Friday, November 18, 2022


The psychological fear could bring a red tsunami in the USA




I just published BARBARIC APOCALYPSE. Women are just not worse than men. They are just the same. Blacks, colored, minorities, gays, lesbians, and all others are just as bloody-minded as any satanic devil. Torturing is natural for all of them. Enslaving the other groups is the basic rule for anyone and there is no exception. Raping, dismembering, and killing in any way you can imagine, slowly and brutally is the acme of this series. The basic question is for any elite in this series: how can I impose my permanent rule and who must I kill or exterminate to be sure no one will dare to question my authority that has to be divine in a religious way or in political perversity? 

We are shifting from a world dominated by one power to a world that will have to be multipolar, meaning at least three main powers and this goes against the grain of the dominant country today, the USA. Cinema and Television are producing series and films that try to drown everyone in an apocalyptic dystopic discourse.

Éditions La Dondaine, 2022

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