Thursday, December 31, 2020


Dramaticus Blues



Thursday, November 22


Illustrations, Annunzio Coulardeau, aka Hallah


The unnamed character in this long poem is trying to follow what is happening in his mind after the accident after he fell to the ground unconscious when trying to get back up after tying up his shoe. He is entirely locked up in his own self and he is even seeing himself from outside himself, he is the watcher, and the watchee is there lying on the sidewalk and then later on suffering on a hospital bed.


The trauma is deep and brutal and he may have lost his own mind at some time in this descent into pain, the worst pain being that he was no longer the master of himself, and yet he fought for some revival, some responsibility, for some modesty if not bashfulness. Suffering from being unable to hide, and passing water became an ordeal and he had to do it in spite of all.


This unnamed character is trying to follow the strings that are within his reach, trying to re-emerge from this deep traumatic cesspool in which he is some kind of floating half-rotten piece of wood that is losing its substance, impregnated with muddy water as it is. He pulls these strings. They resist. Yet he has to get out of the soup in which he is dissolving.


In his post-traumatic pain and corrugation, he tries not to get lost in translation as if he would be transmuted into some vaporous smog in a lightless empty void, floating fleshlessly and mindlessly. Some recollections resonate in his brain, torturing his desire to just pass away with the challenge to stand up and howl at his fear, his angst, his apprehensive revulsion. Going down the road feeling bad in the midnight hour when pushing the Dreadful Gate open.




More than dramatic poetry

Pathetic and diabolical

 Éditions La Dondaine, 4 décembre 2018)

Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. Format Kindle



EUR 4,40 – US$ 4.99   

Wednesday, December 30, 2020


Michel Caubet et son Dr. O'ZOOT

Docteur O’Zoot & Compagnie

Michel Caubet & Denis Lecat


Si Vous Voulez Briller En Société

(SVVBES pour les acronymiques)


Pendant qu’il joue au fils avec Christian Rullier en attendant sa résurrection, Michel Caubet continue à O’Zooter dans la semoule. Il est devenu un vrai roi du O’Zootage des animaux de Zoo qui nous entourent dans la société décadante qui est la nôtre. Alors il imagine qu’un verre de vin ferait passer les aigreurs d’un monde qui n’en peut plus de changer trop vite.


Nous sommes en 2032, 10 ans après la Révolution des Roses. Eglantine et Movar vivent en Bretagne, près de la Baie de Quiberon. Movar est conférencier, et son épouse lui inspire ses sujets. Tchang, un ethnologue chinois venu étudier les peuplades bretonnes, vit chez eux. Ils reçoivent souvent la visite du Dr O’Zoot, qui ne se déplace qu’en deux chevaux Citroën, un modèle ancien qu’il a adapté pour pouvoir se téléporter entre le Pital, au Mexique, et la Bretagne où il vit. La vie de ces 4 amis serait bien calme si un jour, un voyageur spatio-temporel n’avait débarqué chez eux : Panurge, tout droit sorti d’un roman de Rabelais. Sa franchise et son naturel va révéler bien des impostures. Et si l’Auteur, qui se targue de tout savoir, était l’imposteur suprême ? Car de tout ce qui nous arrive, qui peut se targuer d’être réellement l’auteur ?


Michel Caubet est né à Bordeaux-Caudéran, Gironde, en 1949 et est agrégé en lettres classiques. Il a eu une carrière d’enseignant dans l’île de La Réunion de 1993 à 2004, puis en Nouvelle Calédonie de 2005 à 2009. Il s’intéresse au théâtre en tant qu’acteur, metteur en scène et auteur depuis 1979 et il continue dans sa retraite poitevine à Marigny Chemerau. Denis Lecat est né à Bordeaux-Caudéran, Gironde, en 1962 et est architecte DPLG indépendant au Bouscat, Gironde


Format : Kindle

Taille du fichier : 7448 KB

Nombre de pages édition imprimée : 144 pages

Editeur : Éditions La Dondaine; Édition : 1 (27 janvier 2019)

Langue : Français


Prix : €7.45, autres monnaies voyez les sites Amazon.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Rien n'est impossible


