Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Inescapable Sanitary Tsunami Genocide

Columbus Dramatic Exchange

Sooner or later some human beings from anywhere in the world were obliged to come to the Americas and they were bound to bring with them the epidemics the whole world, except the Americas, had gone through and learned how to be immune to. It was Christopher Columbus from the Iberic Peninsula, but it could have been any Smith Smith from England, Braun Braun from Germany, Dupont Dupond from France or Belgium, Minh Minh Minh from Vietnam, or Xi Deng Mao from China. There was no escape, no way to avoid it, no cure, and no solution, not even the slightest alleviating procedure or solace. The health tsunami genocide was bound to happen. But what were the Americas before that instant catastrophe Christopher Columbus brought along in his ships?



This book was salvational in many ways at the time of its publication. It asserted the historical participation of Black Africa as far back as the birth of the Egyptian civilization. It insists on the leading role it played in some periods and it tries to find out in what periods there existed contact between Black Africa and the Americas. We cannot of course reproach the author with what he could not know in 1976. He could not know Gobekli Tepe, the surrounding settlements, the Natufian villages, etc., all going back to 12,000 years BC which is more than 6,000 or 7,000 years before the Egyptian civilization and 9,000 before the invention of the first known writing system in the Middle East, the Sumerian writing system too often identified as the Akkadian cuneiform writing system because the scribes were Akkadian speaking a Semitic language though the language was Sumerian, a synthetic-analytical language, probably post-agglutinative. Something like 100,000 years part in linguistic phylogeny."

More Info: The book is old in the field it is considering. The last twenty years have completely transformed our vision of what happened in the world after the end of the Ice Age, or even after the small icy episode between 10,800 and 9,600 BC.

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