Thursday, June 28, 2018


It's good to be on the side of the powerful

Did Trump Pay for this One?

You must admit that the common and standard series of some crime story that implies some political corruption, or business finagling, is becoming boring in the pattern that always leads to the defeat of the corrupted person, the finaglers, and the embezzlers. We all know it is most of the time not true. […]

Wednesday, June 27, 2018


Let's go to Paris, and it is not a long way to Censier

Psychomécanique, Cognition, Intelligence Artificielle


(Association  Internationale de Psychomécanique du Langage)
PARIS, les 11, 12 et 13 juillet 2018 à l’Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris III (Centre Universitaire Censier, 13, rue de Santeuil 75005 Paris)

Cognition, fonctionnement systémique des langues et psychomécanique du langage : aspects théoriques et applications

Research Interests:

Artificial IntelligenceLanguages and LinguisticsCognitionCulture and CognitionParis et Psychomechanics

Monday, June 25, 2018


Cheapskate Devil, red and communistic

Red Communistic Satanic Alien Just Arrived

The most amazing and pessimistic dystopia about humanity. Some Extraterrestrials, or Aliens, or both arrive on earth one day and impose the simple rule, one simple rule, and only one: NO WAR, NO DISEASE, NO POVERTY. But that’s been the dream of humanity since it decided to become agricultural and cattle-raising. […]

Sunday, June 24, 2018


Feudal Trump versus Global Xi

Feudalism Strife or Global Cooperation


This book is enormous. Two volumes with around 1,400 pages. It is a long saga, an epic some say, in a way a picaresque epic across the whole of China during the Han dynasty of the empire, when that empire was at risk because of internal strife and the incapability of the emperor to keep things under control, by his own fault (the own fault of several emperors one after another) and inability of building some kind of government that could be reliable, transparent and non-corrupted. […]

Saturday, June 23, 2018


Justice for so few

Please don’t dream: Justice is an accident for this Muslim Pakistani


This is a crime series of a completely different taste and feel.

It is all based on sloppy police work. Circumstantial becomes the rule of law and they arrest the one who is circumstantially indicated by the surface evidence and they do not try to find more, except, for the main cop, after his retirement, and in just a few hours he finds another trail, another track that should have been explored and it reveals a very serious criminal mind that goes free since the crime is attached to someone else who is of course innocent. […]

Sunday, June 17, 2018


Pour vos vacances, in horror and in English

Editions La Dondaine – Amazon Kindle Store

When passionate ardent zealous readers have spent fifty years with Stephen King and his books, his videos, his films, his comic strips, either they become berserk or they become truth diggers, fear miners, horror finders-keepers, like the three chaps in the tub, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick-maker, all of them with truth, fear and horror as the three maids, all rub-a-dub-dubbing with energy and intensity one another and each other and even themselves with rags, brushes and other hairy cilices.

Stephen King makes them obsessive-compulsive like most traumatized people surviving with PTSS. But their enjoyment is greater than anything you may imagine, and their pleasure can be cut up and minced with the butcher’s cleaver, and then wrapped up in the dough of a meatloaf before being pushed into the oven of the baker, and it all ends up with a candle-stick burning from both ends and being rub-a-dub-dubbed by the feverish shivering shuddering hands of the addicted mortified reader.

You will find in this maze of reviews and studies references to practically half the books and titles by Stephen King and half a dozen titles of books by his sons and a few other people, including a musical, and of course numerous films, series (mini or not) and videos. You have to enter the forest of these more than one hundred trees by assessing the table of contents and then letting you glide, slip and slide into the rich deep brewing witches’ midnight banquet with the devil on a sacred Black Sabbath celebrating the immolation of Isaac by Isaac’s father, the kicking away to the desert of Ismail and his mother by Ismail’s father, the two fathers being the same man in some sacred books revered by more than  half humanity.

Accept your fate and enjoy it. Feel the knife of the executioner ripping your chest open and then his hand dipping into it and uprooting your heart out of your body. Feel your blood seeping out and curdling on the ground. You deserve that cathartic experience to simply survive your humdrum routine-like everyday life. This catharsis might liberate your imagination from all death wish and death instinct, but it may also neutralize all your desire to forgive, pardon and tolerate all your libidinal charitable and generous altruistic desires to be good.

