Monday, December 27, 2021


American Imperialism has no limits: keep IT/HIM/THEM/HER on a leash.


Catastrophic American Imperialism


US imperialism is the worst possible imperialism right now in the world. You will understand 1,000% why China is not going to yield to that kind of imperialism, even if military imperialism has been out of the picture since the debacle in Kabul that was nothing but a repeat of the debacle in Saigon with a few more debacles of the same type in Somalia and in Iran, not to speak of the hellish defeat in Iraq and Syria. It is not because US imperialism has been castrated of its military raping power that it is not dangerous anymore. Now it uses commercial weapons which are even worse in many ways since they target the poor of the world. You are telling me "In God, we trust" is their Christian faith? Bone Sorry, man, boy, woman and girl, daughter and son. They are no longer Christian, or they are a new "race" of Christians, the imperialistic Christians of the descent into Hell for everyone they dislike., 2021

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