Monday, August 30, 2021


Call for Contributions — ISAPL




JUNE 2024




(actual theme and venue to be specified soon)


Our objectives in this post-COVID-19 period are both ambitious and realistic.


1- Fair and equal access to education via the use and teaching of first languages, and one (or two) international language(s) opening onto the world in the process of globalization, we hope within diversity.


2- Availability of all economic, social, cultural (including philosophy and religion), artistic, etc. data for all in at least one international language for each person, hence several for many persons, and the existence of precise and trustworthy translating means to provide the data in the first language of every person concerned.


3- Mass development of translating procedures and machines that guarantee fair and open translation that rejects any implicit or explicit bias or selective discrimination.


4- Mass development of new teaching and communicational techniques centered on 5G (6G), Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence, and Deep Learning with the absolute proviso these machines do not take over human initiative, control, and intellectual property.


Based on these orientations of ours, we would like to enter an exchange of ideas and means to reach as many researchers as possible (both applied and theoretical, the two not being in any way antagonistic or mutually exclusive) who could be interested in our project.


We follow a simple timeline.


1- Get our project out directly and within collaborative cooperation with partners.


2- Enable workgroups to settle with concrete objectives in any field concerned.


3- Circulate the papers or draft papers produced by individuals or groups, on research sites like,,, Plus, short announcements on various blogs or popular social networks.


One Project is already installed on All this research will be amplified in a series on at, on in the same way at, and on LinkedIn at


Simple Procedure: send me at your draft paper or your reflections and I will upload it or them, under your sole responsibility as for the content that has to respect the general rules about Intellectual Property and the protection of people and data. Specify in the Object or Subject of the email: ISAPL 13th Congress.


4- Public presentation of all this work in our next congress in 2024, either as standard communications, or posters, or seminars (webinars), or symposia, all both physical at the venue of the congress, or/and in a video-broadcasting conference, which would not be limited in time with its uploading on special platforms. Note YouTube is one solution, but can upload videos too.


If we consider the present double crisis the world is going through, the pandemic for one, and climate change for two, we could transform this situation into a challenge, hence an opportunity. That’s probably not what the virus or carbon dioxide intended and probably still intend. But that’s the only way to guarantee a decent future to all humans on this earth.


The alternative is a free-for-all viral and climatic catastrophe that will “solve” the problem by reducing the population by half or so. Those concerned are up to any guess from anyone, but it would be explicitly biased.


Hoping our collaboration will be able to develop over the next three years, I keep ready to provide you the service concerned.


Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU, Olliergues, France, August 23, 2021.

Vice President of International Society of Applied Psycholinguistics



JUIN 2024




(le thème et le lieu réels seront précisés prochainement)


Nos objectifs dans cette période post-COVID-19 sont à la fois ambitieux et réalistes.


1- Un accès équitable et égal à l'éducation par l'utilisation et l'enseignement des langues premières, et une (ou deux) langue(s) internationale(s) ouvrant sur le monde dans le processus de mondialisation, que nous espérons dans la diversité.


2- Disponibilité de toutes les données économiques, sociales, culturelles (y compris la philosophie et la religion), artistiques, etc. pour tous dans au moins une langue internationale pour chaque personne, donc plusieurs pour de nombreuses personnes, et existence de moyens de traduction précis et fiables pour fournir les données dans la première langue de chaque personne concernée.


3- Développement de masse de procédures de traduction et de machines à traduire qui garantissent une traduction juste et ouverte, rejetant tout préjugé implicite ou explicite et toute discrimination sélective.


4- Développement massif de nouvelles techniques d'enseignement et de communication centrées sur la 5G (6G), la réalité virtuelle ou la réalité augmentée, l'intelligence artificielle et l'apprentissage profond, à la condition absolue que ces machines ne prennent pas le pas sur l'initiative et le contrôle humains ou ne s’approprient pas la propriété intellectuelle d’autrui.


Sur la base de ces orientations qui sont les nôtres, nous souhaitons entrer dans un échange d'idées et de méthodes pour atteindre le plus grand nombre de chercheurs (appliqués et théoriques, les deux n'étant en aucun cas antagonistes ou mutuellement exclusifs) qui pourraient être intéressés par notre projet.


