Friday, October 07, 2022


Mental Pali for Spiritual Buddhism


Pali and Buddhism


Buddhism is a religion of the mind. It does not believe in any creation or creator, divine or not, but it believes each one of us can change the world and our lives by using our minds to improve our lot. The Dhammapada is just the way you can follow to reach that wisdom which is first of all the control of your mind by your mind, and thus the control of your body, your speech, and your own thinking by this very mind. The most important values for Buddhism are the belief you can improve and you can be empathetic to other people, and hence help them improve by liberating their own minds. All evil comes from inside the minds of people who cannot control their emotions and their impulses, not to mention their thoughts. And it is always those who try to teach you you are evil who are the evilest people of all. Keep away from those who are trying to show you how wrong you are and how good you could be, especially by preaching to you the total freedom of the liberated individual for whom all others are pawns on their chessboards. And for these freethinkers, there is only one chessboard worth mentioning, the one each one of them has in front of himself or herself. A real freethinker is empathetic to all the minorities that exist around him or her or them.


Éditions La Dondaine, 2022

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