Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Les Loups sont de sortie. Ne les faites pas attendre. Ils ont les crocs


Contre la montée de l’esclavage internautique il n’y a qu’une solution, l’imagination.
Contre l’émergence de la soumission à la fascination onirique et mélodramatique des enfers sociaux il n’y a qu’une fuite libératrice dans les bas-fonds mielleusement bouseux du délire.
Contre la montée des eaux il n’y a qu’une seule façon de ne pas finir noyés, et c’est d’apprendre à nager comme des requins et à dévorer les amateurs qui veulent juste barboter notre fric et flotter au-dessus de la mêlée.
Contre les brutes harcelantes qui pensent avec leurs hormones prenez le taureau par les cornes et enfilez-le par devant par derrière à l’endroit à l’envers et dites-vous bien qu’il en restera toujours un morceau pour le chien.
Ne vous en laissez pas conter de toutes les couleurs, jaune, rouge, noir, bleu marine, ou même vert, car en fait l’important est de n’avoir que l’amour de la peur du supplice et l’adoration de la frayeur de la croix.
Plus tu as froid dans le dos, plus tu souilles tes couches-culottes, plus tu as d’avenir dans ce monde : il n’y a pas de plaisir qui ne soit un peu foireux, à l’empoigne autant qu’à la levée des corps.
Il y a tellement de feu dans les mots et de fiel dans les points-virgules que ces histoires risquent de voue surprendre un peu et de vous titiller là où ça vous gratouille, mais que c’est bon de se grapiller un peu de jouissance dans la glu mesmérisante de l’horreur maravoûtante.
Alors prenez la route et allez-y franchement.
Au plaisir de vous voir écouter et de vous entendre grogner avec la bête.

Monday, October 28, 2019


Enter the Indian 21st Century

Crazy Brave and her Crazy Horse

Indian cultures, and the plural is essential, are being reborn or delivered again to this world that had tried to destroy them with probably the worst genocide ever organized, the Indian Genocide of the United States, plus, after the massacres, the deportation of the survivors to reservations and yet their property rights over these reservations were at once questioned and trampled
Their survival and their renascence are two miracles one after the other, and one inside the other, and vice versa.
Here Joy Harjo is a poetess that tries to give some life back to her Indian traditional culture and at the same time to develop it into a new life adapted to the 21st century, on the basis of the Post Traumatic Indian Genocide Stress Syndrome of all Native Americans and how to heal it by assuming it and integrating it in a new cultural and spiritual phase of all Indian nations in all the Americas, and North America first of all for her.

This rebirth comes at the beginning of what Indians call the Seventh Generation. The Seventh Generation Principle is based on an ancient Iroquois philosophy that the decisions we make today should result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future. This extremely prescient philosophy is currently somewhat overused as a “green” marketing ploy to sell everything from dish soap to cars. But it is also in line with the Maya Apocalypse of December 21, 2012, that introduced humanity into a new long count cycle.

The future of the USA as a just and open society will come from all ethnic philosophies that are being invented and born among all minority groups beyond differences and integrating all differences as the freedom to be different.

Publication Date: 2019
Publication Name:

Tuesday, October 15, 2019


La radio est un art pour faire froid aux frileux



Les chroniques quotidiennes que l'on obtient sur tous les médias et en particulier sur les réseaux sociaux ne sont que des histoires de violences, de tueries, de guerres, de tout ce que vous pouvez imaginer qui met en péril  la vie des autres, toujours des autres bien sûr, et cela vise à vous faire peur.

Pourquoi vous faire peur? 

Mais pour une simple raison. L''ordre établi prospère quand la peur règne sur tous les horizons. Est-ce à dire que la littérature d'horreur, la littérature fantastique, la littérature du crime et pretendûment policière, y compris quand ils passent sur les médias télévisuels ou internet, ne sont que des complices de l'ordre établi qui produit la violence, la haine, le racisme et la guerre? 
J'en ai bien peur, surtout quand ils prétendent ne pas faire de politique. Vous savez: "Moi, ni républicain, ni démocrate, ni extrême de quoi que ce soit, simplement pour le respect pour chacun d'entre nous de notre territoire, de notre culture, de nos traditions, car après tout, nous sommes tous ici des descendants des Gaulois Caucasiens Blancs Chrétiens Indo-Européens grands amateurs de cochon, de vin et de maisons closes, qui d'ailleurs devraient être largement ouvertes pour permettre la chasse au plaisir tous les jours et toutes les nuits., sans le moindre contrôle pour l'obtention des armes nécessaires à ces plaisirs."

