Sunday, November 08, 2020


Maybe a good dentist could improve these teeth!


Long-Toothed White Wolf Harry!


This Protest Poetry from the United Kingdom is both fundamental and badly-inspired but they sure have a muse that is more in this case "a letterbox" called Boris with a "mask" called Johnson. We have to study this active writing process that is a full image of one or two or maybe three of the multiple sides, and faces even if masked, of the British society that became Brexit in the wake of trumpism, or as an avant-garde of it, and is now confronted to a defeat in "fire and fury." For me, this strong and powerful poetry is comparable to some of the more political plays by Shakespeare like Titus Andronicus, though it may lack some of the symbolic surrealistic poetry of Mayakovsky in his agit-prop days.


He's the author of two ragamuffin traveling tales: Route Number 11 (about Harry's five-month drunken journey around Argentina; and across the borders to Paraguay, Chile, and Brazil) and The Road To Purification (which describes his mad-as-fuck pot-smoking trip around Egypt). Harry has also written nine collections of distinctive contemporary poetry, including Underdogs Unite, New Beat Newbie, Two Beat Newbie, and the award-winning Rhyme and Rebellion. Over the years, Harry has performed his poetry at the Portobello Festival, the Winchester literature fringe festival, and numerous open mic nights and gigs. These days, however, he prefers making fun and quirky performance vids from the comfort of his smoky flat. You can find his performances on this website. Harry's poetry has also appeared in five anthologies and you can find his wacky fiction in the unique book ReejecttIIon-a number two, which Harry co-authored with Daniel Clausen. On top of all that, Harry somehow finds time for his day job as an article writer and illustrator. Harry Whitewolf was born in England in 1976. He hopes to see world peace in his lifetime, and yes, Harry believes miracles are possible.



Poetry,  *  Protest,  *  Dictatorships,  *  Masks,  *  Agitprop

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