Dans un Monde Sans Limites

Dans un Univers de Tous les Possibles

Dans ce Cosmos où les Héros Dansent

Sur les Cendres de Tous les Possibles






Alienating Religion AND Science


Sneaky Snake


Dan Brown is a master of riddles and other mind-twisters but he is not always that correct on history and certainly not on science. His advisers are trying to make him realize a few things but he is, as a character of Stephen King in some fictional prison would say, slightly obtuse. His interpretation and fictional use of Malthus is at least not exactly correct. That is good fiction. That is good thrilling suspense. But that is bad science and even worse politics. After we have to be satisfied with plain terroristic touristic roaming around. A cruise on troubled water., 2020

Monday, December 28, 2020


Shakespeare forever


In love with Shakespeare


After more than sixty years with Shakespeare on my nightstand table or in my pockets, I still cannot get away from him. I am addicted to Shakespeare not because he is English but because he speaks Shakespearian English and he is immortal. He is the most vampiristic playwright I know and you ask for more. No Brexit for him, be it only because he is beyond copyright even if his moral right is perpetual and eternal, like him.


Éditions La Dondaine, 2020

Saturday, December 26, 2020


Rêver en Hiver, Pour les enfants.


Éditions  LA DONDAINE – Olliergues

 Deux contes pour enfants écrits avec et pour des classes de Grands de l'École Maternelle Jacques Prévert de Tourcoing. Ils avaient cinq ans et ils inventaient semaine après semaine les histoires qui les faisaient rêver. Et ils devraient faire rêver pas mal d'enfants, peut-être pas comme histoire du soir, mais comme une histoire du matin, pour se réveiller. Ré-édition en fac-similé de l’édition originale de 1989 et 1990.


Monsieur Jacques & la Sorcière,

Tête de Mort Sans Trésor.

© Éditions La Dondaine et les auteurs

Reprint édition en fac-similé, Novembre 2020

8 rue de la Chaussée, 63880 OLLIERGUES

Langue : : Français

Diffusion : Amazon Format Kindle


€4.00    $4.75    £3.58    CDN$6.21


Thursday, December 24, 2020


La Fascination Obsessive de l'Ombre Compulsive


Un Monde d’Ombre Fascine


Une Ombre Traverse l’Azur

1 Ciel Vaut Mieux que 2 Edens

Grille les Ondes de l’Olympe

Xibalba et Walhalla en Direct




Wednesday, December 23, 2020


The Satyricon with Slavery on all Plates


Sklaverei über alles


The Satyricon is a perfect example of the society Rome represents. They invented many things like legal codes and yet most of their population was slaves or quasi-slaves euphemistically called servants. In this deep portrayal and satire of this society, Petronius and Fellini both insist on the central place of slaves in all they do. slaves for pleasure and sex. Slaves to do all the work in the houses of the elite or in the cities, or in the mines, or in the fields.

Yes, Rome was a country with Slavery Everywhere.

And that was a simple system. A small mistake = a good whipping. A bigger mistake = crucifixion. Slaves were of course used in all possible activities and as for sex or work seven was quite normal. The elite was eating and drinking machines, plus sexual automata working on a century-long Viagra reserve, plus their constant rolling and lulling in poetry, music, dancing, and other shows of the same type, including of course sex everywhere. A masterpiece in a way., 2020

Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Paleolithic Women




Printed pages: 80 pages; 

Éditions La Dondaine: January 8, 2020;

Sold by: Amazon, Kindle edition;

Language: English;


Kindle            $3.89

Kindle Edition           £—

Format Kindle              € 3,50


Alexander Marshack's book was first written in 1968 and published soon after. The present edition I have explored was entirely re-edited and upgraded by the author in 1991. The research, and the fieldwork, for this book, were done essentially after the Second World War at a time when new techniques and technology were emerging in archaeological research. Marshack assumed what was available and used that the best he could, and as such was able to bring Ice Age archaeology to a new level of understanding. But we must not measure what he wrote and published with the criteria and parameters we can use today in this field where technology and actual research have been speeding up so fast over the last ten or twenty years that have brought up more than the previous seventy years. Yet we have to assess Marshack’s work within the context of today’s knowledge showing not what he missed, but what he could not know, hence centering our evaluation on what he was able to do and he could have done with what he had at his disposal.

