Tuesday, November 24, 2020


Tribune Libre du Syndicat National des Auteurs et des Compositeurs

Colloque Traduction Automatique, 25 novembre 2020



Tribune Libre sur la Traduction, automatique ou non, pour le Syndicat National des Auteurs et des Compositeurs, 80 rue Taitbout, 75009 Paris. L'accent principal est sur la responsabilité civile des concepteurs et vendeurs de machines à traduire lorsque les traductions ainsi produites causent des incidents ou des accidents. Qui est responsable? C'est dramatique quand on a quatre cents victimes de deux crashes d'avion, mais c'est tout aussi regrettable quand des sous-titrres de films ou de séries sont produits par ces machines, quand un roman est produit par ces traducteurs mécaniques. La distortion d'une culture n'est-elle pas aussi grave que deux avions qui s'écrasent au sol? Peut-on vraiment et sans risques remplacer les traducteurs humains par des machines aveugles? Et semble-t-il tout aussi sourdes.

Medium.com, 2020

Artificial Intelligence,  *  Translation Studies,  *  Machine Learning,  *  Accountability,  *  Deep Learning


Saturday, November 21, 2020


QAnon tente de faire main basse sur les enfants.


Rêver en Hiver



Deux contes pour enfants écrits avec et pour des classes de Grands de l'École Maternelle Jacques Prévert de Tourcoing. Ils avaient cinq ans et ils inventaient semaine après semaine les histoires qui les faisaient rêver. Et ils devraient faire rêver pas mal d'enfants, peut-être pas comme histoire du soir, mais comme une histoire du matin, pour se réveiller. Ré-édition en fac-similé de l’édition originale de 1989 et 1990. Monsieur Jacques & la Sorcière, et Tête de Mort Sans Trésor.

 2020, Éditions La Dondaine

Pirates,  *  Chouette,  *  le chat noir,  *  perroquet,  *  littérature pour enfants,  *  Sorcières

Thursday, November 19, 2020


Running after death for maybe ...


Salman Rushdie, the Beauty of Death



The latest book by this author is a long intertwined peregrination from life to death, and the author wants us to believe death is beautiful because it is going to the absolute unknown and leaving behind no testimony about what it is all about. We thus have a long procession, Danse Macabre, of characters that are mourning the future that will not come - for them - and they lock themselves into absolute self-centered umbilical egotism leading to total dissolution into nothingness. The author protects himself from this fate with a wall of several million words blocking the view of the land beyond the gate of light that casts no shadow.


Publication Date: 2020

Publication Name: Medium.com

Drugs And Addiction,  *  The Spanish picaresque novel (la novela picaresca),  *  Death and Burial (Archaeology),  *  Opioids,   *  History of Epidemics


Wednesday, November 18, 2020


Traduire et ne pas trahir la culture traduite


Traduction et Souveraineté Linguistique



Translation and Linguistic Sovereignty

No secret in this procedure, but Artificial Intelligence can transform any culture in any language into a robotized, colonized, and exsanguinated cultural gibberish, jibber-jabber, or gobbledygook, in one phrase some homogenized fast-read placebo. Human remains supreme.

Next stop Paris, November 25, 2020, by zoom or whatever other virtual transportation.


DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27687.57761


Project: Publishing on the Internet


2020, Medium. com

Artificial Intelligence,  *  Translation Studies,  *  Machine Learning,  *  Accountability,  *  Deep Learning

Tuesday, November 17, 2020


AI, Unavoidable & Unforgivable Tool

Éditions La Dondaine; 1st edition (November 4, 2020)

Kindle Edition 277 pages

Text-to-Speech : Enabled

Enhanced typesetting : Enabled

Language: : English



Artificial Intelligence is invading our daily life at an unstoppable speed. But can we ride it like a horse or a train to go where we want to go? The main and crucial questions all deal with accountability. Who is responsible if a machine is the cause of an accident? The user of the machine has been trained and he used User's Guides to deal with the machine. Was the training and were the User's guides properly performed or clearly written in a language the user could read and understand? Translating machines multiply the difficulties because any text has semantic backdoors and translating what is not on the surface or the façade but is behind, hidden, but fundamental for the meaning invested by the author, is nearly impossible, even in a user's guide. Semantic backdoors are the entrances used by hackers to get into software or a network. But most texts to be translated are only signifying and significant because of the innuendo behind the backdoors.


