Tuesday, March 15, 2022


Left-wing Opportunistic Populism


Left-Leaning Opportunists (bilingual/bilingue)



I just published Left-Leaning Opportunists. They have cushy jobs in universities or various prestigious high schools. They have comfy salaries that make them upper-middle class. They teach between 14 hours and at times 3 or 4 hours a week. They have a cozy apartment or house in some city, and a second home for weekends and vacations in the countryside or the mountains. Luxury is part of the game. In many ways, they have nothing to do with the working class, though some might have been born in a lower-middle-class family. But they have forgotten what it used to be. Comme on dit en français, ils sont la gauche bling bling: l'âme près du coeur à gauche mais le portefeuille à droite, côté foie, hépatite alcoolique et diabète.

Kindle Book: ASIN: B09JN4W978

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