Monday, February 28, 2022


Antisemite Censorship in American High school libraries


Antisemitic Censorship


Antisemitism follows many ways to come back to the surface, and it is becoming very strong in the USA right now, against both Muslims and Jews, and it is spreading in education coming from parents. Disquieting and disturbing. No matter whether this is supported by a majority of any group of any kind. Antisemitism is a crime against humanity and those who commit that crime should be seriously made accountable. The reason put forward is absurd: it may give nightmares to the poor darlings who are 16+ as if life is supposed to be entirely sweet and peachy: check their games on their smartphones.


Éditions La Dondaine,, 2022

Sunday, February 27, 2022


Let's Strip in a Scanner and Trip into a Stretcher


Vacationing in a Hospital

I just published Vacationing in a Hospital. Smooth, cool, cozy, funny, and Restful. A hospital is a place where you only have friends and comrades and companions and partners in diseases and healing. And you may fall in love with the place and hope you can stay as long as possible. Yet you look through the window and imagine the wind in the trees and the birds in the air.

Saturday, February 26, 2022


Ne manquez pas ce rendez-vous avec l'insolite


Aventure en Californie

Les torturés deviennent toujours des tortionnaires quand l'occasion s'en présente. Est-ce une fatalité ou une perversion? Le désir de faire souffrir l'autre hante les consciences de tous les hommes et de toutes les femmes. Comment y résister? Il n'y a pas de guerre propre, même quand une guerre peut-être héroïque. Pour qui, demandent les torturés de Guantanamo?

Éditions La Dondaine, 2022

Friday, February 25, 2022


Nothing Better than Hell on Earth


From Satan to Lucifer via God and His Archangels


It is high time we start considering it is essential to discuss, even with Satan h himself, in order to protect our bottom from the spanking from history, and that spanking is always harsh. Hell is next door and we have the key in our pocket, so let's use it and enjoy eternal heat, which, will be perfect in our troubled times when natural gas and oil products are becoming rare and expensive. Let's a-Biden to our fate. And that fate will be chaotic and dangerous, though the trouble-makers will find themselves alone in front of the big bears of life which is not a Koala Bear nor a Giant Panda. More like a plain grizzly., Éditions La Dondaine, 2022

Thursday, February 24, 2022


Rien n'arrête Mesguich ou Jaroussky!


Agrippina, from Cyrano to Handel and Jaroussky


Gros dossier principalement en Français sur Agrippine de Handel à Cyrano de Bergerac en passant par Daniel Mesguich et Philippe Jaroussky. De l'horreur d'une mise à mort à la beauté d'une transcendance dans justement cette horreur. Cauchemars de lumière et de couleur guarantis. N'oubliez jamais que le sang est rouge. Avez-vous jamais passé de vie à trépas avec une pierre très lourde sur la piptrine qui progressivement vous écrase et vous coupe le souffle, definitivement, toute votre famille et toute la bonne société et toute la populace admirant votre courage? Et le peuple demande que la trahison soit châtiée jusqu'à la troisième génération. Bien du plaisir en perspective.

Éditions La Dondaine, 2022

Tuesday, February 22, 2022


Justice cannot replace political debate and elections


The Supreme Court Cannot Replace the Political Debate



I just published The Supreme Court Cannot Replace the Political Debate. The Supreme Court is supposed to solve conflicts between people, or people and the state at all levels of non-respect of Amendments 14 or 1 or whichever. But it is a temptation to get a five to four ruling where an amendment would have required 66% and 75% majorities. In the US, justice tends to be replacing the political debate.  Look how Trump is being nullified by courts, like Al Capone. Same reason, finagling, embezzling, and tax evasion. That's where reform is necessary, or to deepen the ethical thinking of this Supreme Court., Éditions La Dondaine, 2022

Monday, February 21, 2022


Ami, entends-tu le cri de la Bête?

 Tous les jours au bord de l’Apocalypse


Il y aura toujours la promesse d'une apocalypse pour demain ou pour dimanche. Si ce n'est dimanche ce sera Pâques, Noël ou la Trinité. Cette apocalypse dont nous parlons tous est entièrement contenue dans nos esprits, nos boîtes crâniennes & elle a nom "abortion", "mariage homosexuel", "Ukraine" ou même "populisme".


Éditions La Dondaine 2022

Sunday, February 20, 2022


Et dire que nous étions tous noirs, sauf les Albinos!


We all came out of Black Africa


I just published We all came out of Black Africa The best of it all is that we are still here to witness this emergence, though we may wonder if it was for the better of the planet, or even the cosmos. And nature is coming back after us to catch us and clean up the mess we made with a few pandemics and some wars and plenty of sanctions imposed by the stronger ones.

Éditions La Dondaine

Saturday, February 19, 2022


Amour et Veuves Noires


Black Widow Lover


I just published Black Widow Lover as a Kindle book. The novel is deeply involved in the inner conflict of a Jewish woman, the daughter of two Auschwitz survivors, and her meeting with Black America in California. This presentation contains the prologue of the novel.


Je viens de publier Black Widow Lover en Kindle. Le roman est profondément engagé dans le conflit intérieur d'une femme juive, fille de deux rescapés d'Auschwitz, et de sa rencontre avec l'Amérique noire en Californie. Cette présentnation contient le prologue du roman.



