Monday, December 13, 2021


Russian Pianist's Shining Star


Daniil Trifonov, A Russian Pianist of Style


Another Slav artist, a pianist this time, from Russia too. This is a new generation of artists who have not known the old Soviet System, but they feel Russian to the core and that cannot be changed. Biden can't stand it but he believes he can command the world since he is the Commander in Chief. At times he looks like a ritualistic Great Priest of a new sect, but he is as dangerous as a real plague that has little to do with COVID-19 since he is a nuclear plague. Enjoy this artistic culture that comes from our eastern civilizations.

Slav artists are emerging in Europe, Russian, Polish, and many others. Music is their favorite field now they are finally able to rebuild their phenomenal greatness that was lost for a couple of decades because of the famous color revolutions that are color-blind since each one can only see one color, everything in one single color. Some call that democracy in a country where they do not like black. 2021

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