Sunday, February 12, 2023


There is no cure for political senility, Mister-Master-Sir Biden


World Gased by False Fake-news

I just published World Gased by False Fake-news. The war in Ukraine is the war of the USA and the WEST with NATO as the tool for it against Russia and China to prevent the USA, the WEST, and NATO from losing their leadership in the world. There is a fair chance we will get a nuclear at least incident, if not accident, if not even war from this reckless strategy of Biden in his old age S(terile)-S(enility)-Delirium-Tremens. No cure for that old man, but you might cause great damage and we, only us, we, and ours will have to pay the damages while he will bask in the sun in a wheelchair. It is debilitating to see the power of the USA drift away from Washington and all press campaign against Russia and China leads nowhere and certainly not victory for Ukraine. How long will it take these over 80-year-old presidents, ex-presidents, and future presidents to retire at least and die away because they have reached their age of obsolescence? And look at the new head of state in England: he climbs onto the throne when everyone only dreams to retire in the countryside.

The war in Ukraine is a mental trap in the west and a clear scheme of the rich west led by Washington and Nato in the eyes of the rest of the world, east, north, and south. All that for the USA not to lose its domination of the world which it will never be able to keep. Too greedy and too dictatorial with mass shootings in the USA and spreading their troops everywhere. More imperialistic than the US you will die: they will shoot you before you can think a second time. And they will claim it's China that did it.

Éditions La Dondaine-Medium 2023

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