Friday, January 26, 2024
Humanity can only be in Spirituality
I (Dr. Jacques COULARDEAU) have been working
with these researchers and this publisher for several, maybe many after all,
years rather freely as for the topics and the methods. They understand that
there cannot be any discussion if the people who are discussing any issue or
topic are not different.
Blindness is absurd when it is in the mind. Color blindness is racism under another name. Religion-blindness, like in France, leads to repression of some religious practices that do not want to be invisible, unseen, blind-struck. Poverty-blindness is a loincloth for the obscene rejection of homeless people, ungraduated individuals, marginal, different, at times autistic human beings.
That’s the first element I find interesting in this research project. It tries to listen to everyone and discuss all points of view from creationism to the vastest conception of the phylogenic evolution of rocks as well as boys, girls, men, and women, without forgetting poetry, films, music, arts, and science, all sciences.
I always remember André Joly’s angry remark
against Descartes, one of the French scientists and philosophers best known in
the world for open-mindedness, innovation, and logical research methodology, at
least as creative as if not more than Socrates and Plato teaching mathematics
to a slave boy of 12. Why André Joly’s anger? He had read Descartes’
introductory remarks to some scientific and philosophical book of his where he
explained that proving the world is governed by simple scientific rules and
laws that are said to be natural, is the best way to prove the existence of
God. André Joly considered God should be banned from any intellectual or scientific
activity. In one word, he was French. That was in the late 1980s.
Molière will always be the best, even in classic alexandrines (sorry no translation available of the following lines):
“Cachez-moi donc ce dieu d’enfer, de perdition,
Dieu de soufre
et d’encens. Ne jamais concevoir
Cette logique horreur
qui tue pure raison
Vous enferme l’esprit
dans le sang d’un ciboire”
(Molièr’, Scapin,
Tartuff’, Acte VI, Scene 3
Mais que
diable allait-il faire en cette galère) Comment
Coulardeau uploaded a paper
from the Committee office of Ideas Forum International Academic and Scientific
we are calling for papers written by much more professional authors. It will be
a great pleasure for Humanities or Social Sciences and Arts to present your
recent research results. To make a contribution to the scientific community,
you are invited to publish your precious unpublished papers in our journals.
2024 • Éditions La Dondaine,