Monday, February 05, 2024


The Incas have been pushed aside for centuries, even by Tintin




(No French Translation) The Incas partly inherited and partly developed phenomenal agriculture in the very hard conditions of the Andes: desertic areas, difficult water resources, high altitude, no real draft animal, no wheel, and yet the Andes before and under the Incas produced miraculous results that the Spaniards destroyed in a few years with epidemics and mass killing.


It is easy to say the Incas were barbarians and that covers the genocide, the culturicide, the systematic uprooting and exposing of anything they could have believed or done, based on NO direct contact with them before the “conquest” that must have killed 50% of the population in two or three years with smallpox and other infantile and childhood diseases, plus a few sword killings when there was some resistance.


Unluckily, Gordon McEwan does not really come to a clear vision in his book because he only bases his work on what has been collected by others essentially on the only source of some Spanish colonizers trying to justify the massacre and apocalyptic colonization. The real barbarians were the colonizers, and it is their testimony that is nearly only taken into account. Archaeology is about one century behind what it is in other regions of the world.


Things have slightly changed over the last ten years, but we are still a long way behind what we should have done. That leaves the door open to some like Hunbatz Men pretending the Mayas, Incas and many other Indigenous Native Americans are the descendants of the humanoid people who were established in two continents that have disappeared without leaving any trace of their existence behind them, Mu and Atlantis. And then it is easy to bring in that the inhabitants of these two disappeared continents were extra-humans from some distant civilization who landed on earth and prospered and then found some humanoid animals there and civilized them. We are their descendants, I mean of these extra-humanly civilized humanoid animals from long ago.


Maybe we could simply ask some questions about the origins of the Incas, the Mayas, and many other native American peoples of South and Meso-America. We know the Native Americans of North America and Canada up to Greenland came from Siberia. But that solution is not, feasible for the Native Americans of South and Meso-America. But we are so mentally colonized by North American Protestant Puritans who believe they are the center of the world that research about South America and Mesoamerica has scandalously been neglected. Some mental colonization of this type is also a genocide since it excludes millions of people from what these North American WASPs call the “human race” which is of course white, etc.

Éditions La Dondaine,, 2024

11 Pages

Archaeology,  *  Genocide Studies,  *  Human sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion),  *  Andes,  *  Incas

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