Laissez-les jouir en paix!

Radio Craponne 1998-1999
Science fiction musicale de Jacques Coulardeau
en six parties
© 2018 pour la présente vidéo
Mise en forme en 2019 technique et grapphique par Annnunzio Coulardeau
sur des oeuvres plastiques originales propres.
Mise en voix et mise en forme technique audio par Jacques Coulardeau et Christophe Semez en 1998-99 pour diffusion différée sur Radio Craponne, Craponne, Haute Loire

Loups Garous & Vampires (4)

Jacques Coulardeau, Annunzio Coulardeau, Christophe Semez

Il s'agit ici de la quatrième livraison de tous les textes dont je suis l'auteur produits et diffusés par Radio Craponne en 1998-1999 dans le cadre de l'émission « Loups Garous et Vampires, La Descente sur la Ville » en partenariat avec Christophe Semez.
Ici il s'agit de vidéos donnant à entendre les textes mis en voix par moi-même et Christophe Semez sur des images d'Annunzio Coulardeau qui a assuré en son temps une portion de la technique en 98-99 et qui ici a la maîtrise de la création vidéo.
C'était un temps où après plus de vingt ans de travail de création en radio, j'avais comme une palette de voix dignes des meileurs théâtres de marionnettes. Sans fanfaronnades mais sans fausse modestie. Je touche d'ailleurs une pension SCAM à ce titre.
Mais le vent souffle et s'essouffle et il est temps de mettre toutes ces feuilles sur les arbres pour que l'automne les emportent aux quatre coin de la sphère terrestre