AI, Unavoidable & Unforgivable Tool

Éditions La Dondaine; 1st edition (November 4, 2020)

Kindle Edition 277 pages

Text-to-Speech : Enabled

Enhanced typesetting : Enabled

Language: : English



Artificial Intelligence is invading our daily life at an unstoppable speed. But can we ride it like a horse or a train to go where we want to go? The main and crucial questions all deal with accountability. Who is responsible if a machine is the cause of an accident? The user of the machine has been trained and he used User's Guides to deal with the machine. Was the training and were the User's guides properly performed or clearly written in a language the user could read and understand? Translating machines multiply the difficulties because any text has semantic backdoors and translating what is not on the surface or the façade but is behind, hidden, but fundamental for the meaning invested by the author, is nearly impossible, even in a user's guide. Semantic backdoors are the entrances used by hackers to get into software or a network. But most texts to be translated are only signifying and significant because of the innuendo behind the backdoors.


Peut-on humaniser les machines à traduire?

Paris 25 Novembre 2020, vidéoconférence Paris Université et Observatoire Européen du Plurilinguisme. Nous vous attendons tous dans le nuage bien sûr, avec distanciation mais sans masques.


A real Christmas with the Kings


Joe Up-Hill 2 Christmas Land



Joe Hill is the worthy and hard-trying son of his father and he must have suffered a lack of candy for Christmas celebration in his family when he was a kid. So he imagines permanent eternal Christmas Land for all kids who have suffered somewhat in the hands of their parents. Charlie Manx is the devil made human survivor thanks to a royal Rolls Royce that is his rat-trap for children dreaming of carols and sweets.

But four women will do what they can to capture this monster, destroy him (another IT of sorts though less clownish) and destroy his Christmas Land without any guarantee that the children trapped there will come out, some after twenty years or more with no aging at all during this time.

The two seasons and the book of Nos4a2 are included.

I added a few more things by Joe Hill, particularly his novel Horns and the film adapted from it with Ratcliffe as a horny devil. And for the trip, I also added two Nosferatu films, and the second reviewed in both English and French. All that should enable you to sharpen your teeth.

Enjoy your confined vacation.

 Publication Date: 2020

Publication Name: Medium.com

Thursday, November 12, 2020


Viséo Conférence Paris 25 Novembre 2020


Humaniser la Machine à Traduire



Les machines à traduire ne peuvent pas remplacer les traducteurs humains mais elles peuvren terriblement faciliter leur travail et leur faire gagner beaucoup de temps. Ils peuvent se concentrer sur les subtilités du texte à traduire et ne pas perdre du temps sur la traduction du texte transparent. Ceci étant, la traduction devient une exigence de plus en plus forte dans le monde en voie de globalisation, particulièrement pour les langues non véhiculaires globales (quatre au maximum) et pour les langues rares et menacées d'extinction. Comment permettre à cet outil admirable d'être un outil valorisant le travail du traducteur humain sans lequel il ne peut pas fonctionner.

 2020, Éditions La Dondaine

Artificial Intelligence,  *  Machine Learning,  *  Deep Learning,  *  Translator Training,  *  translating machines

Sunday, November 08, 2020


Maybe a good dentist could improve these teeth!


Long-Toothed White Wolf Harry!



This Protest Poetry from the United Kingdom is both fundamental and badly-inspired but they sure have a muse that is more in this case "a letterbox" called Boris with a "mask" called Johnson. We have to study this active writing process that is a full image of one or two or maybe three of the multiple sides, and faces even if masked, of the British society that became Brexit in the wake of trumpism, or as an avant-garde of it, and is now confronted to a defeat in "fire and fury." For me, this strong and powerful poetry is comparable to some of the more political plays by Shakespeare like Titus Andronicus, though it may lack some of the symbolic surrealistic poetry of Mayakovsky in his agit-prop days.


He's the author of two ragamuffin traveling tales: Route Number 11 (about Harry's five-month drunken journey around Argentina; and across the borders to Paraguay, Chile, and Brazil) and The Road To Purification (which describes his mad-as-fuck pot-smoking trip around Egypt). Harry has also written nine collections of distinctive contemporary poetry, including Underdogs Unite, New Beat Newbie, Two Beat Newbie, and the award-winning Rhyme and Rebellion. Over the years, Harry has performed his poetry at the Portobello Festival, the Winchester literature fringe festival, and numerous open mic nights and gigs. These days, however, he prefers making fun and quirky performance vids from the comfort of his smoky flat. You can find his performances on this website. Harry's poetry has also appeared in five anthologies and you can find his wacky fiction in the unique book ReejecttIIon-a number two, which Harry co-authored with Daniel Clausen. On top of all that, Harry somehow finds time for his day job as an article writer and illustrator. Harry Whitewolf was born in England in 1976. He hopes to see world peace in his lifetime, and yes, Harry believes miracles are possible.