What appears clearly today in the field of Paleolithic archaeology is that we need to develop two levels of analysis that were systematically missing before. The first one is linguistic. All these paleolithic paintings, engravings, and sculptures were associated with some language, to be described, to be designated and to be used in what probably was serious rituals. That language was in Europe a set of Turkic dialects that have been saved today by becoming Basque.

But the next development needed today is to understand the social, and cultural position of women in this society only guided by the need to survive and the need to expand. Women were the key and center of this urgency. That's what Alexander Marshack saw and was not able to exploit, explore, understand. And that's what this book is all about.

Seven Paleolithic Venuses and one lion intruder.

Monday, December 21, 2020


Au coeur de la nuit, la radio résonne


Danse Nocturne Alitée


Nocturnité de la Cadence

Tempo Rythmé

Battement Dandiné

Symétrie Syncopée

Allure Amblée





La radio est un art qui n’a de beauté qu’au fond de la nuit entre une chauve souris qui pousse ses ultrasons et un hibou qui hulule sans fin.

La radio n’est qu’un balancement régulier sur une peau de tambour qui résonne dans no tympans comme autant de marteaux et baguettes qui dansent d’allégresse apeurée et de frayeur recherchée sur nos neurones auditifs quotidiennement bombardés de bruits et de musique sans le moindre sens, sans la moindre beauté, sans les moindres aspérités que seule la vraie vie révèle dans l’horreur radiophonique transformée en bonheur narcissique.

Sunday, December 20, 2020


Rule Syntactica




Pour étudiants ou enseignants d’anglais francophones


English is a living language and as such it has a living grammar. That’s this living grammar I tried to capture in this textbook or description. It is in French, except of course the quotations and examples. The ordering party at the time of research and writing wanted it in French.


But a grammatical description of a language cannot help you with speaking the language, at times not even with reading it. Beyond the grammar, you may learn and understand you have to develop a practice of the language. Nowadays I am only working with advanced students who are engaged in advanced careers in medicine or in hi-tech, for instance, Artificial Intelligence. Up to last year, I also worked in the very specialized field of payroll and payslip management.


The best method for “self” learning and teaching is to look for means to be in contact with oral and written English on a very regular basis and to be able to practice written and oral expression in English. Today with modern communication, the Internet, email, and the telephone, smart or not, one can have that constant contact with English, oral and written, reception and production.


That’s what I practice with the students I work with. I propose for example triads of activities based on documents available free in open source, both written (news articles and various reports) and oral (podcasts, news programs, films), and each stage of the triad (that has three stages) leads to a 1,000-1,200-word essay and a one-hour telephone conversation on tasks, topics set from the very start.

Friday, December 18, 2020


Trump, From the Apprentice to American Psycho


American Psycho OCD Tweets


American Psycho is a legend and Bret Easton Ellis is its prophet. It happens when violence becomes the normal expression of a repressed Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in a human being, generally the result of some trauma in infancy or childhood. What's more, Bret Easton Ellis's style is unique in this shift from OCD to, in his case, complex nominal composition. Enjoy the trip in the films and some literary extension, and then a very close study of the Obsessive-Compulsive Disordered nominal phrase complexity. Even Shakespeare would not have dared to go that far, even in A Midsummer Night's Dream., 2020

Finance,  *  Horror Cinema,  *  Obsessionality,  *  Crime,  *  OCD treatment,  *  Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


Radio-ci, Radio-là, Radio-toujours, Radio-partout


Surface Gris Anthracite, MAIS


Bien qu’Avec la Noirceur du Crime





 La radio est un média fascinant car plein de surprises. On y meurt ou parfois on y renait comme si la vie n’était qu’une didascalie, et la mort une ombre la nuit dans quelque forêt épaisse à une heure sans lune. On entre dans l’histoire et puis on y réside avec la force et le plaisir de savoir que quand l’histoire se finit, tout redevient normal, paisible, logique, tout retourne à la préhistoire et on oublie l’après-histoire, sauf bien sûr dans nos rêves qui sont peuplés d’histoires radiophoniques à en dormir debout sans la moindre queue ni la plus insignifiante tête. Et si vous ne la perdez pas, la tête, vous risquez fort de la tourner pour mieux voir le sang et sang-tir la mort, comme tous les sanguinaires voyeurs des accidents de la vie, ou de la circulation.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020