This novel is fundamentally a true story, even if vastly fictionalized. Ceci est une histoire vraie dans sa matière mais fictionnelle dans sa forme Comment la fille de deux rescapés d'Auschwitz peut-elle se laisser prendre au piège du racisme ? Les rescapés de la torture sont-ils condamnés à devenir des tortionnaires si l'occasion s'en présente? 2022

Éditions La Dondaine

Friday, February 18, 2022


Rock, Poetry, Buddhism


12-Century-Old Graffiti


It is worth a climb & a trip to the top of both Sigiriya & Pidurangala Rocks. These rocks are heavy with history & with spiritual value. A great number of pilgrims came here for centuries in the past From Kasyapa's time (4th century) to colonial times (independance 70 years ago) and now throngs of curious tourists from all over the world are converging every year to this rock and its painted ladies known as the Asparas of King Kasyapa. They have been the object of a debate on their carnal or spiritual or even artistic value, but the graffiti going along with them is a many-century-old tradition in Sigiriya and these Sinhala poems are worth a tremendous value in heritage and culture.

Thursday, February 17, 2022


Love is a lethal syndrome


Fresh Feather to Free Feather

All a world in such a drama, all a destiny or even a fate. Does love necessarily lead to such drastic endings? Some say it is always the case. But do I have a say? Maybe not, but I have a conscience and I can't accept that love may end up in the very negation of the person you love, hence in the negation of yourself too since love is by root and definition narcissistic.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022


They all fantasize becoming the United States of Europe, Ah! Ah!.


Translation, A Deep European Embarrassment


I just published Translation, A Deep European Embarrassment The debate is necessary and has to be hot, very hot. That is the absolute condition for Euro^pe to be and reùmain Europe and not become some blanc Uniters States of Europe. No thank you, we do not want to fall from Trump Charybdis into Biden Scylla. We are not under the rule and ruler of the angry schoolteachers of the Federal State of Washington DC., 2022


We all have a sun our in our sons, even if not from Sundarapandiapuram.


From Wilson to Gregson , the Ramson of Silversun


Be it the Australian science fiction series or the American rock and roll classic band, the sun is menaced in its scorching existence and the sons have been stolen beyond all sorts of forgotten, forbidden, and forlorn portals and other gates protected by black magic, white magic, and pink fairy magic. A cocktail that may make you lose all control over your basic mental managing power. You will regress into some kind of forsaken cell in some dungeon in an underground prison that will let you dream of Bastille Day, the day when the most impressive prison citadel fell in the hands of rebellious revolutionaries. Enjoy, the full burial alive experience of this descent to hell six feet at least under., 2022

Saturday, February 12, 2022


Death is at times a lot better than love


The Adorable Curse of Love


I just published The Adorable Curse of Love. When Love rhymes with Death, Then Life rhymes with Dust To Dust. And six feet under, the earth is warm and cozy. You can smell the mud and you can hear the worms. You can dream of what is coming next or you can just go to sleep in eternal unconsciousness. No reason why you should accept to survive after death or live again after your own burial. It is so convenient for the living to imagine there is anything after death: it keeps them voracious at the dinner table that they would neglect if they knew they were nothing but a nursery of fodder for worms

 Éditions La Dondaine, 2022


So far away, So Asian, So Buddhist


The Wake of the Ladies in Sigiriya

I just published The Wake of the Ladies in Sigiriya This is far away, so get to it in poetry. The ladies are there on the wall and the palace on top and the city around and the garden in front. The water starts running again, but a lot will have to be rebuilt and reinforced and reinvented for it to become a center of Sri Lankan culture and history. The elephants are missing, though since local elephants are nocturnal animals, it is not easy to bring them here in the daytime. In the wild, they are resting, and, please, do not disturb them ever.

Éditions La Dondaine, 2022

Thursday, February 10, 2022


Syephen King Over All and Everything


Come and Meet the Master of Horror and Suspense


If you get on this train in time you will get enough amuse-gueules for everyone, but hurry up. But I am told reserves are limited and the crowd is pushing behind you, if not already ahead of you. All formats possible: Kindle books, free open access files on the Internet, radio shows, etc. Hours of reading, maybe even more than hours. A wee or two, maybe even more. He is probably the American Shakespeare, or at least one of them, of the end of the Twentieth century and the twenty-first century that he will inhabit like a Maya Death  Lord in Xibalba.

Éditions La Dondaine, 2022

Wednesday, February 09, 2022


La montagne est excitante et définitivement s*s*


Tout est Grivois à la Montagne


Pour tous ceux qui ont encore des vacances et qui sont en train de se bronzer sur les pistes en regardant les JO de Pékin. Faites vous un peu plaisir. I just published Tout est Grivois à la Montagne. La vérité sort de la bouche des enfants et dans la montagne la joie de vivre est de rigueur, en dansant dans la forêt et en se roulant dans la neige. Vaste déambulatoire forestier.  Rien ne saurait arrêter le plaisir, même pas les chevreuils curieux ni les sangliers hopstiles, alors ne parlons pas des renards et des lapins.


Éditions La Dondaine, 2022

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