Monday, October 28, 2019


Enter the Indian 21st Century

Crazy Brave and her Crazy Horse

Indian cultures, and the plural is essential, are being reborn or delivered again to this world that had tried to destroy them with probably the worst genocide ever organized, the Indian Genocide of the United States, plus, after the massacres, the deportation of the survivors to reservations and yet their property rights over these reservations were at once questioned and trampled
Their survival and their renascence are two miracles one after the other, and one inside the other, and vice versa.
Here Joy Harjo is a poetess that tries to give some life back to her Indian traditional culture and at the same time to develop it into a new life adapted to the 21st century, on the basis of the Post Traumatic Indian Genocide Stress Syndrome of all Native Americans and how to heal it by assuming it and integrating it in a new cultural and spiritual phase of all Indian nations in all the Americas, and North America first of all for her.

This rebirth comes at the beginning of what Indians call the Seventh Generation. The Seventh Generation Principle is based on an ancient Iroquois philosophy that the decisions we make today should result in a sustainable world seven generations into the future. This extremely prescient philosophy is currently somewhat overused as a “green” marketing ploy to sell everything from dish soap to cars. But it is also in line with the Maya Apocalypse of December 21, 2012, that introduced humanity into a new long count cycle.

The future of the USA as a just and open society will come from all ethnic philosophies that are being invented and born among all minority groups beyond differences and integrating all differences as the freedom to be different.

Publication Date: 2019
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