Thursday, November 30, 2023


Nous avons besoin d'un Archange Gabriel




Une des forces créatrices majeures de nos sociétés dites occidentales est à chercher et trouver, encourager et cultiver dans les communautés urbaines et péri-urbaines d’Europe ou des Amériques, sans oublier l’Afrique et bien sûr l’Asie qui commence tout juste à rayonner loin de leurs propres territoires. Grand Corps Malade et bien d’autres groupes de slam ou de rap, de hip hop ou de break dance deviennent le moteur de l’évolution culturelle et ethnique de nos pays, n’en déplaise aux groupes populistes, nationalistes, suprématistes et autres blancs et plus blancs que blancs, signifiant européens, ou caucasiens comme disent les États-Unis. Moins caucasien que moi, tu dégages. Tolérance zéro en dessous de 95% caucasien, selon les nostalgiques de Mussolini et d’Hitler, et un peu de Staline et Trotsky.


One of the major creative forces of our so-called Western societies is to seek and find, encourage, and cultivate in the urban and peri-urban communities of Europe or the Americas, without forgetting Africa and of course, Asia which is just beginning to radiate far from their own territories. Grand Corps Malade and many other slam, rap, hip hop, or break dance groups are becoming the driving force behind the cultural and ethnic evolution of our countries, bringing mental ulcers and tumors to all populist, nationalist, supremacist, and other white and whiter than white groups, meaning Europeans, or Caucasians as the United States says. Less Caucasian than me, you zip off out of my sight. Zero tolerance below 95% Caucasian, if we have to follow those lost humans nostalgic for Mussolini and Hitler, and a little for Stalin and Trotsky.


Grand Corps Malade, like Nique Ta Mère before him/them, has become essential in the emergence of an alternative culture in France and French. It will get onto the main cultural stages of France, like the Opera of Massy soon, if it is not yet started.

 Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023

Tuesday, November 21, 2023


Imagine the protest of the MASTERS IN THE SUBJECT.


Homo Naledi Meets Silvia Ferrara


Homo Naledi at IFIASA 2023, Romania, 43 minutes 24

A full presentation of Homo Naledi and what he means for archaeology and anthropology. He buried his dead in underground caves. He inscribed symbolic hashtags and other geometric forms on the walls of the main burial chamber over the graves. He had reached the first stage of symbolic writing, the engravings representing a few ritualistic oral formulas. Just one step before symbolical signs for phonemes and/or syllables, the opening gate to alphabetical writing.


The development of Writing at IFIASA 2023, Romania, 51 minutes 29

A full presentation of what happened after the lecture on Homo Naledi, moving from symbolical non-representational mostly geometric inscriptions and engravings to symbolical signs for phonemes and syllables that lead to alphabetical writing, a generally progressive evolution with cases like Egyptian hieroglyphs and Maya glyphs that kept their old Holistic representational structures and yet became phonetic for syllables or ancillary "words." What is writing the extension of, in Marshall McLuhan's line? Comment

Jacques Coulardeau uploaded a paper

These two videos basically discuss provocative questions, which leaves established people in this field of research very hostile because it requires a complete restructuring of the timeline of human language, the phylogeny of this human language, and the communication it enables.

Homo Naledi Meets Silvia Ferrara

Jacques Coulardeau

2023 • Éditions La Dondaine,

5 pages

Wednesday, November 15, 2023


Something new is wiggling in science




An article published in Psychology Research, David Publishing Company, 3 Germay Dr., Unit 4 #4651, Wilmington DE 19804, USA,, “300,000 (at Least) Years for Homo Sapiens to Develop Writing: A Review of Silvia Ferrara’s The Greatest Invention, Tr. Todd Portnowitz.“ Then my presentation on Monday, November, 20, 2023 on DISJUNCTURE vs REVOLUTION, POSTGRESSION vs. PROGRESSION, in Romania within the 8th MCDSARE Conference (November 20-28, 2023). The central question of the emergence of language and the passage from oral language to writing will be fundamental. All Information at IFIASA MCDSARE 2023 conference, Boerescu Zaharia, Târgoviște, Dâmbovița, Romania

 First, a video presentation covering the newly discovered Hominin Homo Naledi in South Africa, on the IFIASA site, presents this Hominin who had reached the level of transcribing his oral language into symbolical geometric signs around 300,000 BCE. Compare with Neanderthals who did the same in Gibraltar around 100,000 BCE, and with Homo Sapiens who did it in his European and Indonesian caves around 45,000 BCE. Who is the bad pupil? Who is precocious?