Nouvelles mises en ligne
Ligne de force





Maya Magic Maya Myth


I have been working on many languages in my long life, and I learned the language of my passport at the age of six at school. I still use my old creolized version of Occitan when I am “home” and I left that home definitely in 1976, but I went there a couple of times for short visits or a vacation.
I crashed Pali in two weeks, the basics, in Sri Lanka in 2005 to be able to read the Dhammapada since I discovered when I arrived in Sigiriya that I was supposed to teach the English of Buddhism to young Buddhist monks in Pidurangala Monastery.
I have been working on the emergence of Homo Sapiens in Black Africa and then their migrations out of Black Africa starting with their first migration to Northern Africa, mainly. And then the other migrations out of Black Africa to the whole world, which is slightly more than what Homo Erectus did in his own days. And I followed the phylogenetic emergence of human articulated language and came to the idea that the three vast migrations out of Black Africa correspond to the three vast families of languages based respectively on the first articulation first, on the second articulation second, and on the third articulation third.
That led me to the idea that Cro-Magnon spoke a Turkic language that is today surviving in Basque. Theo Vennemann came to that idea first though I worked on Basque with my first Research Director Jacques Teyssier in 1973, before leaving to go to Davis, California.
The mystery of the arrival of Homo Sapiens in the Americas led me to enter the field of South America and there I found a vast, rich, and ancient civilization based on stone, carving and cutting stones, and building monumental structures with stone. And the same way as Cro-Magnon and many others in all continents painted, carved and decorated their caves, and probably many other surfaces and materials with drawings and geometric forms whose meaning we ignore still completely because Deep Learning has not yet been used on these symbols, the Maya, before them the Toltec, after them the Incas and the Aztec and many other groups still not acknowledged, have painted, carved their stone constructions and developed, in what I consider must have been a good 5,000 years (BCE), a writing system that is still mysterious.
My hypothesis is that the people followed the same route as culture and language that developed along the way. Now it has been proved cacao had been developed in Bolivia at least 3,000 years before it was certified among the Mayas, the migration of the people and their culture came from the south. I am a phylogenic linguist and have always worked on old languages like Old Anglo-Saxon, Old Norse and a few more in the Germanic field, not to mention Sanskrit and Indo-European. I state from the start that we cannot go back and as Darwin proved with his theory of evolution we cannot reconstruct the past from the present we can only follow the same route as our ancestors and reconstruct the present from the past. We have to start with the need to communicate among Hominins, then what it became with Homo Sapiens who found himself, due to mutations that were selected for him to become a long-distance fast bipedal runner in the savanna when he came out of the primeval forest; who inherited from his Hominin ancestors some already developed first articulation enabling a larger lexicon than just nine to twelve calls like apes before them; who, from this first articulation founded on the rotation of consonants and vowels, was able to do a lot more because of the mutations I have just said that amplified the larynx, multiplied the flexibility of the subglottal zone and the articulatory apparatus, plus the deep sinuses. Then Homo Sapiens developed the second and then the third articulations. At each stage migrations happened and we thus have the three vast families of languages based on the phylogenic evolution of man’s speaking capability and of a language based on vowels and consonants, then on spatial and temporal categorizations, then on syntactic functions, the whole architecture being the result of the projection of the basic communicational situation into the linguistic means we are speaking of. The matrix of our syntax is always the basic communicational situation.
Maya became then a new challenge because the old writing system was all but originally arbitrary, like the Sumerian Cuneiform writing system. It was phylogenetically both representational and phonological (based on a syllabary, the simplest form of the first articulation, based on the rotation of vowels and consonants) symbolism. This written language, being integrated into vast paintings and sculptures, is quite obvious even the most realistic glyphs are symbolical of the meaning, and of the sounds going along with their referential meaning. I can even say that we will be able to understand the written language of Cro-Magnon when we are able to accept the simple idea that the geometric forms are symbolical of words and referents and that the realistic paintings are part of the symbolic process. So far, the paintings are on one side and the symbols on the other. Maya tells us that it is false: first of all these symbolical representations are based on a story, a language, communication, and the language itself when written finds its meaning in the rich, deep and extremely composite symbolical architecture of this written language that the transliteration of the last six or maybe seven centuries has brutally rejected. Only Marshall McLuhan has properly shown how writing is a tremendous loss on the basis of a phenomenal gain.
My idea then is that, if we want to fully enjoy the old Maya writing system, we have to get Deep Learning into the picture and identify all the recurrent symbolical elements that are used to build first the simple glyphs and then the composite glyphs, just like the strokes of the Chinese characters.
You will find in the seventy-odd pages below the review of a few books, including one on Celtic henges in Europe (starting in Gobekli Tepe in Turkey) that brings me to the idea that we have two human architectures, one based on circles, one based on squares, both targeting elevation, hence standing stones on circles and pyramids on squares. The two are not reciprocally exclusive, but they can work together. My idea is that the architecture of Maya written language is pyramidal, whereas oral language is always continuous, hence circular. This is the central working hypothesis of the third volume of my research on “The Language of Cro-Magnon.” The first volume was published as a Kindle book a couple of years ago. The second volume is ready to be laid out for publication, but this work will take some time still, and the third volume is how cultures evolve phylogenetically from one to the other, always in that descending temporal direction (even if borrowing may at times twist the connections). And that’s the only way to understand the link in Maya old culture and writing system of the number three and the concept of blood sacrifice, self-sacrifice as well as human-sacrifice. And that should make us think because the trinity of the Christians is the recuperation of the ternary pattern from “pagan” religions and the third character is the son (God and his Spirit are in the first verse of Genesis) and it is a blood sacrifice, both self-sacrifice for the Christians, and human-sacrifice for the Romans and I could add the High Priest of the Temple of Jerusalem.
Just enjoy the seventy-odd pages.









Editions La Dondaine, 1979
Jacques  Coulardeau

Linguists have to realize language is a living mental organism. It does not have chromosomes and it does not have any biological genetic history. But it has a phylogenetic history.
The main engine that creates and develops language is the specific and unique human communicational situation in which Homo Sapiens found himself 300,000 years ago. This is still true and this communicational situation provides the language it develops with a dynamic that is inescapable.
The second engine of language is its inner architecture that can only be what it is: three articulations in a precise order, phonology (rotation of vowels and consonants), morphology (spatial and temporal categorizations) and syntax (functional relations between the various categorized elements.
The third level is in fact the articulation between these first two and it creates discourse. No matter what level of phylogenetic development a language has reached, the discourse it will produce will take from the communicational situation what it needs to produce a full discourse at the three levels of phonology, morphology and syntax.
That creates and founds three vast families of languages and my main objective is to position Maya in this model and then to study how the written system they used went a lot deeper than just phonology but integrated a lot of cultural elements that have disappeared from the written language when transliteration finally became dominant. The cultural and mental loss is enormous, but at the same time, the educational and longer-distance communicational gain is enormous.
Then we have to recapture the cultural part that has been lost and we have to develop traditional and modern cultural products, including linguistic and anthropological analyses to provide rebirth and a second life to that distant culture.
Of course, the objective is not to reintroduce blood-sacrifice, but the objective is to understand how this practice of blood-sacrifice over more than one millennium has guided the Maya culture and civilization  into development and in the end, has misguided it into extinction, at least on the surface of things, and into its perduration in deeper layers of mental and psychic architecture and creativity. In fact, this blood-sacrifice culture has inspired the resistance of the Maya against all colonializations from the Aztec and then from the Spaniards.
I here present where I stand as for the language right now. In two or three years I will be far ahead of this, if Jun Nal Ye, the Maize God, lends me some more years of life.
The center of this research is the written language of the pre-Classic and Classic periods.