Nous suivons un calendrier simple.


1- Diffuser notre projet directement et en collaboration avec des partenaires.


2- Permettre à des groupes de travail de s'installer avec des objectifs concrets dans tout domaine concerné.


3- Faire circuler les articles ou les ébauches d'articles produits par les participants ou les groupes, sur des sites de recherche comme,,, Plus, de courtes annonces sur divers blogs ou réseaux sociaux populaires.


Un projet est déjà installé sur : Toutes ces recherches seront amplifiées dans une série sur à,  sur de la même manière à,  et sur LinkedIn à  


Procédure simple : envoyez-moi à votre projet d'article ou vos réflexions et je les mettrai en ligne, sous votre seule responsabilité quant au contenu qui doit respecter les règles générales de la propriété intellectuelle et de la protection des personnes et des données. Précisez dans l'objet ou le sujet de l'email : 13ème congrès de l'ISAPL.


4- Présentation publique de tous ces travaux lors de notre prochain congrès en 2024, soit sous forme de communications standards, soit sous forme de posters, soit sous forme de séminaires (webinaires), soit sous forme de symposiums, tous à la fois physiques sur le lieu du congrès, ou/et sous forme de visioconférences, ces dernières qui ne sauraient être limitées dans le temps avec téléchargement sur des plateformes spéciales. Notez que YouTube est une solution, mais peut également télécharger des vidéos.


Si l'on considère la double crise que traverse actuellement le monde, la pandémie d'une part, et le changement climatique d'autre part, nous pourrions transformer cette situation en un défi, donc en une opportunité. Ce n'est probablement pas ce que le virus ou le dioxyde de carbone voulaient et veulent encore. Mais c'est la seule façon de garantir un avenir décent à tous les humains sur cette terre.


L'alternative est une catastrophe virale et climatique généralisée qui "résoudra" le problème en réduisant la population de moitié environ. Les personnes concernées sont soumises à l’imaginaire de tout un chacun, mais le choix serait explicitement biaisé. 30% de primo vacciné dans les quartiers nord populaires de Marseille, 80% ou plus dans les autres quartiers de la ville


En espérant que notre collaboration pourra se développer pendant les trois ans à venir, je me tiens à votre disposition.


Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, Olliergues, France, 23 août 2021.

Vice-président de la Société internationale de psycholinguistique appliquée,


Saturday, August 28, 2021


Real Prophets are always rejected and neutralized

 Spartacus, A Thracian Jésus


Spartacus was a prophet, but he was a few centuries ahead of history, just like Jésus and he ended up the same way, exterminated by crucifixion probably even if he had been killed in battle: post-mortem crucifixion. Be sure the Romans would have loved such a necrophiliac absurdity. For them, it would have been retribution, social justice, keep the slaves in their place, working or under the earth. But he did not have time to wait. So he was exterminated in a slave war that he necessarily lost in three years. 

Spartacus has become a myth because he lost his three-year battle against slavery and the Roman Republic at the time. The film was good but slightly romanticized. The TV series was good though slightly over-bloody but moderate on the sadism of the Romans. The ballet with Carlos Acosta was a miracle in the revival style: giving a new life to the myth by having Spartacus danced by a Cuban descendant of slaves. And this Roman melting pot of ours justified the existence of slavery in the West up to 1865, and of segregation up to still tomorrow, maybe even the day after tomorrow. How can we extirpate slavery from our minds, societies, and memories?



Saturday, August 14, 2021


Concerts de Vollore, Miracle de spiritualité



This bilingual book, because it has the size of a book, is all dedicated to one festival in mostly churches in the villages and small cities in the Central Mountains in France, Auvergne precisely. This festival that comes close to 45 years of age has systematically presented small musical formations in small churches. These churches, mostly Romanesque, at least when they started to be built, were Christian spiritual places rooted in the spiritual Roman places they were before, and even deeper in the Celtic or Gaulish spiritual places they were before Julius Caesar. Unluckily archaeology has not fulfilled its promise yet about the Gravettians who lived there from 45,000 BCE to the Ice Age peak in 19,000 BCE. In the same way the presence of Neanderthals has not been explored seriously.