Second, the phylogeny of language from the emergence of oral articulated language to the writing of all languages. Writing is the transfer from oral language to visual engravings or symbols. This will bring up the question of freedom and freedom of choice in archaeological times for Hominins. Did they choose to use their genetic means to develop articulated language, or did they just do it without even thinking about it? Same question about transcribing their oral language into some visual marks, engravings or painted symbols for writing?


The third part on the Versailles Treaty and how it still dictates the present and future of the world will be kept for publication, soon, I hope. It deals with the ferocious consequences of this treaty. Hitler and the second world war. The Holocaust and the creation of Israel, and the impossibility for this state to come to a balanced cooperation with and recognition of the Palestinians. The constant changing camps of Ukraine all along. From 1918 to the early 1920s hostile to the USSR. The vast cooperation with Hitler and the Holocaust under the occupation by Nazi forces. The submissive cooperation with Stalin and the other leaders of the Soviet Union up to 1989. Their independence and the impossibility to live as a bilingual country with two languages, two separate branches of the Orthodox religion, the deep divide between heavy industry and other activities, etc.


All Information at IFIASA MCDSARE 2023 conference, Boerescu Zaharia, Târgoviște, Dâmbovița, Romania

Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023

Tuesday, November 14, 2023


Freedom for the survival of the many civilizations on this earth





From the article just published in Psychology Research to my presentation on Monday 20, November 2023 on DISJUNCTURE vs REVOLUTION, POSTGRESSION vs. PROGRESSION, the central question of the emergence of language and the passage from oral language will be central.


A video presentation covering the first part of the general topic with the newly discovered Hominin Homo Naledi in South Africa in the background, on the IFIASA site, presents this Hominin who had reached the level of transcribing his oral language into symbolical geometric signs. The second part on the phylogeny of language from the emergence of oral articulated language to the writing of all languages will openly be the question of freedom and freedom of choice in archaeological times for Hominins. The third part on the Versailles Treaty and how it still dictates the present and future of the world will be kept for publication.


Within 15-20 years our approach to the emergence of Humanity on this planet has run a tremendous distance and we can now envisage that human mental and cultural characteristics existed several hundred years earlier than we thought around 2000. Some of these characteristics also existed in pre-Sapiens hominin species like Naledis and Neanderthals and certainly Denisovans, plus some even older species. That’s why the brutal events we are still going through in our times are pathetic. And miserable.


The IFIASA MCDSARE 2023 is to be held on November 20-21 and 27-28, 2023 will be an important meeting with capital research on Human Life. Energy, Conscience, and Freedom. Go to and look for mcdsare-event. You will be welcome one way or the other.


Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023


Monday, November 13, 2023


Freezing Cold Mental Folies-Bergères




Have you ever tried schmucking a duck? Why would you not try with Ian the Extra-Sensory Schmilblick?

He is so smart he can get anything he wants from anyone he is able to look at in the eyes, and they cannot avoid looking into his eyes. They are his ocular prisoners and he can control their minds in a jiffy.

 Why on earth do some producers in the cinema and TV industries seem to make us believe there is no escape from this fatality that Doomsday has already passed and we are living in a fully doomed situation? Read today’s Bill Gates’ paper on LinkedIn: “AI is about to completely change how you use computers (and upend the software industry)” to see what they promise for in five years, vainglory and vanity in a big pot full of fighting black widows. If you love being beaten up on the head with a real baseball bat, watch the film and enjoy the great bliss of being already dead.

Don't believe it is a fable. It is not. There are people and laboratories that are working on such crazy hypotheses. Imagine such powers against those who are your enemies. You would win in thirty seconds.

Ne croyez pas que c'est une fable de La Fontaine. Il y a des gens et des laboratoires qui travaillent sur de tels projets, fous mais rentables. Imagin e de tels pouvoirs contre vos ennemis. Vous gagnerez la guerre en trente secondes chrono.

Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023

Genetics,  *  Cold War,  *  Dictatorships,  *  Paranoia,  *  GMO Biosafety

Saturday, November 11, 2023


We all have a countertenor in our mind




“Culture is what you remember when you have forgotten everything.” Then this CD is the most cultural CD in the world because it takes my first sentence, this classic motto in France, and probably other places just front-side-back, and then “Culture is what you have retrieved from what you had forgotten in your own life.” And I must say it is a good thing Philippe Jaroussky has retrieved these arias from what our “culture” had forgotten to remember and decided to forget.


These arias had been composed for castratos, but castratos had been expurgated at the end of the 18th century and in the 19th century and had been replaced by bel canto tenors in Italy and Wagnerian tenors in Germany. I guess they had been replaced by sopranos or mezzo-sopranos from time to time in these last two centuries, rather mezzo-sopranos because many of these arias have some lower notes that are not exactly in a soprano’s pitch. And that will be your surprise since Philippe Jaroussky goes down to these notes that are more tenor or baritone. He had used that ability to shift pitch in some concerts, but that was humorous. This time it is fundamental and it gives some depth and even sombreness to the music, and the singing, the father he incarnates in the last piece, the fatherly figure he would like to be with his lover before leaving for the war but he finds it difficult to impersonate such a figure because he knows he will die in this war.


How do you know you are going to die in the war you are sent to? Easy does it! Soldiers on any side of any war are always cannon fodder, corned human meat for the vultures high in the sky who will pick the best morsels when the fighting is finished. No one will complain since no pension will be attached to this victim of the patriotic war, because a war is always patriotic.


Enjoy the music, the singing, the words and their meaning, and remember it will all be forgotten next time around. No war, and no love actually too, is eternal. The end is programmed in the beginning, just like death is programmed in anyone’s birth. Happy are the great travelers, provided they can come back. We never remember the dead except when we remember their death with chrysanthemums on the day after Halloween, and all these dead people we remember one day a year are far from all being saints.


 Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023

Wednesday, November 08, 2023


Not all Donalds are ducks




The green horse of the apocalypse is death, and that's what the greens are only able to predict, except their own death of course. A convincingly illogical film. Bilingual for those who do not speak the one or the other of the two languages. Sorry for the other others, non-global dialects if not Patois.


They want us to believe the end is the beginning, at best or at worst a new beginning, a second chance. No, thank you! The first chance was bad enough. Let us die in peace.


Ils veulent nous faire prendre des vessies sans prostate pour des lanternes de garde-chiourmes de prison. Mais qu’ils nous laissent crever en paix et jusque là survivre dans l’oubli de ce destin mortel.


I don’t want to know what’s coming because I have enough trouble remembering the horror of what I have gone through up to now. It can’t really be worse. And if it is, let us lift our bottle and Glück auf!

Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023

Tuesday, November 07, 2023


The Human story started long before Homo Sapiens


Free to Bury their Dead & Write their Names


Homo Naledi did at least 200,000 years before everyone else things like using fire, burying their dead, inscribing symbols in the stone of their underground burial chambers. Either he was a mysterious precocious Hominin, or we have it all wrong about Homo Sapiens just the same.


Seventh Stage. From oral language to representation.

This shift will take place in two phases.

a- It will use representational images. We can only know what was done on durable media like rocks and cave rockfaces. But before that, they could have used undurable media like leaves, bark, and wood. They only came to bone, ivory, and stone around 45,000 BCE all over the world, most of them signed with the prints of the hands of the people who were there when the paintings were performed, and after, when they were ritually used for various ceremonies. Temples and rituals were not invented by Homo Sapiens after let’s say 10,000 BCE with Gobleki tepe, or some older temple yet to be discovered.

b- At the same time and in the same cave, and without any real paintings in the case of Nadeli, a whole set of geometric symbols were used,  and have been neglected up to a very recent period. Thanks to Geneviève von Petzinger, we have in her book (Petzinger 2017) a universal collection of such symbols. We cannot know if these symbols are the global representation of a ritualistic formula, only one word, one syllable, or one phoneme. Actually, that is not important. What is, is the fact it is some kind of primeval form of writing. And Homo Naledi had reached that level, but 200,000 years before everyone else, and that is a surprise. It might be denied later on, but nevertheless, we have to keep this figure in mind. If human beads were found in the Moroccan mountains, they must have been brought there by some Hominins, if not Homo Sapiens who is the only Hominin who had beads, then who? What’s more, that was in 300,000 BCE.


 Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023


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