Monday, October 30, 2023



The Human Life


It is in four weeks, hardly, and it is fascinating. How can we bring together science and spirituality, religious or philosophical? The only way is to have discussions among those who actually would define themselves as scientists or spiritual thinkers, religious or philosophical. It might be more difficult to make a philosopher admit he is a spiritual thinker than to make a religious mind admit that he, she, or they are mesmerized and fascinated by science.

And yet that’s the bet, the challenge, the enterprise. Do what Descartes wrote one day in one of this books: I use science to observe the world and thus prove it is animated by God’s intelligence.

Quotations : Descartes and his spiritual walking frame.

« Si l'homme est libre, c'est Dieu qui ne l'est pas. »

« J'ai conclu à l'existence évidente de Dieu, et que mon existence dépend entièrement de Dieu dans tous les moments de ma vie, que je ne pense pas que l'esprit humain puisse rien savoir avec plus d'évidence et de certitude. »

« Je suis comme un milieu entre Dieu et le néant. »

Enjoy the trip to the other end of reason and wisdom, where culture is both wise and reasonable.

Éditions La Dondaine, IFIASA, 2023

Religion,  *  Social Sciences,  *  Spirituality,  *  Visual Arts,  *  Human and Life Sciences

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