Saturday, October 17, 2020


Looking for Fernando Pessoa in Portugal


ISAPL 8th Circ. 12th Cong 2021



Dear Colleagues,

I apologize for not giving any news, but the situation at Covid 19 in Brazil has been very serious and teachers like me have been overwhelmed with the work of preparing classes for students who are isolated in their homes, having to study in very precarious conditions.

The main purpose of the 18th Circular is to inform you that the dead line for submitting abstracts for the presentation of posters and for the regular sessions have been extended to March 3rd, 2021.

I reiterate that you check whether your name is correct, in the right Session or if it is not missing, in the Extended Provisional Program

The honorary members of ISAPL, Prof. Leonor Scliar-Cabral (Florianopolis, Brazil) and Prof. Maria da Graça Pinto (Porto, Portugal) along with the ISAPL Board members and the Presidents of the 12th International Congress, Profs. João Torrão and Maria Teresa Roberto (Aveiro, Portugal) welcome and invite all scholars and students interested in the area of Applied Psycholinguistics to participate in the Congress and in its scientific, social, and cultural activities.

This important Scientific Meeting provides an exciting opportunity to share information on research with colleagues from around the world, integrating basic scientific research with practical applications for the benefit of human modern life.

The special emphasis topic of the Congress is on NEW PERSPECTIVES IN PSYCHOLINGUISTIC RESEARCH: LANGUAGE, CULTURE, TECHNOLOGIES, having in view what Cultural and Applied Psycholinguistics can offer for the benefit of our contemporary world.


Applied Linguistics is becoming crucial in our world of COVID-19, a visitor that is here to stay. How can communication, oral, written, in absentia, in praesentia, virtual, real or any other means and media, continue in a world where face-to-face becomes dangerous, and research right now tells us we cannot expect immunity, due to anti-bodies' undetermined life span, to last more than a few months? What does it mean for education for example.


Sociology,  *  Psychology,  *  Psychiatry,  *  Languages and Linguistics,  *  Applied Linguistics

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