Let’s hope after that experience you will be able to step out of Stephen King’s universe and live up to the demands from society and regain some humane love for others. Be sure you will encounter in these books, videos, and films many monsters who will brutalize you in all possible ways, but be sure too it is your deeper desire to be brutalized by these monsters over and over again in the middle of the night. Stephen King is your most enjoyable everlasting nightmares


File Size: 1370 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Editions La Dondaine; 1 edition (June 9, 2018)
Publication Date: June 9, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
US$ 5.00, GB£ 3.80, € 4.25, €0.00 Kindle Unlimited

© Jacques Coulardeau 2018
All rights reserved in all countries

Editions La Dondaine
8 rue de la Chaussée
(33)4 73 95 59 17

Saturday, June 16, 2018


Three falls into hell and blazes, Trump style


centered on trying to understand 9/11 based on the various auditions and investigations afterward.

it reduces the justice part to as little as possible

 A strange situation, or maybe two strange situations

Friday, June 15, 2018


Two fables in the dubious but believing minds of people

Monte Cristo est une histoire mélodramatique

Long métrage double, le film familial type pour un dimanche après-midi ou pour une soirée longue le samedi en 1961 quand l’école fonctionnait à fond le samedi toute la journée, quand les usines tournaient de même et la semaine ouvrière était de 48 heures. Dans mon pensionnat nous avions un samedi sur quatre libre l’après-midi pour que les internes puissent rentrer chez eux. […]

Hitler’s Escape is a fable built on mud

There are so many ways to be perverse in this world. Making Hitler escape his fate and survive in Argentina to be abandoned by Eva who ran away with a black man. Then to be taken care of by a good Nazi doctor who had been an assistant to Mengele in Auschwitz, and this doctor decides to impose onto Hitler who is slowly falling into Parkinson’s disease all the various experiments he was forced to perform on Jewish twins in Auschwitz. […]

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


Beyond time and space, no mind and no language

Lovecraft and Chaos


Do not believe Chaos is in any way some kind of Brownian soup. It certainly isn’t, or at least we can question its being it just as we can question the meaning of the name of the author: “The Scarecrow is introduced into society as Lord Ravensbane […]

Sunday, June 10, 2018


Stephen King is the most powerfully addicting novelist ever

Editions La Dondaine – Amazon Kindle Store

When passionate ardent zealous readers have spent fifty years with Stephen King and his books, his videos, his films, his comic strips, either they become berserk or they become truth diggers, fear miners, horror finders-keepers, like the three chaps in the tub, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick-maker, all of them with truth, fear and horror as the three maids, all rub-a-dub-dubbing with energy and intensity one another and each other and even themselves with rags, brushes and other hairy cilices.

Stephen King makes them obsessive-compulsive like most traumatized people surviving with PTSS. But their enjoyment is greater than anything you may imagine, and their pleasure can be cut up and minced with the butcher’s cleaver, and then wrapped up in the dough of a meatloaf before being pushed into the oven of the baker, and it all ends up with a candle-stick burning from both ends and being rub-a-dub-dubbed by the feverish shivering shuddering hands of the addicted mortified reader.

You will find in this maze of reviews and studies references to practically half the books and titles by Stephen King and half a dozen titles of books by his sons and a few other people, including a musical, and of course numerous films, series (mini or not) and videos. You have to enter the forest of these more than one hundred trees by assessing the table of contents and then letting you glide, slip and slide into the rich deep brewing witches’ midnight banquet with the devil on a sacred Black Sabbath celebrating the immolation of Isaac by Isaac’s father, the kicking away to the desert of Ismail and his mother by Ismail’s father, the two fathers being the same man in some sacred books revered by more than  half humanity.

Accept your fate and enjoy it. Feel the knife of the executioner ripping your chest open and then his hand dipping into it and uprooting your heart out of your body. Feel your blood seeping out and curdling on the ground. You deserve that cathartic experience to simply survive your humdrum routine-like everyday life. This catharsis might liberate your imagination from all death wish and death instinct, but it may also neutralize all your desire to forgive, pardon and tolerate all your libidinal charitable and generous altruistic desires to be good.

Let’s hope after that experience you will be able to step out of Stephen King’s universe and live up to the demands from society and regain some humane love for others. Be sure you will encounter in these books, videos, and films many monsters who will brutalize you in all possible ways, but be sure too it is your deeper desire to be brutalized by these monsters over and over again in the middle of the night. Stephen King is your most enjoyable everlasting nightmares


File Size: 1370 KB
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Editions La Dondaine; 1 edition (June 9, 2018)
Publication Date: June 9, 2018
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Screen Reader: Supported
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
US$ 5.00, GB£ 3.80, € 4.25, €0.00 Kindle Unlimited

© Jacques Coulardeau 2018
All rights reserved in all countries

Editions La Dondaine
8 rue de la Chaussée
(33)4 73 95 59 17

Friday, June 08, 2018


Disappointing wealthy riskless adventure


One more of these books about a ride across and around the USA looking for some kind of epiphany, revelation, enlightenment that comes from easy-going and free-wheeling enjoyment of a trip that has no problem since you are running on a very expensive motorbike, with a very comfortable bank account and a credit card, and with a full family in the back that can always run to you if by any chance you end up in a hospital, or even a cemetery or a morgue. There is no adventure if there is no pain and work to experience all along to just survive and earn the little money you need to eat, find some shelter and find a way to go to the next stage when you have the money to do so.

