Saturday, December 09, 2023


Once a punk, Forever a punk, Till you die!


PUNK-er than I you die!


Leurs racines dans la fange du ruisseau – c’est la faute à Rousseau – explique aussi leur engagement très fort dans l’antimilitarisme contre toutes les guerres sur le principe que l’armée est inutile par définition et que les armes sont des outils d’oppression et de rien d’autre. Un livre essentiel si on veut comprendre que l’idéologie de la jeunesse passe pour une bonne part par ses musiques. Mais une grande naïveté dans ce mouvement car les majors de l’industrie des loisirs ont vite compris que les CDs, les fringues et les produits « d’entretien » pour maintenir son look sont un marché juteux.


Their deeply rooted vision in the dirt and misery of some working-class lumpenproletariat explains their opposition first of all to the government, the police, the state and they became political anarchists advocating the uselessness of such institutions to enable people to live in peace and quiet, provided these people accepted to share responsibilities, means and objectives : self-government became their motto. They opposed any war and even the army as useless, ruthless and dangerous. They became total pacifists.


they advocated, most of them, non violence. They fought against any kind of discrimination : racism, sexism, homophobia, agism, and many others. Female groups became very popular and visible on the punk stage. They also got involved in the ecological movement. But they seem to forget, or neglect, the fact that they have been very fast recuperated by the major labels, by the media even, because young people are a market and CDs or clothing or beauty products are highly profitable.

PUNK-er than I you die!

Jacques Coulardeau

2023 • Éditions La Dondaine,

3 pages

Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023

Music,  *  Punk Studies,  *  Rebellion,  *  Obsessionality,  *  Anarchy

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