Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Adam and Eve have played together maybe too much


What a pair! Brother Adam & Sister Eve!


Why on earth, or in hell, was Mysliveček attracted by this infamous couple, or simply accidental pair Adam & Eve who had to go along since they were the only ones, and Eve was created from one of Adam’s ribs for Adam to have a companion, meaning a play mate. And on they went, creating the whole humanity in their incestuous and in-breeding fornication, blessed by the snake, and condemned, not even by God who is absent, but by his angels.


Then what can we discover that could salvage the myth from oblivion and ethical rejection? Not much since the only excuse they have is love, but this love is nothing but physical appeal and physical consumption. The two angels, one of Misericordia, and the other of Giustizia, in Italian in the libretto, are supposed to represent God in his/its dual essence, his/its fundamentally binary perversion, punishing what he/it forgives and forgiving what he/it condemns.


The music could save the whole myth of this infernal couple born from mud, or clay if you prefer, same thing anyway, earth and soil, as Adamo’s name says in Hebrew since it is a shortened version of the earth Adamah. A couple of arias are very good, a duet of Adamo and Eva is good too, because the two voices are contrasted enough, though Eva would have been better as a soprano. The two angels are wrongly impersonated as sopranos. They should have been countertenors since we do not have castratos anymore.


Mozart liked this composer, and that’s normal since this incestuous and in-breeding tale could only titillate Mozart’s passions or emotions. He was not a free mason for nothing at all: “No Gods, and No Masters!” and that means “No rules!” because grammar and syntax are fascist, as a French Philosopher said somewhere around 1968 in the inner yard of La Sorbonne.


Éditions La Dondaine,, 2023

Book of Genesis,  *  Incest,  *  Hebrew Bible/Old Testament,  *  Inbreeding Depression,  *  Creation of Adam and Eve

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