Sunday, May 03, 2020


Puy de Dôme in Averoigne

Puy de Dôme et Compagnie

A nice book in French about the Chaîne des Puys in Auvergne, Averoigne in Lovecraft and Clark Ashton Smith. But it misses a lot and only sees the landscape of a region that is as old as the world and that has a culture so rich that even the least miserly miser would run to grab his share and steal it and put it away in some safety deposit box in a Swiss bank.
It is amazing how at times in this Auvergne or Averoigne culture is seen as a perverse disease that requires social distancing and quarantine. If they knew!!! But they do know and they just refrain from getting involved in such masochistic activities you call culture, especially if it has to do with religion and their political opposition. But what side exactly are they standing on? Their heart is balancing and swinging, even swaying, between the left, the right, and the somewhere in-between you may think of. 2020

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