Monday, February 10, 2020


They say Denisovans met Neanderthals

Serban V.C. Enache glides over it all

Read this review by Serban V.C. Eniche,, ROUMANIE, January 17, 2020. Alexander Marshack – in his revised edition from 1991 The Roots of Civilization – makes very bold statements. Some are incongruent with basic logic, like claiming the Old European hominins didn't know how to count and hadn’t the notion of time. It's one thing to argue that they weren't sophisticated, it's another to argue that they were clueless. With respect to counting, counting on fingers would imply a system of finger 1 all to way to finger 5 [10 on both hands], so even if the concept of say ‘342 tribesmen’ was foreign to them, it doesn't mean they couldn't recognize such a multitude and keep track of it, albeit in a much more complicated manner of accounting. Again, crude mathematics is different than no mathematics. [...]

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