Tuesday, January 21, 2020


Be part of it or wither away


This book was published when Mahinda Rajapaksa was president of Sri Lanka but now Gotabaya Rajapaksa has been elected president by a landslide result it is getting particularly hot and to the point, because the five lost years from 2015 to 2020 can be repaired and pushed aside. Sri Lanka and the Indian Ocean are more than ever the center of the world's maritime commerce and those who will not be there in due time will be the losers. Europe is well-positioned to be present but the USA are not and there is no alternative that could make the US great again in the Indian Ocean, except if they want to be the military gendarme if not colonizer of this ocean. Some may think or dream about this, and they will have a very painful awakening with some political and economic hangover.  They should prepare their magic potion with Alka Selzer and other sobering substances.

Publication Date: 2020
Publication Name: Medium.com

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