Thursday, January 09, 2020


How wrong we had it all along!

Paleolithic Women, For Gendered Linguistic Analysis

This short book is essential to understand the shift brought by agriculture. The main change, apart from agriculture and herding, was the shift from a society centered on a territory with many exchange rules to avoid inbreeding, and with a special labor organization so that women could guarantee the future of the tribe, of the community and the network by providing them with enough children brought to full adult life for the species to survive and for it to expand and go on migrating. To a society centered on the control of land and the management of the work of those who had to till this land, and that led to a male-dominated society based and centered on the possession of this land. And in Europe all that was done in some Turkic languages or dialects that have become Basque in modern times.
Without this gendered approach of this Paleolithic society and this linguistic approach of their culture, we cannot understand the proliferation of what is called the Paleolithic or Magdalenian Venuses.

Éditions La Dondaine 2020

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