Friday, December 15, 2023


Dear God, Give us our daily crime


Wishful Thinking IS Wasteful Dying


If you bring Charles Bronson to any city in the USA, the pile of dead people will double up if not triple in three days, and the fact the dead are bad boys, bad guys, gangsters, and other serious criminals, does not change the fact it is not normal, and the fear of the vigilante lasts as long as it takes you to go to the water closet to relieve your gutsy need. And you’ll find out they forgot to provide the toilet paper.


Life is just as bad as that, and death is not better since anyway how can we know there is anything beyond it? And if there is, you can be sure all those bad bros have managed to take some billion dollars along to buy the blindness of that poor Saint Peter who will not reject the baksheesh.


So, enjoy the dying criminals in the streets of LA or NYC. That’s going to be the only place where you can enjoy them. And if you are a good boy, you can be sure you will stampede movelessly at the very end of the queue up there because you do not have the gold it needs to bring your honest and sinless camel through the eye of the needle.


As long as those who srill think the way we used to in the 1950s in the time of colonial wars and the nostalgia of good law and order during the war, we will go on picking our guns and shooting in the crowd anywhere. It is no justice; it is just BULL.


 Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023

Criminal Justice,  *  Drugs And Addiction,  *  Police,  *  Crime,  *  Vigilante

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