Thursday, January 19, 2023


Or is it J.K. Galbraith?


The Triadic Transgender Robert Rowling

The books are good, but the series, all BBC that it might be, is bad, too short, too light, evading essential problems. That's surprising both for the BBC and for the author. Any self-respecting author would refuse to see his or her work be reduced to some pulp story for a prime time passive consumer who is taking his TV fix every night at the same time. That's what is called moral rights for an author, the right to refuse an adaptation if it betrays the original work, and in this case it is more than a betrayal, it is an assassination, even if, or even though, the post-tea audience likes it. They have to digest their tea, of course, and they do it with one or two beers. And don't worry, this audience does not like many nuances and shades of grey. One good old blood-colored TV gravy is enough to satisfy their intellectual palate.  

Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023

Wednesday, January 18, 2023


The Shetlands, the islands at the edge of the precipice into oblivion


Touristically Brexit in Crime


I just published Touristically Brexit in Crime. The Shetland Islands are absolutely gorgeous for tourism and they attract so many people who should never set foot there. Hence Brexit to keep them out. But... that was not enough, I am sure, and anyway, there was so much crime simmering in the local population where everyone is the cousin of all his or her neighbors, they had enough inbreeding to make the sun explode with shame. And it did explode or rather implode. Jimmy Perez found a loophole in the system and enabled a black man who was supposed to be extradited to Texas to evade the sure death penalty he would have gotten with no appeal possible: legal lynching. But he was just retired for this ethically minded mistake.


Éditions La Dondaine, 2023

Tuesday, January 17, 2023


Fine comme papier à cigarettes, l'intelligence des flics


Fin comme l’aiguille d’Étretat, le Lupin


I just published Fin comme l’aiguille d’Étretat, le Lupin. Finesse n'est pas dans le genre, roublard, menteur, rusé, futé, mais la finesse n'y est pas où les détails sont tellement gros qu'ils en deviennent mythiques de toutes les prestidigitations. Et le prestidigitateur est un fin renard qui sent sa proie juste avant de la manger et la proie est volontaire car elle croit que ce sera tout autre chose qu'un banquet avec sa viande et ses abats. Mais il se trompe et comme pour le taureau dans l'arène, ce sont ses pendeloques qui partiront les premières. Et après cela l'émasculé partira dans sa campagne mortuaire et se lèchera ses plaies et geindra tout son saoul/sou/ et cela finira avec une bise bien sûr mon cher Soubise. Lupin c'est des têtes à queue illogique dans l'intrigue et des ni queue ni tête dans la vraisemblance. Tout juste bon pour un public d'été légèrement éméché par la chaleur de la journée et qui regarde les images en laissant trainer ses mains partout où il peut. *


Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023

Sunday, January 15, 2023


De frère en frère on finit toujours par mourir


Catalogue Kindle de JC, ou son frère James


I just published Catalogue Kindle de JC, ou son frère James Ce n'est pas une forêt. Trop d'espèces différentes. C'est le Petit Trianon, sans les moutons ni la reine qui jouait à la bergère et se baignait nue avec ses pages dans un bassin d'eau douce. Et pendant ce temps la France croulait sous les réformes jamais faites et la mauvaise passe climatique depuis au moins cinq ans. Nous avons tous une reine dans nos combles qui se prend pour une brioche et n'est qu'une tranche de painr assis, comme ces élus LFI de Clermont Ferrand qui veulent empécher Michelin de faire sur ses propres terres un centre de culture industrielle qui serait presqu'unique au monde. Et c'est bien pour cela que le James, ou Jacques, de là-bas Jérusalerm fut jeté par dessus les murs sur ordre du grand prêtre, puis forcé de se déshabiller entièrement, puis de creuser sa tombe, dans laquelle il descendit et s'agenouilla, puis y fur enterré juqu'au cou, et finalement lapidé par les habitants de Jérusalem assistant au spectacle. Il y a toujours un James ou un Jacques qui finit mal, quand il est le frère cadet d'un autre qui lui aussi a mal fini.


Éditions La Dondaine, 2023

Thursday, January 12, 2023


Apparemment Netflix fait mieux, mais c'est plus cher


Même Lupin Vieillit, L’Arsène


I just published Même Lupin Vieillit, L’Arsène. Bilingue/Bilingual. This old series has aged in spite of some good strong German blood in the second season. I hope better adventures are being produced right now. The old cars of the 1920s could be that attractive to today's audience and the strict, straight, only, and sole heterosexual option is slightly boring. We are not living in a world like that anymore. And the stories, at times the crimes, the murders, the assassinations are slightly fuzzy on circumstances and detail. I am surprised that Herlock Sholmes accepted to come and compete with such an amateur.


Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023

Friday, January 06, 2023


No reason to let the post-COVID period go wasted.


How to be Literate in Self-Learning

Foreign languages are the key to today's economy and there is no mystery about it, and no miracle either. A lot of determination, motivation, and self-reliance. the learner must be the master of his own learning, in what he learns, and how he learns it. the "master" is no longer the master, except maybe of ceremony. And we are getting late. The Chinese are already implementing Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence in grade schools, from primary to high school. And mind you the West is just not watching, nor listening. They reject not seeing that they are getting lost behind. 

Guided self-learning is the future at all levels of education. It will transform the way people learn any subject and it will transform the fundamental guiding role of teachers who will no longer be a pipeline for knowledge, but a signpost, many signposts on the road to the discovery of knowledge. What do you think?

Éditions La Dondaine, 2023


Roman Érotique Gay Sans Capotes

Roman Érotique Vient de Sortir Bareback


I just published Roman Érotique Vient de Sortir Bareback. Obsessional-Compulsive Desire to Love diverted-perverted into multifarious only physical sex of any genre, gender, nature to extreme promiscuous saturation & suicidal masturbation of the psyche. Gayphobic people, please abstain, and keep away. A full exploration of the school system and its inner decomposition, of the impossibility to develop any revolutionary action in factories, and the impossible liberation in sexual prostitution. All that leads to a suicidal dilemma between a woman Jacques will never have and two friends who would love him deeply but that gay relationship excludes the woman he loves, even if he can't have her. THE END. And yet that's where the exploration of autistic and Asperger's psychology can find a beginning, meaning the lack of empathy for people who are differently-abled leads to death.


Éditions La Dondaine, 2023

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