Sunday, December 10, 2023


Emotional Intelligence




To speak of Mo Xiang Tong Xiu’s novel, or rather series of novels, Heaven Official’s Blessing is difficult but fascinating. How can we deal with two young men sleeping together and yet having no carnal contact, which does not mean no hormonal or seminal activity, but definitely not shared? Why is the gay interpretation so easily cast onto this novel so fast and heavily in the West? So far, no answer.


Boys’ bands did not last very long in Europe, and we can wonder if they ever existed in North America, and we can also wonder if these boys’ bands were not an English specialty. But in Asia they are a very old and traditional practice. The South Koreans are the masters as for boys’ bands right now, and they last a tremendous number of years, even when they are no longer boys. We are used to these boys sculpted by exercise as if they were Greek statues and they never missed a chance to let the audience, let us see their abdominals or their nude body over the waistline of their underwear, trousers even partly open. No one, in Korea or any-else-where would say they are gay. Because they are not. For them, the eroticism on the stage that can only be shared by boys since there are only boys on the stage, is just that: titillating play on the stage directed at the audience, boys as well as girls. They might be shocked if you told them they are gay, because they are not, because it is not even the point. Erotic titillation is not sexual, only onanism for the spectators.


The Chinese are following behind, but they seem to be willing to bring boys and girls together in those young people’s bands. Will they succeed? That will have to be shown in ten years.





But MXTX is a young woman writer, and she seems to be quite willing to make her main characters in Heaven Official’s Blessing, two apparently young men though both are super old, one semi-divine in the heavens, the other a top ghost in his own ghost realm. They develop a relationship that is both intimate and spiritual, and yet their association is first of all the bringing together of their particular powers – that are great on both sides – to solve some cosmic and human problems in the human realm that is constantly invaded by supernatural beings who only want to exploit these not so swift humans: make them worship the supernatural beings, pay tribute (meaning actually give these spiritual beings what they need to survive and thrive in the human world, like temples and food, and eventually some more carnal pleasures.


Is this author, a woman mind you, playing with our penile equipment, or only with our sentimental and emotional need to be in love and cooperate with people who look as young as us and are of the same sex as us. Can these boys’ emotions develop into real love including carnal satisfaction. So far, in the first volume, it does not. We’ll see later.


Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023

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