Publication Date: 1979
Publication Name: Editions La Dondaine

Saturday, October 12, 2019


By far better than Hercule Poirot

Jack Frost and Climate Change, 1979   Jacques Coulardeau

He is as cold as a draft in a subway under the North Pole. He is enigmatic and surprising, unforeseeable at all. Yet he is one pretty good copper who can investigate any crime and come to the truth 9.5 times out of 10 in a jiffy.
He is British, but from the North of England, which makes him more than temperamental and empathetic. He knows what suffering is but he has perfect empathy and no pity.
He is very harsh on criminals because he cannot really understand how and why human beings can be so cruel to other human beings.
Luckily he retires to a happy third life but after a severe and dramatic crisis.

Publication Date: 1979
Publication Name:


Stephen King and his Metaphor of Education

Stephen King, the Blacker, the Bleaker

This is the latest novel by Stephen King, and another is announced for, November.
This novel is a complete metaphor of the education system in our advanced countries that is pushed just slightly over the fence or down some cliff.
The motivation of the education system in our countries is entirely and uniquely political and ideological, literally manipulated, invaded and even colonialized by churches, when it is not sects, by ideological visions from communist to fascist, and they will all say they are neutral and are only teaching the truth.
But the worst part of it is that it uses all kinds of duress and punishment to impose a certain preconceived, prefabricated behavior in the kids.  And the only way is to resist, to rebel, to stand up, speak up and shut up in due time when some redress has been achieved, obtained, conquered.
Unluckily, the battle is clear, but the victory is uncertain, and even highly improbable.
What kind of leash can we put on the education system for it not to become a deportation camp, a concentration camp, a gulag outside Washington DC, or Paris, or London, or Berlin, or Tel Aviv? Is there a leash to hold this terroristic education system down in its kennel and away from its instinctive inclination to bite the caravan that has to pass in front of this beast shelter that schools are?
Enjoy Stephen King, and Long Live the King.

Publication Date: 1979
Publication Name:

Saturday, October 05, 2019


Better live in angst than die in fear



Contre la montée de l’esclavage internautique il n’y a qu’une solution, l’imagination.
Contre l’émergence de la soumission à la fascination onirique et mélodramatique des enfers sociaux il n’y a qu’une fuite libératrice dans les bas-fonds mielleusement bouseux du délire.
Contre la montée des eaux il n’y a qu’une seule façon de ne pas finir noyés, et c’est d’apprendre à nager comme des requins et à dévorer les amateurs qui veulent juste barboter notre fric et flotter au-dessus de la mêlée.
Contre les brutes harcelantes qui pensent avec leurs hormones prenez le taureau par les cornes et enfilez-le par devant par derrière à l’endroit à l’envers et dites-vous bien qu’il en restera toujours un morceau pour le chien.
Ne vous en laissez pas conter de toutes les couleurs, jaune, rouge, noir, bleu marine, ou même vert, car en fait l’important est de n’avoir que l’amour de la peur du supplice et l’adoration de la frayeur de la croix.
Plus tu as froid dans le dos, plus tu souilles tes couches-culottes, plus tu as d’avenir dans ce monde : il n’y a pas de plaisir qui ne soit un peu foireux, à l’empoigne autant qu’à la levée des corps.
Il y a tellement de feu dans les mots et de fiel dans les points-virgules que ces histoires risquent de voue surprendre un peu et de vous titiller là où ça vous gratouille, mais que c’est bon de se grapiller un peu de jouissance dans la glu mesmérisante de l’horreur maravoûtante.
Alors prenez la route et allez-y franchement.
Au plaisir de vous voir écouter et de vous entendre grogner avec la bête.

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