Monday, March 27, 2023


Le Moulin de Nouara désenclavera-t-il le Livradois-Forez?




I just published BATTLE BD À NOUARA. Il s'agit de BD, comics, comic books, comic strips, et cartoons, une forme d'art contestataire par définition qui ne sait saisir que la profondeur de la frustration, l'aliénation, la castration, bref la souffrance. La souffrance du corps, la souffrance de l'âme, oui de l'âme, la souffrance mentale, cette souffrance qui vous torture jour et nuit jusqu'à la mort car il n'y a pas d'espoir d'en sortir dans un monde qui exige l'effort, le travail, l'imagination et la vision inspiratrice de l'avenir et tout cela c'est dur - MAIS ENTHOUSIASMANT. La plupart des gens ne comprennent pas que le bonheur ne se trouve que dans le travail au service des autres et dans l'effort mental, intellectuel et créatif qui seul réalise et augmente notre force de travail, notre créativité sans lesquels nous ne sommes pas humains. La retraite n'est pas la sortie du monde du travail mais doit être la recherche d'une nouvelle place dans ce monde du travail. Le droit à la paresse est une bêtise mentale et une absurdité existentielle. Et être grand-mère ou grand-père n'est pas une profession digne de quoi que ce soit. C'est un plaisir mais cultiver son jardin est plus important que de donner des bonbons aux petits enfants.


Éditions La Dondaine, 2023

Tuesday, March 14, 2023


Ostracized and Stigmatized in a world of exploitation.


Graphic and Sordid Genocidal Monstrous Caucasians


I just published Graphic & Sordid Genocidal Monstrous Caucasians. You can't imagine how far all the Donalds and Joes can go to keep the US clean and white, pure and on top of the cosmos. Extermination and war by proxy. And their feet are in the dump. And the dump is full of mud and all sorts of manure and rotten matter slowly going up their legs to the knees and soon the hips. The attempt to decide one species is superior to any other among hominins and Hominoids is just Satanic vanity, and the vain person who tries to do this is the slave of Satan, the Devil, Belzebuth, and Mephistopheles in one go, one stroke, one fateful destiny.  And be sure there is no future for that vanity. They will drown in their mystic and perverse melodramatic ideology, on their knees to pray to and prey on their god whom they trust, and yet he has forgotten to exist even before the emergence of any life on earth, even geological life. Vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas.


Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023

Saturday, March 11, 2023


Shift from women's spirituality to the blue print of a male mind


Neolithic in Anatolia


I just published Neolithic in Anatolia. It is more than surprising, it is disquieting that so many archaeologists neglect language in their research. It is even more shocking to see how much they neglect women and their essential role in survival. The survival of the species, of the community, but also the expansion of this species that will eventually conquer the whole planet, and this essential role in survival had given them an essential place in the spiritual dimension of this survival, at least up to the peak of the Ice Age, and maybe even to the Madgalenian. But they will lose that spiritual position in the Neolithic. How bizarre that archaeologists do not see how women held the fate of humanity in their minds because they enabled the species to survive and expand, provided three children were brought to a full 29-year-long life. 3 children per woman. How many pregnancies did it mean? Science is slowly moving out of its pro-male sexism and it might finally see the light of equality in differences instead of inequality in a homogenizing bias.

Ian Hodder did a good job, and yet women are not considered, and children are hardly mentioned except as neonates buried under the thresholds of houses and rooms. How can we get out of this biased vision that centers the whole discourse and the whole reality on the males only, often by not even mentioning the sex of the people he is speaking of? Sexual prowess Ian Hodder likes so much has only to do with men of course. What do you think?

Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023

Sunday, March 05, 2023


The good killing Samaritan on the road to Damascus



I just published BIBLICAL SATANISM There is no good, no evil, and no end to blind fate. Human beings are just disposable for the master of the ceremony of the end of the world. And be sure they are numerous in the streets to create that havoc they chaotically hope to experience till death comes sweet and peacefully distressing. No good, no evil, in this world. Just pleasure (and this is only sexual) and pain (and this is highly pleasurable, especially when it is the pain of someone else I am in the process of slicing up one inch at a time with a chainsaw, starting with the toes up the body. He will be dead when I reach the head, but I will slice it anyway, like a cantaloupe. No one can imagine the amount and number of blissful ejaculation(s) I collect in my pleasure-draining pouch attached to my left leg. There is always another pain toy that will come or be brought for slicing, or at times shredding in a treetrunk shredder, starting feet first of course. You cannot imagine the exhilarating effect of the symphony in howling major these people are able to create. In the present situation the revolutionary discourse of mobs and mob leaders, at times extremist political organizations and unreasonable trade unions, call for a violent upheaval of, the masses who are supposed to bring the future into our societies, though they do not even know what the future will be since their pleasure is the present chaos they can create. Amazon is thus playing vicious with this film because they know it is impossible. Look at January 6, 2021. Look at Brazil recently. Look at even Sri Lanka or Pakistan or the United Kingdom or Italy. One PM or one President are made expendable and it all goes on the same way as before.

Éditions La Dondaine, 2023

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