Friday, June 28, 2019


We will all be in Rome next year

ISAPL 2nd Circular 12th Congress 2020

Linguistics, psycholinguistics, psychomechanics, cognitive linguistics, and all other branches of linguistics, including archaeological linguistics and phylogenic linguistics need today to open up their minds and brains, their thinking tanks and seminars to the applied dimension of themselves because otherwise Artificial Intelligence (AI) will do it for them and you can be sure some people might suffer in the process.

Publication Date: 2019
Publication Name:

Tuesday, June 25, 2019


Dans cette forêt du droit d'auteur on perd toute virginité

Comment le tronc peut cacher la forêt

Quand les cadres de sociétés d intermédiaires entre le public et les auteurs se mettent à parler, ils ruissellent d'ambition et de coutoisie pour les institutions en place dont ils font partie. Croyez-vous que la SACEM soit différente, ou la SACD, ou la SCAM? Pour les administrateurs en chef de ces institutions il s'agit d'être toujours du bon côté du marteau et de faire croire à leurs administrés, qu'ils considèrent comme des bénéficiaires, que tout est roses et violettes dans le champ social que l'on sait et qui sent si bon le chèvrefeuille. Ah combien on se met à regretter alors que le vent ne tourne jamais du côté des petits condamnés à le rester et pourtant ils ont le pouvoir dans leurs main pour que les choses changent. Mais trop souvent des infiltrateurs de métier s'emparent de leurs revendications pour en faire un moyen de piller ou une distraction du samedi après-midi.

Publication Date: 2019
Publication Name: Medium. com

Monday, June 24, 2019


Easter Island, the heaven of standing statues

Easter Island, the Key to South America

On the road, in fact, a long maritime road with some islands in-between, Easter Island is the last stop before South America. They brought along a lot of know-how about carving, masonry, and other gigantic building technology, and they will bring them to South America and there they will move north and stop along the way in Peru and Bolivia where they built hyper-cities, in Amazonia where they built dozen if not hundred pyramids and cities, and finally Yucatan where they became the Mayas, and many other tribes building monumental pyramids with enormous cities around. The mystery is that these old migrants (around 25,000 years ago at least) have left few traces behind before reaching Monte Verde in Chile.

A real fairy tale in a way.

Publication Date: 2019
Publication Name:

Monday, June 17, 2019


Before and after the Peak of the Ice Age


In 1996 the two authors proposed a theory about cave painting in Europe during the Upper Paleolithic that was both tentative and disturbing, and the field of archaeology, including in Europe, needed some deep "disturbation" of the mind to get out of its sterility.
The book produced the proper effect.
But now we are millennia away with completely new approaches and considerations. That's what I would like to insist on here.

Published on Jun 17, 2019

Saturday, June 15, 2019


Neanderthals, our distant cousins we interbred with

Re-evaluating Neanderthals in Europe

Neanderthals are not a mystery at all, but they were a success story for about 500,000 years and suddenly they seem to have disappeared without any real wave at the time. The mystery is why they disappeared. The question about knowing if they evolved from Homo Erectus in the Middle East or in Europe is debatable. In the first case, that would easily explain why all the Homo Sapiens that got out of Black Africa managed to acquire some genes from Homo Neanderthalensis or the Denisovans in Central Asia, with the spreading of these Neanderthal or Denisovan genes to the whole world except Black Africa itself. If they evolved in Europe to move to the Middle East only late, probably after 130,000 years ago, quite a few Homo Sapiens moving out of Black Africa would have missed them. But the question of their sudden disappearance in maybe ten or twenty thousand years remains open knowing they were not in any way massacred, eliminated by any final solution in the hands of Homo Sapiens. They just became extinct.  WHY?

Publication Date: 2019
Publication Name:

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Stephen King will always be haunting our "sweetest" dreams

Editions La Dondaine – Amazon Kindle Store

When passionate ardent zealous readers have spent fifty years with Stephen King and his books, his videos, his films, his comic strips, either they become berserk or they become truth diggers, fear miners, horror finders-keepers, like the three chaps in the tub, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick-maker, all of them with truth, fear, and horror as the three maids, all rub-a-dub-dubbing with energy and intensity one another and each other and even themselves with rags, brushes and other hairy cilices.

Stephen King makes them obsessive-compulsive like most traumatized people surviving with PTSS. But their enjoyment is greater than anything you may imagine, and their pleasure can be cut up and minced with the butcher’s cleaver, and then wrapped up in the dough of a meatloaf before being pushed into the oven of the baker, and it all ends up with a candle-stick burning from both ends and being rub-a-dub-dubbed by the feverish shivering shuddering hands of the addicted mortified reader.

You will find in this maze of reviews and studies references to practically half the books and titles by Stephen King and half a dozen titles of books by his sons and a few other people, including a musical, and of course numerous films, series (mini or not) and videos. You have to enter the forest of these more than one hundred trees by assessing the table of contents and then letting you glide, slip and slide into the rich deep brewing witches’ midnight banquet with the devil on a sacred Black Sabbath celebrating the immolation of Isaac by Isaac’s father, the kicking away to the desert of Ismail and his mother by Ismail’s father, the two fathers being the same man in some sacred books revered by more than half humanity.

