Tuesday, March 16, 2021


Close to vaccination and back to traveling




I dedicate this paper to Julien d'Huy since he is the main target of the review and the main defense against the tragic and dramatic anti-historical science-fiction of Yuval Noah Harari. The Homo Sapiens species that took at least 300,000 years to emerge from their ancestors Homo Ergaster and Homo Erectus, of course, not Neanderthals and Denisovans with whom they more or less intensively mated, will not disappear when Ray Kurzweil's Singularity happens around 2050, for one single and simple reason: machines might become very intelligent but they will never be human and hence they will never have the intelligence of human beings, maybe something looking like it in the results, but not at all in the procedures. All roads lead to Rome, for sure, but some are definitely more human than mechanical. And Homo Sapiens has always improved his/her intelligence and mental abilities along with her/his inventions. At times that was not always glorious, like inventing slavery, but it was always a way to be more intelligent than his inventions. Thanks, Julien d'Huy.


I dedicate this article to Julien d'Huy who was the inspiration of this research. Mythology research definitely is the best way to stop anti-historical science-fiction, be it from the extreme left who dreams a blood bath, or from the extreme right who dreams the capture and destruction of the Capitol, or from all the uneducated populists, be they for making America Great Again, or be they for America is back.


 PEIJES 2021, Doi: 10.26520/peijes.2021.4.3  

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