The triop has been long, in time and space


Homo Sapiens Out of BLACK Africa

It all started 300,000 years ago when Homo Sapiens became a fast long-distance bipedal runner, thus developing a respiratory system that enabled this transformation. The side-effect was articulated language, born from the new articulatory system these mutations provided Homo Sapiens as some collateral effect. And it is all founded on one articulatory potential: many vowels and many consonants that Homo Sapiens started rotating, thus producing thousands of "lexical items" instead of a dozen or a few dozen calls. That enabled Homo Sapiens to give to the symbolic function of Hominins before him the power it developed with conceptualization, also born from this transformation. That is the history of how Homo Sapiens became what we are, and it started 300,000 years ago in BLACK Africa.

Éditions La Dondaine, 2020

African Studies,  *  Geology,  *  Africa,  *  Migration Studies,  *  Phylogeny,  *  articulated language,  *  Linguistic phylogeny

Monday, December 14, 2020


Destin, Destinée, Destination Infra-Diabiolique


Destination Démantibulée


Destin Diaboliquement Détraqué





It is not yet too late to embark on some perverse Christmas story à la COVID-19. And you can enjoy as many fat real chestnut logs for this coming Christmas, with some heavy fluid stuff that looks like Canada Dry but is not. This year is the year that stands apart and we will remember it till death us parts, and that might be earlier than you thought.

Be ready for the big voyage overseas.


Good old traditional English serial killing!

 Beer, Brexit & Big Ben

London is lost between Cornwall, the Celtic colony of England, and Yorkshire, the Brexiting northern marshland. So, London is lost for ever and ever till the European Messiah has his Second Coming, some time within ... the bets are open within the scale between 2 and 5 years, with a compromise to correct the no-deal or the nearly no-deal non-agreement of 2020. Enjoy Big Ben reduced to being a lighthouse in the British night. Enjoy Tower Bridge that crosses only Thames Valley muddy marshes. Enjoy good old English serial killing crime finally free of any European immigration. Finally back together with our own people in the back barn of an English farm that produces real English mutton and pork for real English sausages and Sunday lamb roast with mint sauce. God save I don't exactly know what anymore, maybe the Halloween Pumpkin, seen as the Queen vegetable on this English everlasting Yule season., 2020

Sunday, December 13, 2020


Swoop down on AI before it does on you




Print length 277 pages


Éditions La Dondaine, November 4, 2020




Translating has always been a human activity, objective, and problem to enable the circulation of ideas, techniques, knowledge, ideologies, etc. Buddhism alleviated the problem by inventing a language, Pāli, that had no writing system and thus could be written with all writing systems, at least theoretically. Hinduism used Sanskrit, just the same as Tibetan Buddhists, at least in some basic religious activities. Greece and their Hellenistic empire with Alexander used standard Greek at the time to communicate in the whole empire. Then the Romans came and imposed Latin as the communication language. In these two cases translating became an immediate target, translating everything from the periphery into Latin for Rome to deal with it, and everything from the Roman center into peripheral languages for everyone to understand in the periphery. Chinese imposed the Mandarin writing system to all dialects of China and even to languages beyond that Chinese spectrum of dialects. The special case of Vietnam is interesting since the French colonial power enabled the Vietnamese to drop the Chinese writing system that was badly adapted to Vietnamese and replace it with a Latinized alphabet with fervent support from all intellectuals and endorsement from Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese Communists. Africa was mostly an oral continent except for the Arabic consonantal writing system used by the Muslim population when Islam spread into Black Africa. The various African languages started being written because the colonial powers imposed some religious, mostly Catholic, Protestant or Anglican, predication and proselytism built on the Bible, Old and New Testaments, that have had a very interesting history from old Biblical Hebrew to Latin and only Latin in the Western Christian churches, to Greek in the Eastern Christian Orthodox churches, to the Cyrillic alphabet, derived from the Glagolitic script in the Bulgarian empire of the Bulgarian Tsar Simeon I the Great in the 9th century AD (following the cultural and political course of his father Boris I in the same period as Charlemagne was imposing the first religious reform that was to bring feudalism in Europe). And starting in the 15th century, systematic translation into the vernacular languages and the printing of these translations.


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