Accept your fate and enjoy it. Feel the knife of the executioner ripping your chest open and then his hand dipping into it and uprooting your heart out of your body. Feel your blood seeping out and curdling on the ground. You deserve that cathartic experience to simply survive your humdrum routine-like everyday life. This catharsis might liberate your imagination from all death wish and death instinct, but it may also neutralize all your desire to forgive, pardon and tolerate all your libidinal charitable and generous altruistic desires to be good.

Let’s hope after that experience you will be able to step out of Stephen King’s universe and live up to the demands from society and regain some humane love for others. Be sure you will encounter in these books, videos, and films many monsters who will brutalize you in all possible ways, but be sure too it is your deeper desire to be brutalized by these monsters over and over again in the middle of the night. Stephen King is your most enjoyable everlasting nightmares


File Size: 1370 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Editions La Dondaine; 1 edition (June 9, 2018)
Publication Date: June 9, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
US$ 5.00, GB£ 3.80, € 4.25, €0.00 Kindle Unlimited

© Jacques Coulardeau 2018
All rights reserved in all countries

Editions La Dondaine
8 rue de la Chaussée
(33)4 73 95 59 17

Monday, June 10, 2019


Vaut-il mieux O'Zoo-Zooter de travers?

Michel Caubet & Denis Lecat
Si Vous Voulez Briller En Société
(SVVBES pour les acronymiques)

Pendant qu’il joue au fils avec Christian Rullier en attendant sa résurrection, Michel Caubet continue à O’Zooter dans la semoule. Il est devenu un vrai roi du O’Zootage des animaux de Zoo qui nous entourent dans la société décadante qui est la nôtre. Alors il imagine qu’un verre de vin ferait passer les aigreurs d’un monde qui n’en peut plus de changer trop vite.

Nous sommes en 2032, 10 ans après la Révolution des Roses. Eglantine et Movar vivent en Bretagne, près de la Baie de Quiberon. Movar est conférencier, et son épouse lui inspire ses sujets. Tchang, un ethnologue chinois venu étudier les peuplades bretonnes, vit chez eux. Ils reçoivent souvent la visite du Dr O’Zoot, qui ne se déplace qu’en deux chevaux Citroën, un modèle ancien qu’il a adapté pour pouvoir se téléporter entre le Pital, au Mexique, et la Bretagne où il vit. La vie de ces 4 amis serait bien calme si un jour, un voyageur spatio-temporel n’avait débarqué chez eux : Panurge, tout droit sorti d’un roman de Rabelais. Sa franchise et son naturel va révéler bien des impostures. Et si l’Auteur, qui se targue de tout savoir, était l’imposteur suprême ? Car de tout ce qui nous arrive, qui peut se targuer d’être réellement l’auteur ?

Michel Caubet est né à Bordeaux-Caudéran, Gironde, en 1949 et est agrégé en lettres classiques. Il a eu une carrière d’enseignant dans l’île de La Réunion de 1993 à 2004, puis en Nouvelle Calédonie de 2005 à 2009. Il s’intéresse au théâtre en tant qu’acteur, metteur en scène et auteur depuis 1979 et il continue dans sa retraite poitevine à Marigny Chemerau. Denis Lecat est né à Bordeaux-Caudéran, Gironde, en 1962 et est architecte DPLG indépendant au Bouscat, Gironde

Format : Kindle
Taille du fichier : 7448 KB
Nombre de pages édition imprimée : 144 pages [Bientôt pour papi/yvores]
Editeur : Éditions La Dondaine; Édition : 1 (27 janvier 2019)
Vendu par : Amazon Media EU S.à r.l.
Langue : Français
Lecteur d’écran : Pris en charge
Composition améliorée: Activé
Prix : €7.45, autres monnaies voyez les sites Amazon.


Plurilingualism is the Future


Draft Paper and Appendixes (86 pages – 38,000 words)

Bucharest, Romania, is a city that is emerging as a 21st-century Capital City in Europe. It has tremendous potential but still a lot to do both in the old historical town and in the more modern avenues, but a lot is being done particularly in upgrading the city and the country to modern communication and connected life.

The 5th Plurilingualism European Conference on "Plurilingualism in Sustainable Development" was held there on May 23-24, 2019. You can go around in Bucharest with English if you do not know Romanian. It is open to other languages than their own national language. It is also an important historical center in Europe with a great culture in several fields, like orthodox church art with a lot of icons in many churches, including of course the architecture of these old churches. At the same time, it has a great musical tradition with George Enescu (1881-1955) and quite a few more musicians living and composing today abundantly though they are not known very much outside the country. 

In this hefty file, I present the full draft version of the presentation I did in this conference (PAYROLL TECHNICIAN IN FRANCE AND MULTILINGUALISM), plus the powerpoint presentation and all the appendixes necessary. Appendix One – Initial Level Test, With Correction; Appendix Two – Bill Gates Worksheet, With Correction; Appendix Three – Final Test, With Correction; Appendix Four – Final File For End-Of-Year Essay; Appendix Five – Lexicon – Today Is Payday; Appendix Six – Introductory Presentation Of Tasks – Year 2015-2016.

