Friday, June 07, 2024


The Backlash will be coming soon




Bernard Marr just published Generative AI in Practice (1), which brings together the matter he has been dealing with on his blogs: Artificial Intelligence from the simple practical point of view of a user along with a systematic question about what can the consequences be for the various jobs these users have? But the book is always schematic when it shows the negative consequences will not compare with the positive consequences, though bad or good, they will require a lot of changes in the way we work, the jobs available, and the mindset of the users.


Bernard Marr does not insist so much on the negative sides of GenAI, but he does list them, particularly all sorts of cheating by using GenAI to replace one’s own writing work, all types of misuse of the intellectual property of such mechanical production of text, images, videos or any other copyrightable product that the user presents as his/her own.


But he does not enter the details, and thus he remains superficial. The problems of misinformation, hallucination, and bias are a lot less important, even with deep fakes, though Bernard Marr remains superficial on such dangers. He considers these GenAI products more like patentable or trademark problems, which they are but that’s the only side or point of view of the businesses using this technology.


At the present moment, lawsuits are emerging on the Intellectual Property front with people getting ready to go to court for unauthorized use of protected data and items within LLMs, or the use of voices, slightly synthesized (hence plagiarism and plain theft) as commercial products sold with an unshared profit. I will concentrate, in the second part, on chapter 10 on education to enter some details I know from the practice of self-learning at many levels of the educational system. (2)


14 Pages – Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

Artificial Intelligence,  *  Learning and Teaching,  *  Self-regulated Learning,  *  Humanoid robots,  *  genAI

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