Thursday, March 21, 2024


Buddhism deeply at work in modern Chinese literature




Mo Xiang’s third volume of the saga on The Blessing of a Heaven Official is there in front of me and this saga is emanating with so much force that no one can resist the tanha that tells them “Go For It! There is pleasure in it all!” I am sure you want to discover the pleasure there is in these volumes, but remember the authoress is a woman and as such she develops a sweet, soft, and catching psychology that will turn you completely berserk if you do not keep your feet well anchored in the earth.

The King Ghost Hua Cheng from Ghost City is behind every move the ascended Xie Lian is inspiring or is inspired by and for. His meeting this Xie Lian after 800 years of supernatural and surreal life in our vast cosmos was so mind-stirring, intelligence-moving, and body-inspiring that the pure ascetic Buddhist he is supposed to be, nearly fell into the cauldron of eroticism. He managed not to fall, but that was very close this time since he was unconscious and Hua Cheng took advantage of the situation and pretended that he had to save his “friend” before he drowned, though Hua Cheng knew perfectly well Xie Lian could not drown, hence cannot die. But, well, Hua Cheng kissed Xie Lian unconscious as he was, I mean in his unconscious mind, because Xie Lian was unconscious, and thus he could kiss him since he could not protest. What a twisted and I guess tortured mind he is. He should try Buddhist meditation to hypnotize himself into plain decent abstinence.

But sure enough, the encounter with the Venerable of Empty Words promises to be a fair adventure in which Xie Lian’s mind and body will be chastised, abused, and even probably raped. There will be quite a lot of repair work to do on the psyche and the conscious rightfulness of our Xie Lian. I guess Hua Cheng will take advantage of such situations to steal a couple more kisses. Never trust a ghost because they have no soul anymore and they have no honor either. So, lying, pretending, and even impersonating what they are not to seduce their gullible victims is some kind of sport for these fuzzy beings, if they can really BE.

Enormous sagas, like this one, are no longer a standard form of literature in the West, apart from Stephen King and Anne Rice. But the Chinese have always practiced it and the new generation of writers in China are entirely committed to enormous works of literature in many different genres and styles. Soon these authors are going to hit the screens and not in stories for children like the Japanese adaptation of the Journey to the West.

 Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

12 Pages

Buddhism,  *  Poetry,  *  Cultural History Of Ghosts,  *  China,  *  Doctrine of God

Monday, March 18, 2024


Trum-an inspired Trum-p with a MAG-Forever. WHAT FOOLS!!




Oppenheimer is an essential character in US history. He is the left-leaning Jew who provided the USA with the Atom Bomb that enabled the US to defeat Japan faster than the planned standard land and air attack by the Soviets and the Chinese Communists, officially endorsed in the Yalta Conference ( 4–11 February 1945) by Churchill, Truman, and Stalin. Truman did not have the atomic bomb yet and will only have it in July 1945. So, he bluffed and agreed with the Soviet plan because he had no alternative … yet. He reneged his agreement in July-August 1945, and he dropped two atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. The victory over Germany was a joint effort. The victory over Japan was a self-centered and egotistic solitary procedure not even negotiated with the allies of the US. The United Kingdom might have been informed, maybe. But the USSR was not. The Americans were already and had been for nearly two centuries, on the “America First” and “Make America Great Forever” lines that we have known all along and directly since 1918.


And within 9 years Oppenheimer will be ostracized because he was leaning to the left and there were Communists around him. He submitted and disappeared in some sideline university job. He had nowhere to go, as opposed to Charlie Chaplin who went back to England. As a Jew, he could have gone to Israel, but that was not a real optimistic solution at the time. He might even have gone to the USSR with his communist wife. But he stayed put in the USA, in his closet-university-job. The film does not really explore this dilemma: hide away in the USA, go to the Jewish Israel, or go to the USSR. On one hand, it was his old depressive nature that came back. On the other hand, it would have been going back to his faith and his roots, even if it could have looked like treason. On the third hand, on yet another other hand, it would have been plain treason.


The special features on the second DVD do not correct this mystery and do not even envisage it, in real terms. Yet the bio-doc there insists tremendously on his left-leaning connections. If he had been black, he could have moved to Paris where Black American authors and musicians were vastly welcome. In France, he could have worked with the Joliot-Curies, though Frédéric Joliot-Curie was against working for nuclear weapons. He refused the demand from the French government. But The film and the special features lock Oppenheimer in a strange straitjacket of an obsessive psychotic prison, till the end of his life with only one single supporter named in the marginal side ditch of the story, John Fitzgerald Kennedy who voted against the ostracization of Oppenheimer in the US Senate. One vote out of – at the time – ninety-six.


