Sunday, December 08, 2019


There is no end in plotting theories!

Who in Hell is this Nazi John Smith?

Some say populism leads directly to fascism, maybe even fascism. Are they right? And what would fascism or Nazism be in the USA? If, for instance, the allies had lost in 1945? That was highly improbable due to the Soviet Union, but with the anti-Soviet hostility of the Anglo-Saxon allies, everything could have been possible, especially if Truman had been president slightly earlier, and if this Truman had had the Atom Bomb in early 1944. But Stalingrad just made the dystopic tale improbable and teh Atom bomb being ready only in 1945, it could not be dropped on Soviet Troops in Poland, for example, or in Moscow. Everything would have been ^possible with Truman. But let's imagine it could have happened. What would it mean in the USA? Unluckily the Stephen King-ian method of having two worlds, one on top of the other with one passage from one to the other (Think of The Dark Tower or The Talisman) is weak at the end because none of the fundamental questions are solved: how will the two worlds reunite?

Publication Date: 2019
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