Thursday, November 25, 2021


Talibans être beaux - Les Goguettes (en trio mais à quatre)

L'humour noir, genre Front National, décédé il est vrai, ne vous va pas car vous n'avez pas le ton de ce genre d'humour typiquement anglais. L'effet est désopilant et disturbant et déstabivilisant et en dernière analyse dans un public naf naf il renforce l'antisme de tous les réfugiés ou migrants mis sur le même plan dès la première strophe. ETC. Erratique Talk Chaud qui n'en finit jamais sinon avec un pogrom. Ce temps-là n'a plus cours chez les gens qui aiment l'humour, et n'oubliez jamais que l'humour noir est d'autant plus fort quand il s'applique à soi-même, comme engraisser les bébés irlandais pour les vendre au marché et régler ainsi la pauvreté en Irlande. Il faut être Irlandais pour dire cela. Il y avait un humour noir en RDA et il fonctionnait très bien/ Savez-vous pourquoi tous les bébés est-allemands ont reçu un petit pot avec l'image de Walter Ulbricht au fond? Cet hjumoour noir est-allemend est un tout petit peu plus fort que votre humour front national noir sur les Talibans. PEUT FAIRE MIEUX.


Jury Justice? Dangerous!

 Haphazard Jury Verdicts

Jury Justice is very variable, frankly haphazard. You may say crime justifies this haphazardness, but I do believe our justice system does not work properly. It is too often biased because the jury is selected on the basis of disregarding what they actually know about the crime and what they have learned in the media including the tabloids that are just like opioids lethal. This series shows quite a few cases of mistrials, of wrong verdicts delivered by self-contained jury in fake isolation. You can say the accused and convicted can appeal. Yes for sure, provided they have a good solicitor or defense attorney, which is expensive. 2021

Sunday, November 21, 2021


Que la honte change de camp !

Le harcèlement est un comportement qui révèle la profonde instabilité chez le harceleur, une instabilité avec une dimension sexuelle forte, pour les garçons dimension anti-homosexuelle forte, sa peur d'être gay et le besoin de se rassurer par une violence sur une victime de même sexe vue et traitée comme faible. C'est la même insécurité que l'on trouve à la base de la personalité des violeurs: se rassurer dans sa position de dominance en harcelan ou violentant ou simplement violant l'autre: harcèlement, violence sexuelle et violence conjugale ou à l'intérieur d'une fratrie, d'une famille, parents compris, et cela inclut le viol de toutes sortes possibles, absolument même combat. Il est iondeispensable de repérer et de soutenir les harcelés, mais il est aussi indispensable de mettre en traitement adéquat les harceleurs avant qu'ils ne passent à des actes ou ne causent des conséquences irréversibles. Le harceleur n'est pas un ennemi de la société mais un individu perturbé d'une façon ou d'une autre et qui risque d'avoir subi lui-même une situation traumatisante. (On peut repérer les enfants battus facilement par quelques symptomes ou réactions dans la relation surtout de contact y compris simplement social entre le professeur et l'élève, mais cela pose allors un autre problème: celui des transferts des élèves vers les professeurs ou professeures.) La logique du côté des filles doit être étudiée de la mêrme façon: soutien aux harcelées et repérage/dépistage et traitement des harceleuses. Le vrai problème est du côté du harceleur, et le plus difficile est d'obtenir du harcelé ou de la harcelée l'identité du harceleur ou de la harceleuse. Et en plus cela peut fonctionner en bandes (sens ambigu pour les garçons bien sûr car le plaisir du harcelement pour le harceleur a aussi une dimension sexuelle). Notons que les phénomènes de viols dans des opérations militaires sont exactement du même acabit.

Friday, November 19, 2021


Breakdancer or Breaksinger?

 Orlinski and His Divine Soul


Orlinski is a divine devil titillating our spiritual libido. Let your senses respond to his teasing. He is not teasing your physical senses but your sixth sense, the mind of the Buddhists. He is teasing you with a very strong and pure vision of the Christian God and the love we owe Him. No sensuous or sensational emotions here. Just the respect to the supernatural that is also the transcending dimension of our life. And don't believe he does not know what sensuous emotions are, physical ecstasy is. He is a breakdancer as well as a singer and as such he can feel every single fiber of his body straining for satisfying experiences. The devil I am speaking of is in his spirit, in his head, under his skull and his power is mesmerizing for the audience. Let him hypnotize your pleasure. 2021

Thursday, November 18, 2021


Stephen Breyer in COVID-land

 Justice Breyer is Dangling in a Social Margin


The Supreme Court is an intellectual virtual ghetto in which the justices are locked up from society and are thus protected against all sorts of social movements, pandemics, and other illnesses and sicknesses like ideological campaigns, advertising bombardments, and simple human and humane considerations. They are only dealing with the constitution, mind you, if you have a mind of course. They are only dangling non-modifiers in the margin of real-life and the comfort of the upper-class. 2021

Tuesday, November 16, 2021


Be sure there is asniper around every street corner


You will of course recognize some of the references to or recollections of other works by Stephen King. The most important one is probably The Shining since in the mountain-refuge the story comes to Bill and Alice can go on a short walk and come to a bluff overlooking a valley and on the other side they can see the place where The Overlook hotel used to be, a hotel that burned down to the ground in the old novel, or at least we can assume it did, and a painting of some the hedge or garden animals carved in some evergreens are represented in that refuge, in the outer summer-lodge, as a framed picture, and this painting seems of course haunted with a lion that seems to be advancing. That’s the only surreal or supernatural element in this novel that is, in fact, a story that wants to be extremely realistic.


