Friday, January 07, 2022


Trumpism before and after Trump


What a male WASP-dominated vision!


Women, blacks, aliens, all secondary, hostile, or treacherous! How can Steven Spielberg produce such a pre-Trump ideology? The series explores every negative reaction, segregational action, or egocentric and selfish violence that can emerge from human beings, in groups most of the time in a difficult situation. It is coming from fear, and all possible old biases a human being is able to carry in their subconscious and open consciousness. This vision is the worst possible imaginable catastrophic apocalypse that is not at all regenerated by the final fairy tale of the rebirth of the USA that is going to, be Made (A) Great Again and this came out over the last five years before the election of Trump during his long campaign for the Republican primary. How can Steven Spielberg fall so low? And that is not black humor. It will be taken at face value by millions of people., 2022


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