I will regret that the special features did not insist enough on the basic, fundamental, and unethical treason of Joseph – like Stalin – McCarthy though in perfect line with the Monroe Doctrine of the Manifest Destiny of the USA to dominate forever the whole world. Imagine the frustration of all the MAGA supporters who will never see that, except if the USA starts the third world war with nuclear weapons. And try to survive after that.

No one can imagine what makes a film great in the West. It has to caress you on your umbilical egocentricism, and in this case the USA is the greatest entity in the cosmos, even if Truman is nothing but a nearly misspelled Trump.

 Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

10 Pages

Comparative Politics,  *  Jewish Studies,  *  Nuclear Weapons,  *  Yalta,  *  Modernism and Posmodernism in Post World War Two North America


Saturday, March 16, 2024


From MAYDAY to MAY-1968 in Paris





I brought together three films and series presented here both in English and French in anti-chronological order.

1-    The film 7500, 2019.

2-    The series Blindspot, 2015-2020.

3-    The film The Dreamers, 2003

If you take them in this backward order, you may understand that today’s world is not at all different from the one in 1968 when the Vietnam War was going on full blast, the Chinese Cultural Revolution was in full swing and the West per se was living its first full sexual revolution with the arrival of the baby-boomers to the full unquenchable desire to hormonally and fully enjoy life. Have some interesting reading.


There is little to say about such a film. It is just artificial entertainment that shows nothing and proves nothing. It is all stressing detail to keep the audience glued to the screen.


A very long series for very little apart from stressed and stressful situations that always end well anyway, meaning leading to a worse situation in the next episode.


Paris Spring 1968. We all know what happened then in France. The victory of the unions, the defeat of the left, and the impossibility for the left to understand that any “events” of that sort will always lead to the victory of the right in the next elections, and today we have to update the data and say the victory of the extreme right. It might be slightly more complex, but basically, that’s what it is and when the left wins this social-minded left will become conservative within at the most two years and it might even turn reactionary within these two years, at times even less. They like power so much.

 It's interesting to bring Paris 1968 in lilne with modern hijacking of planes and a five-year long series on plotting in the USA against the US government, first of all FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, etc. Terrorism always starts within the borders of the country concerned. Homeland Conspirational Terrorism.


 Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

10 Pages

Terrorism,  *  Conspiracy Theories, *  Cinema,  *  TV Series,  *  History, cinema, literature and theory in and around May 1968 in Paris.

Monday, March 11, 2024


What does Amazon have against divorced or absent mothers?


Too Tricky To Be True


Amazon Prime Video and Blumhouse Productions love dysfunctioning mothers who, in the name of their love for their children, are ready to kill anyone only on their gut feelings that this anyone is guilty of who knows what apart from the devil.

 The film is tricky enough to lure and fool the audience, and the horror of the racist and dysfunctional situation can be believed till the end when the trick is revealed. Note this revelation implies that all daughters from divorced or motherless families are by definition, even by principle, liars.

 You might also find the father falling in an ice-cold river under a blizzard of some sort funny, and with his winter coat on, and then he goes on parading around outside, in the unheated car, and even in some kind of social situation without changing his freezing clothes. Like at the Oscars yesterday the costume design Oscar was delivered to a costume designer wearing no clothes at all, except a small cardboard sign where sexually necessary for the picture, meaning that costume designers are so badly treated and paid that they cannot even afford to buy underwear.

A little bit more about the context, schools, religion, Islam and girls, divorced parents, single Muslim male parent, etc. would have maybe given some depth to the story and made it less artificial.

 Amazon Prime Video is aiming at and targeting what can be popular among the audience that does not want to think too much but wants to be disturbed, shocked, and even horrified, provided it can end at the end of the film or series. This film is typical.

Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

Islamic Studies,   *   Marriage and Divorce,   *   Liar Paradox,   *   Crime,   *    Single Parenthood

Monday, March 04, 2024


How can they be that biased ! ?




Emotional, strong, even powerful, and yet intellectually perilous science fiction. Imagine you can extract from a brain (if it is only the brain and not the muscles and the bones too) what makes someone that very particular someone, hence their “mental” essence, and then you can keep it digitalized on a hard disk of some sort in the cloud if you want. Imagine you can transfer this digitalized mental essence to another body and this other body becomes the new vessel of the digitalized mental essence of the first individual.