To celebrate this spiritual initiative, I have covered a few concerts presented this year, and then a selection of reviews of the CDs produced by the Founding Father, Laurent Martin, a pianist of talent who has brought to light a lot of unknown composers, particularly women. And to widen the scope I have also collected various reviews of some works of Charles Valentin Alkan whose re-emergence is vastly due to Laurent Martin bringing his music to the public in this festival, as well as recording many works that were vastly unknown before.

That’s my trinity here: 1- Vollore Concerts; 2- Laurent Martin; 3- Charles Valentin Alkan.

Enjoy the reviews and get the CDs. Altogether there must be something like fifty hours of music. And get ready for the 45th festival next year.


2021, Éditions La Dondaine

Music,  *  Spirituality,  *  Archaeology of churches,  *  Charles-Valentin Alkan,  *  Auvergne,  *  Laurent Martin




Ce livre bilingue, parce qu'il a la taille d'un livre et est pour moitié en anglais et pour moitié en français, est entièrement consacré à un festival qui se déroule principalement dans les églises des villages et des petites villes du Massif Central en France, en Auvergne précisément, en Livradois Forez plus précisément. Ce festival qui a près de 45 ans d'existence présente systématiquement des petites formations musicales dans des petites églises. Ces églises, pour la plupart romanes, du moins quand elles ont commencé à être construites, étaient des lieux spirituels chrétiens enracinés dans les lieux spirituels romains qu'ils étaient auparavant, et encore plus profondément dans les lieux spirituels celtes ou gaulois qu'ils étaient avant Jules César. Malheureusement, l'archéologie n'a pas encore tenu ses promesses concernant les Gravettiens qui ont vécu là de 45 000 avant J.-C. jusqu'au pic de l'ère glaciaire en 19 000 avant J.-C. De même, la présence des Néandertaliens n'a pas été explorée sérieusement.

Pour célébrer cette initiative spirituelle, j'ai couvert quelques concerts présentés cette année, puis j’ai réuni une sélection de critiques des CD produits par le Père fondateur principal de ce festival, Laurent Martin, un pianiste de talent qui a mis en lumière beaucoup de compositeurs inconnus des deux derniers siècles (l’ère du piano après le piano forte), notamment des femmes. Et pour élargir le champ d'action, j'ai également rassemblé diverses critiques de certaines œuvres de Charles Valentin Alkan, dont la réémergence est largement due au fait que Laurent Martin a fait découvrir sa musique au public dans le cadre de ce festival, et qu'il a enregistré de nombreuses œuvres qui étaient auparavant très peu connues.

Voici donc ma Trinité :

1- Concerts Vollore.

2- Laurent Martin.

3- Charles Valentin Alkan.

Profitez des critiques et procurez-vous les CD. Au total, il doit y avoir quelque chose comme cinquante heures de musique, sinon plus. Et préparez-vous pour le 45e festival l'année prochaine.


2021, Éditions La Dondaine

Music,  *  Spirituality,  *  Archaeology of churches,  *  Charles-Valentin Alkan,  *  Auvergne,  *  Laurent Martin


Dance show: Guardian Warriors of Longmen | 河南卫视 《七夕奇妙游》——舞蹈《龙门金刚》

Flying Apsaras

Saturday, August 07, 2021


Måneskin - I WANNA BE YOUR SLAVE (Official Video)

Provocative and mind-plowing, if you have a mind of course. Be the monster at night.


Western Colonialism, genocide, culturicide, humanicide


James Reich – Mistah Kurtz – 2016. The strangest novel you can imagine, trying to complete the beginning and the end of Joseph Conrad’s novel Heart of Darkness. It has to be in phase with the horror of the original novel and it is, but it no longer is a testimony about what colonialism was in Africa at the end of the 19th century. It is a modern reconstruction of what colonialism could have been in such dark, very dark times when the worst ever crime, a global crime with many facets, each one uglier than all the others, against humanity from genocidal Europe – soon to be joined by America – engaged in this colonial adventure. Africa was nothing but a treasure chest for the Europeans and Americans provided the human ants that crawled all over it were eliminated after having been exploited to death.


