Monday, May 15, 2023


Buddhism and Psychomechanics


Psychomechanics & Pāli

   Jacques Coulardeau Université Paris 1 - Panthéon-Sorbonne


The subject of my reflection in this first chapter, that came quite late in my three months, emerged when I opened the Russian doll of the word « eco-cultural »  in which the cultural always seemed to be contained by the ecological. I wondered for some time what culture was at stake. I observed and read a lot and came to the conclusion that the cultural meant by this term of eco-cultural was the culture accompanying the eco-systems that were being defended, and if they were purely natural (fauna and flora), the culture of this approach was biodiversity and all it entails, or if they were social and economic (traditional indigenous life style), the culture was the biodiversity of traditional crops, traditional agricultural methods, traditional community life, traditional social relations and traditional entertainments, among which local rituals, religious or not.

The term thus used did not cover in its common acceptance the cultural heritage that is literature, music, poetry, architecture, history, religions and spiritualities, and so many other human creations, without forgetting the most important of them all, languages (in the plural because no linguistic area speaks one homogeneous language but always at least several dialects of this language, but most of the time some minority languages too, or « sacred » languages, for example Pāli for religious reasons in Sri Lanka along with Sinhala, not to speak of the « touristic » languages or the tourists’ languages, and of course Tamil, or Arabic among the Moslems, for religious reasons too. Which language is more important for an individual : his real native dialect (the dialect he learned from his parents), his religious language (the language he uses to practice the religion of his belief) or the official national language of his country (and what happens when there are two or more) ? I do not have the answer to that question but I doubt very much that it may and can be simple.

Buddhism is a trip into your own mind contemplating the world and meditating on the past, the present and the future as a continuous flow in time and space, because space is the basis of it all. We are from one spot and we live time in this spot. If you change that spot and if you move to somewhere else, time becomes different, and the language becomes strange if not foreign.

Temporalité et Spatialisation: théories et applications,

Casa Cartii de Stiinta, 

Cluj Napocca, 2023

Buddhism,  *  Philosophy of Mind,  *  Languages and Linguistics,  *  Predication,  *  Mental Models



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