Saturday, January 11, 2020


Direct from Rome, language and didactics

Phylogeny commands psychogenesis

Articulated language emerged with Homo Sapiens some 300,000 years ago and it followed a phylogenetic route to become what it is today, with migrations out of Black Africa that determined the three great families of languages. The evolution of language and languages is the result of its or their inner structure and the role it or they play in the communicational situation they integrated into themselves as their syntax.

Learning a language, native or foreign, follow Learning a foreign language is then questioning and at times destabilizing the psychogenesis of the first language of a child or adult.

The didactics of foreign languages has to take this into consideration if we want the learners to mediate the shift from one phylogeny to another phylogeny.

Publication Date: 2020
Publication Name: Repères-DORIF

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