Tuesday, April 05, 2022


Slavery is bad, Racist Slavery is a lot worse


Slavery in the USA



I just published Slavery in the USA. Slavery was not invented in the USA. It has been a scourge of humanity and developed when agriculture emerged after the ice age in the Magdalenian around 12,000 years BCE. Anglo-Saxons in America were plain fools. They made it a real industry by systematically strengthening what the Spaniards and Portuguese were already doing, turning what was a crime into something like a holocaust. We have to consider tens of millions of people were imported as slaves to the English colonies in North America and probably fifty percent of the Africans captured or bought in Africa never reached America, and were thrown overboard during the voyage, mostly dead or plainly sick. and yet it was one of the most profitable commercial enterprises in the whole history of humanity. But the Anglo-Saxons based their reasoning on a fully racist opinion that became so deeply engraved in the American consciousness that it is the core of the US constitution and all possible corrections introduced since 1789 cannot erase the racism so deeply imprinted in the minds of the whites in these USA. White supremacy is the very starting point of America, and there is probably no cure for this sin, some will say, crime, I do say.


Éditions La Dondaine, Medium.com, 2022

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