Sunday, April 10, 2022


Try to be realistically symbolic


IFIASA — Symbol or Reality

I just published IFIASA — Call for Papers Symbol and Reality. We are living among symbols and we are drowning in symbols at every step of this life. Pandemic and the symbol of the Black Death is there in our eyes. We speak of vaccination and Pasteur pushes away the charlatans from the Middle Ages, but today the anti-vax come up with new predictions of another end of the world. And a war starts somewhere, and of course, the images are those of the One Hundred Years War of old, or the crusades, or the war against Indians in the Americas, or Count Dracula against the Ottomans. And the nasty Kobold that lives under the sink whispers in the middle of the night, "What about Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, and so many others?" These real events become symbols of history and symbols of human vanity in front of life. We have to color it up in any color from black to white and the whole rainbow. And a black woman is confirmed into the Supreme Court in Washington DC. Is it a reality or is it a symbol? Will it change anything, or nothing, or just a few commas and parentheses in the generally conservative tone of the Supreme Court that is supposed to make sure the two-and-a-half-century old constitution is always respected in its very letter? Conservative indeed. They can't and they won't change a single letter in it. Imagine the panic in the USA if tomorrow morning Biden decided to transcribe the Constitution in Cyrillic alphabet as a symbol of their real solidarity with Ukraine?


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