Tuesday, December 15, 2020
The triop has been long, in time and space
Homo Sapiens Out of BLACK
It all started 300,000 years ago when Homo Sapiens became a fast long-distance bipedal runner, thus developing a respiratory system that enabled this transformation. The side-effect was articulated language, born from the new articulatory system these mutations provided Homo Sapiens as some collateral effect. And it is all founded on one articulatory potential: many vowels and many consonants that Homo Sapiens started rotating, thus producing thousands of "lexical items" instead of a dozen or a few dozen calls. That enabled Homo Sapiens to give to the symbolic function of Hominins before him the power it developed with conceptualization, also born from this transformation. That is the history of how Homo Sapiens became what we are, and it started 300,000 years ago in BLACK Africa.
Éditions La Dondaine, 2020
Studies, * Geology, * Africa, * Migration
Studies, * Phylogeny, * articulated
language, * Linguistic