Sunday, June 06, 2021


Post-Pandemic is knocking on the door


Online 12th ISAPL International Congress



June 3-5, 2021


The Conference ended just a few hours ago,

On Saturday, June 5th, 2021, at 18:30


Virtual Celebration and Beer for All



It is now high time to look at the future because the conference was a success despite the COVID-19 pandemic that has been bombarding us with confinements and travel bans. We just ran Virtual, and we made it an event.

 A new team is taking over and can start working hard for the next congress, probably in 2024, in a European locale to be defined soon. The starting point of this 24th congress is solid and firm. No quicksand under our feet and we hope the troubles of the last two years can be finally behind us and we will try not to look back, with or without anger.

 Our fields of research are numerous:

1- Teaching languages and all that can be taught in languages: reading, writing, performing, reciting, dramatizing, etc.

2- Translating and in this field, trying to invent a new method to translate and trying to devise a new procedure of machine-translating because what exists on the market does not satisfy our needs, though, for the most creative and inventive forms of linguistic expression, a translation-machine might never be good enough.

3- The didactics of foreign languages, either within a multilingual or a polylingual, or a simple bilingual frame. Along with the phylogeny of the acquisition of one first language or two first languages by a child starting even before his/her/their birth.

4- The discovery, collecting, and defending of all languages of all peoples in the world. We will concentrate on endangered languages first, international and global communication languages second, and then all other languages that are a heritage of humanity that has to be saved from minorization and eventually perdition.

5- The cultures contained, developed, and transmitted by these languages with the strong motivation to give all cultures the fullest possibilities to find a way to live for the speakers of these languages, and for the whole world, because all cultures are a heritage for the whole humanity, equally and unrestrainedly.

An Overview of the phenomenal task that is ours.

 Our main scientific commitment will be what it has been for now several decades, i.e., APPLIED PSYCHOLINGUISTICS.

 Psycholinguistics because in the 300,000-year-long phylogeny of Homo Sapiens, of humanity, two virtual dimensions developed in the real brain, first the mind, what the Buddhists call the sixth sense, and articulated language. Homo Sapiens became what we are by becoming a fast long-distance bipedal runner, which implied the mutation of our feet and legs, plus a whole set of mutations selected for that very object: running on our two feet long distance and fast, Marathon-like, to hunt or escape from predators. These mutations had one collateral side-effect: the development of articulated language that started thus something like 300,000 years ago, and this phylogeny developed, word after word, sentence after sentence, utterance after utterance, our modern languages that emerged in Black Africa and migrated out of Black Africa to Northern Africa first, the whole of Asia second, and Europe and Central-&-Northern Asia third, with the last wave of these migrations staying on the Iranian plateau. These migrations out of Black Africa were finished around 45,000 BCE.

 After the peak of the Ice Age, further migrations from Siberia and South East Asia will reach North and South America before the Peak of the Ice Age (19,000 BCE), and the last wave of the third migration out of Black Africa that stayed on the Iranian Plateau only migrated after this Ice Age Peak, West to Mesopotamia and then Europe, and East to the Indian sub-continent.

 We are trying to get a full picture of the phylogeny and history of Homo Sapiens to understand the linguistic mosaic of humanity, and this mosaic has to be preserved, protected, and validated because the mind and language developed, have developed, and are still developing along parallel lines, simultaneously and reciprocally. One language that dies here or there, and the human mind is impoverished and loses a few intellectual cells.

An Overview of the phenomenal task that is ours.

 But we strongly believe in the “applied” dimension of our science, and all sciences as for that. It means intellectuals, linguists, scientists, academics have to come out of their protected abstract and comfortable ivory towers and descend into the fields of real life, of practice, and to do this all tools, including the most advanced and those that do not exist yet will have to be used day after day, relentlessly, to change the course of our own species and of the earth. All those who will not do it will be left behind. We only know about computers, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and a few other tools of the type, but Virtual Reality is coming, and it will be in all our schools sooner than we may think. Jaron Lanier used it for Boeing to train pilots last century. After the present crisis that is running through humanity, revealing the inequality, injustice, and unfairness of human policies in the world, we will never go back to pre-pandemic normal, we will have to invent a new normal, just, fair, and sustainable.

 For education, which concerns us, applied psycholinguists, directly, the pandemic crisis has bluntly revealed the countries that have been able to devise a “new normal” by discovering that distance learning enables us to lower the number of students in the classes and the classrooms by alternating in complementary fashion distance learning and face-to-face learning, provided the educational system be able to promote self-learning for all equally as a right and a duty, and guidance from the teachers who will have to be trained, self-trained, innovative, and creative. We are entering the age of guided self-learning and soon enough beyond Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning we will navigate in the cosmos with Virtual Reality, not to entertain in a way or another (which will be possible of course) but to mine this cosmos for knowledge and bring it back to the class and the classroom for discussion, confrontation, and synthesis into working hypotheses that will be like stages on our road to more knowledge and a better life in the real world, with eventually a better environment on our planet, and the mission not to pollute the universe or the cosmos with our trash.

 I might not be one pioneer on this Virtual Reality frontier, but I can assure you I am a practitioner on the Guided Self-Learning front with the students I am coaching into becoming the English-speaking elite of the avant-garde start-ups of medical progress, among others.


Vice-President of ISAPL


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