a Soviet scholar and university professor in Leningrad, today Saint Petersburg, in the 1950-1960s when he finally was heard by other scholars like Micheal D. Coe or Dennis Tedlock.


 Éditions La Dondaine, Medium.com, 2023

Tuesday, October 03, 2023


Betrayed along the way


From Time Travel To Rewriting THE Bible


A phenomenal beginning both surprising and fascinating. 44 was enough to titillate the curiosity of anyone raised in a Western, mostly Christian culture: 4 (the crucifixion) times 11 (the Apostles without Judas the commonly considered traitor). But this promise is quickly rewritten as a Prophet with a Book found in some tomb, coded in an unknown language, telling them what is going to happen, and what they have to do in full obedience. Banal.


A beautiful book revisited and telling us about time travel. 4400 people kidnapped in today’s world by humans from this world but a long time further and farther on the timeline, a world that is going to be destroyed because of a mistake done today, and then these kidnapees are sent back all in one batch with the mission to repair what is going to cause the final deadly and apocalyptic catastrophe. H.G. Wells revisited, the book and all the cinema adaptations, including of course the recent one by a distant relative of the author, another Wells in the boat.


But here again, we are disappointed and the series turns into a capture of absolute power by one man and his movement (you remember Lenin and the Bolshevik Party, or Trump and the Republican Party) and with a good organic supplement to protect those who cannot assimilate “promicin” despite all efforts and research, this particle that is more or less governing our brain, will make all humans peaceful, peace-loving and peace-keeping, in one word, sheep. That is the fall into the abyss of delirious normalizing dystopia. Humanity is seen as a flock of ovines with a good shepherd and a bunch of very faithful dogs.


This series turns sour in the third season and becomes humdrum in the fourth season. Time Travel is lost, and we just sink into some totalitarian state, even if it is only Seattle. Very un-optimistic about the future of the USA, even in Washington.


You can imagine my disappointment.


Éditions La Dondaine, Medium.com, 2023



Spain always titillates our deeper emotions


Pork in the Kitchen and Pig in Bed



This paper is in two versions: a censored version and an uncensored version; Please, if you are under 18 or slighthly emotional about flesh and bliss, do not go beyond the first part. Other readers can just enjoy the pictures of Javier Bardem who is an exhibitionist except for his foreskin that makes him go out always covered.

There are many Spanish films on this theme: love is sex and sex is love, no matter with what partner. Desire is passion and passion is desire. Hormones are true to life and Life is true to hormones.

This film is typical of the arrogance of an effervescent society where sleeping is never normally in a bed, but it is always anywhere provided it is not alone. Anyone, at times anything, will do, provided “it” is animated with enough energy to keep you from going to sleep.

Everything then is always to know whether you are a live animal going to strut on the stage of the bliss and pleasure of the other or others, or whether you are nothing but a slice of meat bleeding its last spasms of life in the mortal defeat that an orgasm has become in your slobbish mind.

And the film gives you so many visual dancing males in their full nudity, except that they are uncut and then the foreskin is perfectly in place, so many of them, I was saying, that you may after a while wonder if it is erotic or pornographic. But, as for emotions, passion, sensitivity, sensuousness, you will be frustrated and all that agitation around and for the cocks of these males only leads to a deadly fight between them, the women present only moaning and weeping. Pitiful.

I posted a censored version for everyone and on two or maybe three sites I posted both the censored and uncensored versions, the difference being essentially in the choice of pictures: naked or not?


Éditions La Dondaine, Medium.com, 2023

Monday, October 02, 2023


Western Hypocrisy & Islamophobia




Four books, four reviews, only one perspective here: our Islamophobic world is trying to erase or hide the Trans-Atlantic slavetrade by developing the practice under the control of Islam, starting then in the 7th century. But slavery started with the development of agriculture around 12-10,000 BCE, little before, none before the Ice Age Peak (19,000 BCE). Why? The scapegoat policy so common in the West is becoming the scape-Muslim, at times reduced to scape-Arab, hatred.


Ronald Segal – Islam’s Black Slaves, The Other Diaspora – Farrar, Strauss And Giroux, New York, 2001,

Post Traumatic Slave/Slavery Syndrome/Disorder

Murray Gordon – Slavery In The Arab World – 1987 – 1989

Jacques Heers – Les Negriers En Terre D’islam, Viième-Xvième Siecle– Perrin 2003-2007

Short conclusions.


As a conclusion I could say the shortcomings of the book are the result of the very object it targets that locks the author up in a historical period and a geographical zone that do not enable the capture of the subject from a global point of view, and particularly in an historical perspective that does not retrospectively project our own values and ideas onto the past. We cannot judge the inhumane practices of the previous centuries with the supposedly humane values of our own time. That kills the historical perspective we need to understand how humanity came to invent such evils and how humankind has managed to get mostly out of them. The book though cannot be considered as anti-Islam, though by locking its subject into the sole case of Islam, it my appear as such. It is absolutely indispensable to widen the approach and consider slavery is an invention and practice that was universal at some time and that was customarily used by all societies, no matter which, in various and varied forms.


And the Black descendants in the United States of African slaves in America are blazing the trail and showing the way. And we can easily think of Post Traumatic Colonial Syndrome/Disorder, or Post Traumatic Feudal Syndrome/Disorder, or Post Traumatic Proletarian Syndrome/Disorder, or any other Post Traumatic Syndrome/Disorder after any traumatic even in the history of the world, a country, or a collective human entity.



He could have shown the enormous improvement, but he could have shown that the status of these colonized people was closer to that of serfs in medieval times, hence it was some kind of feudalism, and it is this feudalism that explains the failure of colonization, along with the inerasable traces and wounds of the millennia of slave trade for outside countries and slavery in the local countries. That would of course have made relative the hypocrisy of all leaders of the Muslim countries that used slavery and the slave trade because the Europeans were just as hypocritical since it was their interest to stop the slave trade and slavery to develop colonial feudalism.

An important book though the circularity of its composition makes it difficult to read.



. Cependant évitons de faire de l’Islam le centre d’une approche de l’esclavage dans l’humanité. Ce serait une erreur, qui plus est franchement raciste. Je ne dirai rien sur l’insistance sur le rôle de quelques Juifs dans ce livre concernant la pratique commerciale de l’esclavage. Il y eut des Juifs, comme il y eut aussi beaucoup d’autres personnes de toutes nationalités ou religions. Le fait que certains étaient juifs ne saurait être un argument contre les Juifs en général, ce qui relèverait de l’antisémitisme. Le livre n’est pas clair sur ce point.


Éditions La Dondaine, Medium.com, 2023

Africa,  *  History of Slavery,  *  Colonialism,  *  Islamic Studies,  *  Hypocrisy

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