Friday, February 24, 2023


The Hunting season is open, but who do ,you hunt?


Hunting Nazis — 2nd Amendment — NRA Practice


I just published Hunting Nazis — 2nd Amendment — NRA Practice. Only possible in very few countries where citizens can have as many weapons they want of any sort & kind, carry them loaded or not everywhere they go & use them if they only FEEL menaced. Imagine them FEELING afraid and menaced by a storm and they start shooting hundreds of rounds around them to protect themselves. I guess that's why there are so many mass shootings in the USA: people feel menaced by the coming storm. The latest episode is that they feel menaced by COVID-19 and it is obviously the fault of all doctors who are plotting the reduction of the population to prevent climate change. So they pick their guns and shoot all personnel in all hospitals, clinics, and health centers. It's not because these Nazi war criminals are war criminals that it gives me the right to exterminate them like rats.


Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023

Thursday, February 23, 2023


Le Prato ki s'muche dins ch'coin


When the Ephemeral that Lasts Endlessly Ends up Creatively Famished


I just published When the Ephemeral that Lasts Endlessly Ends up Creatively Famished. I knew them from 1976 to 1995 when I finally migrated to our Central Mountains and Auvergne. They were a tremendous experience. They were able to make music speak and laugh and they moved Carmen, the opera, of course, dumb ass! Picmuche and Poupinou were for me the perfect extraterrestrial neighborly pair if not a couple of clowns. Now that Gilles Defacques is gone, are they still going to wait for the coming of some God? Probably because clowns always stick to their antics. And they have, had, and will always have plenty of tricks in their pockets, and if not in their pockets probably in their shoes, socks, but beware the hats: they always hide some deadly weapons of general laughter there, laughing louse that is ready to jump onto you just like fleas on a famished dog.


Le Prato est né dans le bouillonnement des années 1970 de la rencontre de personnalités qui souhaitaient allier sujets de société et arts populaires, constituer une troupe pour créer et accueillir des spectacles. Depuis 1985, il est installé dans l’ancienne filature Le Blan dans le quartier de Moulins à Lille.

Reconnu scène conventionnée pour les arts du burlesque en 1999, le Prato a été labellisé pôle national cirque en 2011.

Il fait partie des 14 pôles nationaux cirque en France.

Dédié aux arts du cirque, le Prato accompagne les équipes artistiques avec une attention particulière pour l’émergence (coproduction, résidence) et organise la rencontre avec les habitants et les habitantes de Moulins, de Lille, du Nord et d’ailleurs (spectacles, actions artistiques et culturelles, ateliers, formations, rencontres…). Il construit ses actions artistiques et culturelles dans une démarche d’éducation populaire.

Le Prato aime mêler le cirque avec d’autres arts et programme ponctuellement des spectacles burlesques, du théâtre, de la danse…

Il programme en salle, sous chapiteau et dans l’espace public. Le Prato programme une saison (septembre-juin) ainsi qu’un festival tous les deux ans depuis 2011, Les Toiles dans la ville.

Lorsqu’il accueille des chapiteaux, le Prato s’installe sur l’espace chapiteau de la Gare Saint Sauveur.

Il participe également à la programmation de partenaires métropolitains de Lille.

Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023


Sunday, February 12, 2023


There is no cure for political senility, Mister-Master-Sir Biden


World Gased by False Fake-news

I just published World Gased by False Fake-news. The war in Ukraine is the war of the USA and the WEST with NATO as the tool for it against Russia and China to prevent the USA, the WEST, and NATO from losing their leadership in the world. There is a fair chance we will get a nuclear at least incident, if not accident, if not even war from this reckless strategy of Biden in his old age S(terile)-S(enility)-Delirium-Tremens. No cure for that old man, but you might cause great damage and we, only us, we, and ours will have to pay the damages while he will bask in the sun in a wheelchair. It is debilitating to see the power of the USA drift away from Washington and all press campaign against Russia and China leads nowhere and certainly not victory for Ukraine. How long will it take these over 80-year-old presidents, ex-presidents, and future presidents to retire at least and die away because they have reached their age of obsolescence? And look at the new head of state in England: he climbs onto the throne when everyone only dreams to retire in the countryside.