The presentation itself will be published in a shortened version later on by the European Observatory for Plurilingualism later on but the various documents presented here will be useful to expand the presentation with real didactic tools used in this particular experience/experiment.

Publication Date: 2019
Publication Name: Observatoire Européen du Plurilinguisme

Sunday, June 09, 2019


The Season of Street Art has Arrived Again


(including 19 personal pictures)

Lost in the middle of nowhere in Central France this ex-industrial wasteland of the French postal and telephone public company was bought by Gilles and Sylvie Iniesta in 2003 and they opened it up to street artists in 2016, and finally to the public in May 2017.

Unique in the world, it is becoming like all respectable vampires or werewolves, becoming the first non-urban permanent and sustainable center of Street Art and it is worth a detour if you are not too far, or even a trip if you are from more distant climes.  The 128 bedrooms of this ex-training center are not yet open to the public, but they will be soon.

Street art is evanescent and here it is made to last longer than a couple of days or weeks. It is international and it is, first of all, a cry for freedom, freedom of expression, freedom of delivery and distribution to the public, freedom of thought and of creation.

This project is so attractive to these street artists that the owners have to choose, select, something that goes against the grain of street art but that will have to be managed "professionally" without falling down, into the abyss of politically, socially, culturally, artistically correct trendiness.

To be followed with interest and diligence. Get on your Internet and Google or Bling or whatever "Street Art City, Lurcy-Lévis" to have the latest news.

Research Interests:

Saturday, June 08, 2019


There is no limit to dystopic dementia

Trans-Intelligence VERSUS Humanity

Kurzweil & Harari versus Hawkins & Lanier
From Delirium Sapiens To Delirium Deus or vice-versa

Four names, four men – and no women – but a crucial stake in the heart of our vampiric future history. Ray Kurzweil, the dystopic businessman. Yuval Noah Harari, the self-proclaimed Biblical prophet of the next apocalypse. Jeff Hawkins, the neurobiologist in continuation of Bertrand Russell. Jaron Lanier, the musician turned computer scientist. From the superficiality of transhumanism to the depth of human creativity.

The choice is yours. Enjoy it.

But take some fruit juice along in case you might get slightly thirsty for relief and escape. Transhumanism is a dystopia but in no way a curse or our fate. We can control the future.

The debate about transhumanism is twisted end crooked right now because it states, or it assumes man's intelligence, or man's intellect power will not develop, I mean will not grow, no matter what. Man is inventing machines that are always more powerful and always more "intelligent", and man's intelligence would not be able to follow their own creation and become more intelligent and keep these machines under their control.

This assumption is absurd and it is nothing but the modern rewriting of the Book of Revelation or the apocalypse seen by various Old Testament visionary minds that some call prophets. Man's intellect has no limits and its development will surprise even the most skeptical people in twenty years.

Research Interests: 
ArchaeologyArtificial IntelligenceAnthropologySingularity TheoryRay KurzweilJaron LanierJeff Hawkins et Yuval Noah Harari

Friday, June 07, 2019


Un peu de poésie et de musique pour les soirs brumeux





Two strange birds one day meet along an avenue in a big city, two strange birds of a feather, Ilya and Vanya. An explosion of red relish shakes their minds while an implosion of blue bliss enthuses their hearts. Attraction, appeal, love and fear entrap their souls and throw them down into a dark adventure in some no man’s land, some wasteland they have never visited and they have kept fallow, plowed but unseeded, for an unspecified future that has so far never come.
Fate today resolves to generously fertilize and sow these territories of theirs with the fire of sanguine love and the lure of supine fear. Their love is so powerful that they hate it. Their fear is so compelling and consuming, overwhelming and uncontrollable that pain and torment stoop down and conquer their blood and flesh.
Till the day everything gets into Sour Distressfulness and Miserable Sweetness . . .
Twenty-nine songs dedicated to the strutting bard from Stratford on Avon. Alas without the music available though on Amazon: ASIN: B00J0B57BC

Thursday, June 06, 2019


Brexit Profiteers

Tottie Limejuice, A Brexit Refugee

Brexit is looming high and might never come. All the Brexit expats have a lot to lose, particularly in the field of healthcare, and after Brexit, it will even become worse in GB. Will they keep their privileges in Europe? Or will they realize only in two years that Europe was a good deal and I bet they will apply again?

In Australia, they have crazy wild dogs they call dingos. In Great Britain, they have crazy wild Brexiteers they call jingos. How can they be converted to altruism when they are only thinking of their church bells with their "One Foot In The Grave."

Publication Name:

Wednesday, June 05, 2019


SynopsisPaie and Guided Self-Learning


Published on Jun 5, 2019
The didactic balance sheet of 13 years of guided self-learning I animated for payroll technicians in Paris. This approach enables most to improve on their own sustainable energy, particularly those who find it most difficult to learn a foreign language and it prepares them to the multilingual situation they will encounter in their companies and in their lives.

Publication Name: LinkedIn/Slideshare

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