First of all, it is impossible to do this as of today and probably for quite some time still. Second, it is unethical to use the body or a brain-dead person as a vessel to contain the mental essence of some other body plain dead at the time of the shift. How can you get the consent of the one or the other? Impossible in the film since the first person is dead, and the second person is brain-dead. Neither can say yes or no. Why not transfer that mental essence of this dead person number one into a chimpanzee, so that his mummy can play with it as a family pet? No problem of consent or disagreement. Animals have not reached the age of reason and cannot say yes or no to anything imposed onto them in labs or nature. Why not endow dogs with a – Christian of course – soul?


The worst part is that the doctor or scientist who does this transfer is the fact she is the mother of the first individual who just died, and she tries to keep her son alive in another body. That is egocentric, selfish, immoral, and what’s more sexist since it is the mother, hence a woman, who wants to commit this crime against science. It can only work in the film because of the virtual situation created by hypnosis and manipulated by Virtual Reality. Add some Artificial Intelligence and you will have the perfect suicidal solution to the overcrowding of the planet. All the guinea pigs will become killers or self-killers because they will never be able to accept the schizophrenia of their double reality and the alienation of both personalities forced to live together. Who could be that criminal in their minds to imagine such torture imposed on human beings?


Death is death, and it is a great chance for humanity that we are not eternal. Imagine the overpopulation we would have if Neolithic people had been able to survive till today. In fact, today’s world would never have been reached because humanity would have self-destroyed itself along the way.






Une science-fiction émotionnelle, forte, voire puissante, et pourtant intellectuellement périlleuse. Imaginez que vous puissiez extraire d'un cerveau (s'il ne s'agit que du cerveau et non des muscles et des os) ce qui rend quelqu'un unique, donc son essence « mentale », et que vous puissiez ensuite la conserver numérisée sur un disque dur de quelque sorte que ce soit ou dans le nuage cosmique informatique si vous le souhaitez. Imaginez que vous puissiez transférer cette essence mentale numérisée dans un autre corps et que cet autre corps devienne le nouveau godet, coupe ou hanap, en un mot le vulgaire récipient de l'essence mentale numérisée du premier individu.


Tout d’abord, cela est impossible à l’heure actuelle et probablement encore pour longtemps. Deuxièmement, c’est contraire à l'éthique d'utiliser le corps ou une personne en état de mort cérébrale comme récipient pour contenir l'essence mentale d'un autre corps tout simplement mort au moment du changement. Comment obtenir le consentement de l’un ou de l’autre ? Impossible dans le film puisque la première personne est morte, et la deuxième personne est en mort cérébrale. Aucun des deux ne peut dire oui ou non. Pourquoi ne pas transférer l’essence mentale de ce mort numéro un dans un chimpanzé, afin que sa maman puisse jouer avec lui comme avec un animal de compagnie ? Aucun problème de consentement ou de désaccord. Les animaux n’ont pas atteint l’âge de raison et ne peuvent dire oui ou non à tout ce qui leur est imposé dans les laboratoires ou dans la nature. Il ne manquerait plus que les chiens aient une âme, naturellement chrétienne, cela va de soi.


Le pire, c'est que la doctoresse ou la scientifique qui effectue ce transfert est la mère du premier individu qui vient de mourir et qu'elle essaie de garder son fils en vie dans un autre corps. C’est égocentrique, égoïste, immoral et qui plus est sexiste puisque c’est la mère, donc une femme, qui veut commettre ce crime contre la science. Cela ne peut fonctionner dans le film qu’en raison de la situation virtuelle créée par l’hypnose et manipulée par la Réalité Virtuelle. Ajoutez un peu d’Intelligence Artificielle et vous obtiendrez la solution suicidaire parfaite à la surpopulation de la planète. Tous les cobayes deviendront des tueurs ou des auto-tueurs car ils ne pourront jamais accepter la schizophrénie de leur double réalité et l'aliénation des deux personnalités contraintes de vivre ensemble. Qui est à ce point mentalement criminel pour imaginer une telle torture à imposer à des êtres humains.


La mort est la mort, et c'est une grande chance pour l'humanité que nous ne soyons pas éternels. Imaginez la surpopulation que nous aurions si les peuples du Néolithique avaient pu survivre jusqu’à aujourd’hui. En fait, le monde d’aujourd’hui n’aurait jamais été atteint parce que l’humanité se serait auto-détruite en cours de route.




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