The second element is the fact that Billy Summers is a veteran of the war in Iraq where he was a sniper. And this veteran is cast into the character of a writer in order to be, in due time, the shooter who will kill some other hitman for a serious amount of money. The novel here contains a detailed description of his mission or missions in Iraq and what came afterward, how he became a hitman for some criminals. He pretends he only shoots bad people, but that does not change the fact he is a hitman and as such has no ethical dimension at all. He has no reason to take justice in his own hands, even if in Iraq he just did that in his uniform, with many others as if it were teamwork – though it is purely colonial imperialism – under the US flag and the authority of the Commander in Chief.


The war in Iraq was a mistake and a catastrophe and a complete defeat. The book was written in 2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, and before the escape from Afghanistan in 2021, a debacle, a complete defeat since those they ousted came back into power even before the US troops and other personnel were out. The story about Iraq is that of a brutal, totally unjustified and unjustifiable invasion, with daily actions that were resented as imperialistic and traumatic systematic mass killings. It is summarized in one word, lalafallujah, from the Fallujah neighborhood in Baghdad the Americans literally destroyed, and this lalafallujah is set in parallel with LA-LA-Los Angeles, and thus, is just reduced to a bloody cinematographic long-lasting film that becomes military propaganda in the USA and that is military extermination for the Iraqis.


When you have digested this enormous crime against humanity, you may understand why some veterans become completely corrugated and berserk with PTSS or PTSD or paranoid schizophrenia, or any kind of drug addiction or any sort of psychosis. Bill summers who transformed his sniper’s talent into a real vocational and professional talent and competence is a rare case of sanity. He remains sane in his murderous profession, even if he is considered by some of his “employers” as simple-minded if not retarded, a simple person, not highly intelligent, not swift at all, and in no way – except his sniping – competent at any social or intellectual or thoughtful mental work. In fact, this dumb surface is a game, a disguise that enables Billy Summers to anticipate the moves of his employers, and that becomes important with the last mission of his because the order-giving client has decided to get rid of him as soon as his mission is fulfilled.


That’s the next level. How Billy Summers is extremely flexible and thus able to integrate any community under a fake identity with a fake profession, etc., for several months. He is intelligent enough to consider that getting out after the completion of the mission is his own responsibility and to organize it secretly as his alternative to the plan of his order-giving client because he considers that is not this client’s responsibility and thus there must be something fishy cooking under this piece of rock. Stephen King uses, in fact, overuses, this deductive power with some allusions to the use of the Internet, even the black Internet, and some acquaintances in the criminal world, to find out what is the real plan of the client. He thus is able to escape the client’s plans, to then disappear, and later on go back up the chain of command, clean up all levels that were not clean in the order given by the client to get rid of Billy Summers as soon as the mission was fulfilled. And that will lead him to the real client.



That’s where the story is well told but is not really logical. He had practically no time with Nick, the casino criminal of Las Vegas who was the go-between with the client, and yet he tells later on a whole long and detailed explanation about the client, who he was, what he did, the orders he gave, etc. Billy was not able to get all that from Nick, which makes the whole section where he tells Alice about it artificial and in many ways unfounded in the story itself. It is not because it is logical that it justifies it in the story as such and as told.


Along the same line, it is amazing how Nick was not really protected in Las Vegas against Billy’s invasion. He only had six people to protect (one to serve) him. And even worse the client, Klerke, is, in fact, living alone with only one security person in his enormous estate somewhere in New York. These top elite criminals normally have more bodyguards, security personnel, and furthermore servants, than a king or a queen in some European kingdom.


The end of the story, the fake one, told or written by Alice, as well as the real one told afterward by Alice again, save these weak shortcomings because these two endings are absolutely and amazingly emotional and humanly powerful. And yet something is missing in this novel and Stephen King is trapped by his own desire to teach a lesson – to whom indeed apart from Alice – about how to write a story. He certainly has it right when he says that the story itself is total truth and if it is the telling of real events, what the story tells about these events is the truth within the story, provided it is logical and consistent. The real existential and experiential truth within the events themselves for the people who took part in them is totally evanescent, inconsistent, and unnecessary because in the story only the characters have to be right within their own characterization. Stephen King does not teach us a lot about this, far from it. Any good reader knows that since it is the basis of the cathartic power of any work of fiction.


