Tuesday, February 09, 2021
Thinking Post-COVID-19
ISAPL-Special Meeting-Board
Congress will take place, delayed, virtualized, and digitalized, but it will
take place and it will be historic. A renewal, some may say a Renaissance has
to be programmed and it will take off on March 1st with the General Assembly of
the International Society for Applied Linguistics. A new board of managers or
governors or whatever you may like to call them, from all over the world will
be elected and the mission will be to prepare the 2024 Congress and to open
ISAPL onto the world it does not yet touch, thinking of Asia and Africa. An
enormous task on the table, or the desktop. Get involved and at least
interested. You will be welcome.
Discussion: The future of teaching and learning in
this age of Artificial Intelligence and digital direct immediate real-time
communication requires a complete rethinking of anything having to do with the
psyche and the mind, here psycholinguistics. How can we make our approach of
applied psycholinguistics open to the new challenges, including this world of
lasting pandemics?
ISAPL, 2021