This trip, like the one of Steinbeck in his Travel with Charley or the one of William Least Heat-Moon in Blue Highways, and so many others of any race or creed, is a leisurely middle-class (even upper-middle-class due to the expensive motorbike) vacation in a life that provides no surprise any more. And what’s more he learned little from the road and the people he could have met and spent some time with, but he did not, because his target is to go from one place to another and meet there pre-arranged people for interviews, and these people are intellectuals of some kind or other, university, academic or simply of the spiritual preaching type lolling in comfortable resources. So do not develop any illusion about this book. It will not teach a lot to the vast majority of people who have to work hard to just survive or live on. We are not dealing here with a survivor but with a temporary escapist who is looking for comfortable thrills from motel to motel, from gas station top gas station, from no danger to no danger, from no effort to no effort.

He is obsessed by Buddhism and most people he meets are referring to this philosophy, including the Dalai Lama and his Scientific Exploration of Compassion and Altruism. This version of Buddhism is designed and in fact reconstructed to fit with the American middle-class. Buddhism is not a science. Buddhism is a philosophy and it is based on three concepts: impermanence (anicca), cyclical birth-life-death ternary curse (dukkha), and absolute instability of self (anatta). Buddhism is based on the fact that anyone, any individual can, engage with enlightenment that is a personal eightfold path that has to be trodden by each one of us individuals with the only strength of our mind, solving all difficulties of living and even surviving day after day, to eventually reach the end of it, enlightenment itself, nibbana in one word. It is an individual and difficult path that we have to walk with the sole resources we have and if possible resources we have to earn at every single step with a begging bowl or with our work. And yet we have to think of others and serve them as much as we can with compassion and love because it is our positive tasks of generosity and support to others that give us the proper energy to activate our minds towards our sole aim and target: nibbana, our enlightenment that is all the easier to reach if we have a lot of merit earned in the past by our actions of compassion and love to others.

The Buddhist version you find in this book is reductive and very trite with some, especially the last two, opinions that overemphasize the individualism of our consumer’s society and the rejection of past and future in some kind of equilibrium that must only benefit our present, with an allusion to homeless people without seeing that their day to day life is not their choice, is not a liberation but an enslavement, is not in any way ethical or altruistic but only the result of some kind of victimization our consumer’s society is imposing on the weaker among us, and I should even say imposing it with even more force on the weakest among us. Think please to the many million people who were foreclosured by banks in 2008-2009 by the subprime crisis which was the cruelest possible experiment of the banks and the rich to impose consumer’s society and enslaving credit and mortgages onto those who could not afford such luxury, and then turning their enslavement into a way to make money through speculation by a very few minority and to the sole benefit of this very small minority.

I find this book in many ways a sorry excuse for a wealthy man to make us believe he has some bangs of conscience in front of his daily pre-programmed and over-satisfied over-satisfying life. And he dares wrap that up in some kind of Buddhist discourse, with no compassion for others, no love given to anyone else but himself and his own, no support for anyone or anything that is not in any way a hazard in and to his life of enjoyment with no crisis apart from the midlife crisis of a wealthy man. He is, in other words, the slave of the situationist selfishness he advocates with others: he thinks, lives and imagines only what his wealthy situation of a middle-class or upper-middle-class MAN (and I mean here MALE) enables him to see, hear, experience, reflect upon etc.

The trip across the USA from coast to coast and back with no credit card, with no money in the bank, with no more than a ten-pound bag of clothing, is still to be done. Imagine Of Mice and Men, with two credit cards, two bank accounts, no work along the road, and a safe haven in the back to which George Milton and Lennie Small could always have come back, safe and unmenaced, unchallenged. Enjoy the story of a saturated mind in a body that has never known hunger or thirst, even in the Death Valley. And he did not even choose to stop in KOA camping sites. He used motels. Shame on that touristic more than easy riding trip that would have shamed Wyatt (Peter Fonda) and Billy (Dennis Hopper) of an old hippy time film in which the two men and their Harley-Davidsons were at least trying to survive with nothing in their pockets and bags, except some marihuana, though they had some backland that was not entirely miserable and poor, be it only because of the Harley-Davidsons they were running. But they at least did not go to motels.

I was severely disappointed.


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