First, the main agents of this brutal colonization of Africa, here the Belgian Congo, are all systematically shown as monstrous delinquents from birth with parents just as bad as bad can be, just stopping short of killing their children. Shame on them: they enabled these monsters to survive and thrive! I guess they found more pleasure in torturing them, making them suffer, turning them into misfits, and misfits they are. Kurtz is the first of them all but far from being the only one. These misfits look for some kind of valorizing caper or adventure or mission on this earth to compensate for their failings and they find it in the service of the “Company” that provides them with a uniform, a worldwide organization that accompanies them to the very heart of the wilderness with only one mission: to kill – ah! the bleeding pleasure in this word, the bleeding heart in this bliss! – as many elephants they can to just extract their two tusks and send them back to Europe to become the fashionable jewels the rich there will be wearing when going to the opera, or midnight mass for Christmas.

No one can imagine the horror they discover.


In Gibraltar where they stop on their way to Kinshasa, the main character discovers “… the broken black men. Each of the niggers wore a noose around his throat that connected him to the slave before him and after him. Their shoulders were raw from whipping, and the reddening peninsula of Gibraltar now swelled blood all around me. The men grimaced, their white teeth large in their sunken faces, eyes barely open to the scene about them… The Arab pushed the leading man between the shoulders, choking him as he jerked away from the man shackled and roped behind him. There were nine of them, all painfully, adjusting their steps.” (page 79)


And it goes on with more remarks and descriptions: “What was it I witnessed in the bondage of all this negritude – resignation, patience, or absolute abjection?” (page 96) and again: “I saw a gang of Niggers leaning on shovels at the lip of a small crater. There must have been six or seven of them conscripted there, chained together in iron collars that drew rings of blood from their throats when they walked or worked out of rhythm. As I took them in, another emerged from the broad shadow of a palm. This one was not enchained but wore with European formality the uniform of the Company. It was in his hand that I first witnessed the chicotte – a six-foot whip wound from hippopotamus hide – in use. The diggers had not seen, nor heard him approaching their flank, and he lashed their ribs and shoulder with a savage disinterest, as though he were directing stubborn beasts. The whip splitting their skins became merely another of the dissonant percussions of the station. The diggers mouthed their agonies silently… I understood that it was a grave… These crater graves were meant for more than one man… Partly obscured with dirt was a wicked tangle of corpses… Their eyes fixed, dilated, the shocked sclera turned to a dull ivory. Some of them appeared to have fallen into an exhausted sleep, while others were mutilated into nightmarish deportment. Wrists without hands, projected from the pile. Palates without lower jaws gaped against the mud sliding into the pit. Either they had been executed  or they had been blown up to smithereens by the dynamite detonating through the forest…” (page 99-100)



Kurtz was deranged by his infancy, childhood, and teenage but after that he no longer was deranged. He became completely berserk. It is beyond any kind of understanding that Kurtz could be only considered as a rotten apple in the basket along with many other white apples that were not rotten and would come back from Africa to produce a new generation of children and adults. Kurtz is living his PTcolonialSS through by becoming a being beyond repair, beyond reprieve, beyond salvation and he is taken away by the Company and all the crimes he committed will be buried in his file since he provided the company with so much more ivory than anyone else in the world, even if in his ranting and raving he imagined himself as a God or as an elephant. For him, there is only death at the end of his road but 100% of these colonists (minus one individual out of so many) will go back to England and Europe, insane but respected in their heroic dedication to the enrichment of the West.


Imagine the descendants of all these white colonists or all other white slave masters, how they inherited such trauma of white supremacy that they cannot even imagine – still today – sitting next to a black person in a restaurant, a bus, a train carriage, a plane, or even a church, etc. Then you can start understanding how difficult it has to be for them to accept the present turning point in our life, in our world, when white or western supremacy are both at the same time coming down the historic flush of a pandemic. Before theorizing, let’s just look at what the reality was and still is. In many ways, we, Europeans, and Americans can’t breathe when we have to swallow such unredeemable heritage.





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