2020, Medium.com

Poetry,  *  Protest,  *  Dictatorships,  *  Masks,  *  Agitprop

Friday, November 06, 2020


Brand New From Olliergues France



Éditions La Dondaine; 1st edition (November 4, 2020)
Kindle Edition 277 pages
Text-to-Speech : Enabled
Enhanced typesetting : Enabled
Language: : English

 1- Machines, including translating machines, are never doing things the way human beings do. Machines imitate human beings by moving from a starting point to an endpoint, but the routes followed from one to the other are not at all the same, just bringing in the same ending.

2- Still and for some more unspecifiable time, machines are not able to extend, as Marshall McLuhan would say, the full human mind, human spirituality, human existential experience, and human rebellious creativity.

3- There cannot be any global come-together of humanity if everyone cannot access all that everyone else is doing.

4- We must understand the libraries of still today will disappear and be replaced by servers that will contain all the “knowledge” and “arts” and “science” and “technology” of the human species from all ages, ancient, middle, and modern, and open onto all future ages.

5- No matter how, but this enormous Virtual-Real Library will have to be open access, which does not mean free, at no charge, in a way or another, because intellectual property has to be developed and the people who create or invent this intellectual property have to be able to live from it.

6- Will the future world choose to enslave all intellectual property creators and hence owners to some guaranteed state income with no link with any market, or will humanity choose to enable these creators and owners to draw, from their intellectual property, an income that will be proportional to the use, usefulness and circulation of their intellectual property?

7- If we keep that concept of intellectual property it is quite clear a machine does not own anything and a machine is not a copyright holder + moral rights on top. Hence who is accountable if something goes wrong? The designer of the machine, the worker using it, the company owning it, the translator of the badly translated User’s Guide?

8- No matter how good the machine can be, it is always the owner of the machine, not to mention the worker on the machine, that owns the goods produced by the machine and the human work that goes along with it.

9- Apart from the problem of accountability, to finish with a touch of humorous provocation I would say translating machines cannot understand, exploit, not to mention translate all the backdoors invested in a text by the author, due to his mood, his wit, his own experience. Such innuendo evades a translating machine, just as much as this machine cannot have any hormones, except those invested into the machine by the programmer.

Thursday, November 05, 2020


Visio Conférence Ouverte à Tous


Traduction Automatique & Intelligence Artificielle


Christian Tremblay (OEP) La traduction automatique dans le contexte des institutions européennes L’évolution au cours des vingt dernières années qui s’est précipitée avec l’extension de l’Europe à 10 nouveaux membres issus de l’ancienne zone d’influence soviétique, s’est caractérisée par le développement de l’anglais comme langue de travail au détriment de toutes les autres langues et en tout premier lieu du français. Alors que très peu de fonctionnaires européens sont des natifs anglophones, cette évolution aboutit au paradoxe de transformer la quasi-totalité des fonctionnaires européens en traducteurs vers l’anglais de premier niveau. Ainsi, un rédacteur francophone va produire des documents en anglais qui seront ensuite traduits en français par les services de traduction. Un rédacteur germanophone, allemand ou autrichien produira des textes en anglais qui seront ensuite traduits en allemand. Cette situation, que certains justifient par la nécessité de disposer d’une langue commune, au-delà de la situation ubuesque évoquée, n’est évidemment pas dépourvue d’arrière-pensées géostratégiques qui consistent à maintenir l’Europe dans une situation de « tête de pont de la puissance américaine » (Zbigniew Brzezinski) sur le continent eurasiatique. La question posée est de savoir si l’arrivée de la traduction automatique à un niveau de qualité très élevé est de nature à modifier les équilibres et à permettre le développement de pratiques plus conformes à aux valeurs fondamentales de diversité linguistique et culturelle, inscrite dans les traités, à l’intérieur d’une identité culturelle européenne que personne ne conteste sérieusement, malgré une conscience encore bien incertaine de cette identité.


Publication Date: 2020

Publication Name: Observatoire Européen du Plurilinguisme

Artificial Intelligence,  *  Translation Studies,  *  Multilingualism,  *  Plurilingualism,  *  Deep Learning

Wednesday, November 04, 2020


Paleolithic Women's Spiritual Role

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