The war in Ukraine is a mental trap in the west and a clear scheme of the rich west led by Washington and Nato in the eyes of the rest of the world, east, north, and south. All that for the USA not to lose its domination of the world which it will never be able to keep. Too greedy and too dictatorial with mass shootings in the USA and spreading their troops everywhere. More imperialistic than the US you will die: they will shoot you before you can think a second time. And they will claim it's China that did it.

Éditions La Dondaine-Medium 2023

Wednesday, February 08, 2023


From Bessora to the New York Times


Bessora Prophétesse de l’À-venir Passé


I just published Bessora Prophétesse de l’À-venir Passé. Entre l'avenir et le passé il y a un gazoduc qu'on aurait dit vénézuélien il y a trois-quatre ans, qu'on dit russe depuis un an et qu'on dira chinois dans un an, si on en croit le vieux Biden qui est en train de radoter depuis deux ans, d'abord en Afghanistan, avec raison dans ce cas (c'est à quoi servent les conseillers), et maintenant sans la moindre logique autre que guerrière, mais sans troupes, en Ukraine contre la Russie, et dans le Montana contre la Chine. Le ballon météo Biden est bidonnant. Il faudra une nouvelle loi sur la retraite pour se débarasser des vieillards quand ils n'ont plus de raison raisonnable. Allez, votons pour la retraite des polmitiques: à 62, 64, 65, 70 ans, ou plus? J'ai arrêté de travailler pour des institutions publiques à 65 ans, pour des institutions privées à 71 ans, et je n'ai toujours par arrêté en tant qu'indépendant. Mais j'ai encore quelques années avant de rejoindre le clan des Biden et des Trump. Xi est un bébé par rapport à eux, et même moi.


Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023


Tuesday, February 07, 2023


Preventing is easier than defeating, is it not?


Hitler in his manger.

I just published Hitler in his manger. Nothing darker than the birth of Nazism in Vienna. Pitiful and pathetic, antisemite and jingoistic. Everything foreigner is rejected except if they accept to be dominated. At the same time, the Austrian and their emperor are trying to pacify the Russians who are having their first revolution in 1905. But two more are coming, including the Bolshevik revolution. The first world war was the moment when the Americans had a war by proxy at first. Then they sent troops to bring it to an end and impose their vision of a world dominated by them. Unluckily the Soviet Union was born from this war and it disturbed the imperialistic plans of Monroe's Doctrine of the Manifest Destiny of the USA. These calculations of our chief imperialists will also bring Hitler to Germany, and the Shoah. And that was only the beginning.

Hitler was born in Vienna and he grew up at the beginning of the 20th century surrounded by nationalism, antisemitism, exploitation of the poor, and rejection of women. He is the child of this miserable segregationist city. What do you think?

Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023

Race and Racism,  *  Antisemitism (Prejudice),  *  Nationalism,  *  Nazi Germany,  *  Austrian History

Saturday, February 04, 2023


With language, it is the perfect trinity





I just published COGNITION — COMMUNICATION A new comeback after a few years of absence. But it is good to feel that blood running in our veins again. Pure Ginseng. Pure maca. Pure vitamins. Read it and let you get onto the flying carpet. You might end up in an Arabian paradise in Sri Lanka or the South China Sea with Monkey on his way to the West. If you listen to me on the point you will avoid the mistake of so many, like Ian Hodder who wants to explore the old society of Çatalhöyük in Anatolia without taking into account the language at all, and first of all, what language was spoken at the time in this small spot of the world.  

The link between cognition and communication is language. We are human because of the articulated language we have been developing for 300,000 years. No escape from that, but how can it work? There is a little bit of an answer to this question that is to be debated fiercely.


Studii de stinta si cultura, 2018

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