Another and last element I was kept dissatisfied about in the whole novel is the reference to Emile Zola’s Thérèse Raquin because apart from the title and the author, this fundamental novel of late 19th century’s French literature is not really specified enough for the readers to see how it may find its place in this novel. The Guardian proposes (excerpt) a brief summary of the plot: “Zola's Thérèse Raquin (1867) is a story of lust, madness, and destruction set within the dingy backstreets of Paris. The eponymous protagonist – a repressed and silently resentful young woman – is married off according to her aunt's wishes to her sickly cousin Camille. When Thérèse meets Camille's robust and earthy friend Laurent, a turbulent passion is unleashed that drives them ultimately to violence and murder.” (August 1, 2010[1]) It obviously has nothing to do with the situations experienced by the main characters. It’s not because Thérèse Raquin and her lover become criminals that it brings any meaning to Stephen King’s story in which the people who become criminals are, in fact, highly successful elite businessmen in the USA and even the world; or the victims of war like Iraq and Afghanistan, and no war of this type occurred in Zola’s lifetime; or the victims are made criminals by disrupted families. As far as I know, in Thérèse Raquin there is no kid of seven to ten years of age shooting cold-dead the violent lover of his mother after this lover has trampled the sister of the young boy to death. Some other references are more justified, especially those coming from the English or Anglo-Saxon tradition, like music for example. But Stephen King should get some advisor on French literature. The fact there is no connection between this reference in the first and the last paragraphs of the novel and the plot of this novel explains why there is no effort to expand this reference to some dramatic dimension.


But of course, Stephen King’s storytelling is so good that these shortcomings do not prevent you from or even slow you down in reading on from the beginning to the end, turning the pages so fast you may create a hurricane in your mind or Colorado.



Saturday, November 13, 2021


Death addicted, the poet reconstructs the spirituality of death


 A collection of poems known asf Le Condamné à Mort. Jean Genet is in love with death row characters who will be executed soon or deported to forced labor camps in Guyana to die there of exhaustion or malaria. His fascination for death is strikingly spiritual, but love is such a monstrous being, no one will be surprised by this poetic addiction., 2021   


Wednesday, November 10, 2021


Two Years To Revolutionize foreign language teaching


We will tackle foreign languages and their teaching all over the world and we want French to be one of these foreign languages: it is one of the major world languages taught as a foreign language, besides it is also an official language in many countries, especially in Africa.

Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11735.80803, 2021

Monday, November 08, 2021


Celebrate the northern wit of New England

 Invading Good Samaritan


If Lincoln had not been assassinated in the third act of this play, would it have been able to survive the 19th century? It is pathetic how an invader from America imposes his own elitist vision that saves the local British aristocracy from bankruptcy and at the same time he provides himself with a wife that just inherited the fortune he should have gotten if he had not been honest enough and revealed the will of the patriarch from America. No empathy to be wasted on this charade. But funny plays on words. God damn it!

The play only exists because of the assassination of Lincoln in the third act. Otherwise, what can you think of it? Anti-Indian, not to say racist, the blacks are totally absent, hence slavery is ignored, and the British aristocracy depicted here is vain and totally incompetent for the industrial society that is coming up. What can we do with this play? A vaudeville circus exposition in the form of a farce à la Grande Bartholomew Fair by Ben Jonson.


6-Star Palace, I guess in Dubai 2021

Saturday, November 06, 2021


Thinking means walking and running


Simon Prentis and the Origin of the Brain



The author is no phylogenist of language and despite remarkably interesting ideas and the a priori assumption that all languages can say everything in a way or another, he ignores the following elements and that is regrettable.


Publication Date: 2021

Publication Name:


Friday, November 05, 2021


From Covid-19 to Climate Crisis: No Vacation Time

 Psycho-Linguistics in this Brave New World


ISAPL Bulletin XXV n. 1 October, 2021

This issue begins with Dr. J. Coulardeau’s, ISAPL Vice-President, ISAPL News, also in French, calling for contrinutions to the 13th ISAPL International Congress and his contacts with international institutions and persons and respective results. We also began publishing the first ISAPL members’ papers, this time, Prof. I. Panasiuk’s paper “Translation Process from the point of view of translation polyvariety” under the translation didactics aspect, aimed at determining the translation process cognitive mechanisms, and J. Lanier’s works review by Dr. J. Coulardeau, specifically, Lanier’s 2017 book, Dawn of the New Everything, Encounters with Reality and Virtual Reality, his 2011 book, You Are Not a Gadget: A Manifesto, and his 1994 CD, Instruments of Change. We finisg this issue with a submission deadline extended, calling for texts, inspired by the discussions held during the 12th ISAPL International Congress to Signo journal, n. 88, v. 47, 2022.

Publication Date: 2021

Publication Name: ISAPL Bulletin

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